Last game you bought?

That’d be awesome! Thanks! Just DM it to me.


My over-produced new edition of Ra arrived. I very much love this game. Also, I certainly expected that I would be able to decide which edition I wanted to keep when this arrived, I still am not certain

So that’s exciting, but I already owned Ra, so how exciting could it actually be? I mean, these components are absolutely amazing (except for the weird dual-metal coins which are… adequate). These wooden tiles are truly wonderful in their tactility, as are the wooden bidding tiles.

As exciting as getting a game you already have is, something more exciting is the incredible results I just picked up yesterday from my local Kansas City No-Ship Math Trade

Gave Received
* Flying Colors Deluxe 3rd Edition Automobiles w/Racing Season
* The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine Ghosts of Christmas /w 2 copies of the deluxe components
Machi Koro Dream Home
Suburbia Yukon Airways
* Imhotep [1/3] Automobiles
[2/3] The Captain is Dead
[3/3] Comanauts w/promo
* Galaxy Trucker (2008) $10 (side trade outside of the math trade)

*: spare copy, still own the game just thinned out the trade/sale pile a bit by offloading redundant content (often gained by way of buying secondhand game bundles on the cheap)

When I saw the results, I was blown away. I wasn’t initially going to participate, but I’ve been trying to track down a copy of Automobiles for a while and when that and Thurn and Taxis were listed in the trade, I threw down my offers.

Still, I made very careful (read: stingy) offers for each of the items; accounting for the common secondhand sale prices from the GeekMarket, but also considering how the cost of shipping during normal transactions effects the prices people are willing to pay. Fortunately, many of my own listed games are basically barely worth the cost of shipping, and so I think I was able to slide into a lot of these trades by the simple fact that there was demand for games locally that didn’t have the secondary supply available here in town, and they just weren’t buying from other parts of the country and paying that much or more to ship them.

I think I may need to pursue a career in Secondhand Boardgame Economics based on how much thought I put into my offers.

Still, I’m so very pleased with each of these trades. Yes, I got two copies of Automobiles, but I knew that risk when I submitted my trades. One of them had the expansion included, which I was willing to trade more items for, while the other one had some “sweeteners” that I have little-to-no interest in, but might bolster my trade/sale pile which has shrunk recently as I’ve been moving games out (I owe a significant post to the Last Game You Sold thread!)


Two copies received. One includes the expansion, Racing Season, which adds a good amount of variability and looks very much worthwhile, but likely because that, the insert is gone. The other copy did not include the expansion, but does have the insert, but strangely seems to be missing one of the draw bags – I’ve sent a message to the person who traded it but haven’t heard back… it may be hard to sell on missing a bag =(

Ghosts of Christmas

I almost added this as an add-on when I backed the QE/Kabuto Sumo/Bites expansion Kickstarter, but decided against it since it looks like a nightmare teach (or at least, a nightmare learning curve) and I haven’t had a lot of luck getting card games played these last few years. But trading it for a duplicate copy of tC:QfP9 is a no-brainer. It did come with two sets of deluxe components; I suspect one from the trader (as listed in the listing) and the second from the game store that was facilitating the trade; on their displays for games, they have many with promos or deluxe components taped to the box – likely there’s a Allplay employee that frequents this store or its sister store and the store enjoys a discount or promotional relationship with the publisher – very likely they have a lot of deluxe component upgrades for games that a lot of people will just skip over, even if they look for and/or find them in the store. It was this same way that, long ago, I got the Badlands expansion for Great Heartland Hauling Company for free because the store own who was helping me said that nobody ever bought them because they weren’t shelved near the base game and the package was just too small to catch their attention elsewhere in the store.

Dream Home

This has been on my wishlist for a while. I was secretly hoping that it would come with the 156 Sunny Street expansion and that the trader was just unaware when listing it, mostly because it has a solo mode – not that this game is “for me”. I’ve wanted this as a family weight game to play with “casuals” and, eventually, my children. Sadly, no expanion included – oh well, it occasionally shows up with new stock at a variety of online and local gaming stores

Yukon Airways

Man have I been watching this game for a while. First of all, now having the game, I can say that Ludonova has simply outdone themselves with the production value. If I didn’t know better, I would have told you it was a Stonemaier game; the linen-finish everything with delightfully thick card stock; the little slider-switch bits and the resource dials that look like airplane instrumentation – everything is top notch and stunning.

It even includes a heartwarming history of the game where the designer discusses how they grew up in the depicted area at the depicted time and that his father was one of the pilots of who the players immerse themselves to be. I am very excited for this one and, as it has a solo mode, I shall be trying it soon.

The Captain is Dead

I’ve watched this one for a while and every time I see it, I think “ooh, that looks interesting” and then I read more about it and think, “oh, well, maybe.” And then I think, “Wait, is it just trying to be Space Alert? No, probably not… but I should play Space Alert.”

We’ll see. Of the random sweeteners, I may actually hold onto this one as it’s co-op and plays as low as 2 players (but recommended at 3-7, and best at 4-5, so there’s that).


I already own Stuffed Fables that I bought my partner years ago and we haven’t even opened the box to look at it. And the setting and exposition for Comanauts is just not as good as Stuffed Fables, even if the game might be better (which BGG suggests it isn’t).

On to the trade pile it goes!

I still have a pending retail order that hasn’t arrived yet (despite paying for it back in February) that is being held back by a pre-order. I had slowed down considerably on my purchases, but I think I will have a few games coming in soon regardless.

Speaking of slowing down on purchases… while I was at the game store, I wanted to show my appreciation to the game store for hosting the math trade and being very helpful (I had sent my games to be dropped off by another user who lived nearby; by the time I showed up to collect my games, everyone else had already left and the clerk of the store assisted me in collecting my things), I used the $10 I got for trading away my spare copy of Galaxy Trucker towards Ginkgopolis. It was almost in my retail order (that is still being held) but it got beat out last-minute by a different game based on listening to coverage of both games on recent podcasts). So I was glad to snag it, and perhaps it can be smug to the game that beat it out on the other order, because it found a spot on my shelf of shame before the other game.


The automobiles insert is a bit crap anyway.
My new copy back in the day was also missing a bag - perhaps it was a common issue. They replaced it for me then, but it might be a bit late now!:stuck_out_tongue:


Re: Automobiles and missing bags, mine was missing one too. I bought it second hand but it was still in shrink wrap and there was one bag missing, they sent me on a replacement for free. Always worth a try. I think it was a known issue on whichever printing it was that I picked up.


When I bought my copy at Essen, they were handing out extra bags as a bonus. I have no idea why. But I gave mine to another owner who only had four bags: maybe this was a manufacturing problem.

(It doesn’t feel a lot like a racing game to me, but I still enjoy it.)


Seems to be a pattern emerging. I suppose I’ll message that user and let him know that if he doesn’t know specifically where a fifth bag might be, that it is likely that it never existed.


My wife surprised me yet again when a package arrived today containing Pandemic Legacy: Season 0. Now I have it all, and still need to finish S1.


Not a game but for games. I bought some ceramic chips with some of my bonus money. Kings and Queens from They are easier to differentiate than my plastic ones that in low light made 10s and 100s look the same. These feel nice make good clinking sounds and I’m excited to use them. Also of note the shop didn’t charge me VAT so my import cost made the cost nearly flat to those advertised on the site.


That’s interesting. I got charged VAT last time I bought from there.

I’m thinking of expanding Apache Bank set to 300 chips and the lack of VAT has made that more attractive


There the children’s consignment sale going. Happens I think twice a year or so. Maybe four times. Last couple years they’ve had more board games. And it’s kind of hit and miss on if they have more than just generic kids board games.

Got this for six bucks. Actually might be like new circa 1998(99?) shrink wrapped feels old.


Is it possible to have a duel that isn’t to the finish? Could they duel… forever?


If Unmatched has taught me anything, eventually you will run out of cards.

Although we have not read the instructions yet see if it allows every shuffle.

Bonus points. It was new in the box. The cards are still sealed together.


Been a while since I posted in here so there’s been a couple of purchases.

Marvel Dice Throne - wanted a trashy dice chucked and this fits the bill
Paint the Roses: escape the castle - love the base game so this was a no brainer
Marvel Remix - it was cheap and actually a lot better than expected!

Not so long ago I asked everyone on these boards about gaming with a newborn around. It appears I’m over that, with two recent purchases: Spirit Island and Ark Nova.


Funko Godzilla Super Kaiju, on sale. Looked at it before and it sounded pretty cool, smashing up a city with a giant monster.

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I picked up Resist! yesterday as my birthday present to myself. I love Maquis and am hoping this gives me the same kind of pain!


Odd story. While at a store the other day, I saw a copy of Statego, and thought that it was a bit surprising that I did not own a copy.

Fast forward a couple of days and while I am headed to a different store, I pass by a house with a small pile of stuff in the yard marked “Free” with a copy of Stratego right on top. I figure a free used copy would work for me, so I stopped to get it. Only to find it still in shrink.

So I own a new copy of Stratego!


Went shopping, visited the local bookstore and was greeted by a couple of prominently displayed copies of Heat… decided to go see if FLGS had it. They didn‘t. Too bad, I returned to the bookstore and now I have my very own copy of Heat. It has not been available until now in Germany. And I haven‘t even checked if it is indeed a German edition or not… —which I will do now. (it is in German, so brand new just out…)

edit: also at the bookstore today, I had to think of the forum and took a picture


Found out the Big Box of Port Royal has co-op, which sounded cool.


Ra finally arrived!!!
My gosh, it’s so beautiful!!! Love games that are so elegantly packed with everything in its own bag. Such quick set up

Only criticism is it would have been nice to have a proper bag for the number tiles. Having one plastic baggy in the box with the great cloth bags is a tiny bit sad.


Also loving my copy of Ra, they really did a good job with it