Last game you bought?

I think I saw that in a BGG thread. :grinning:

Fake Azul are pretty common, hope yours are genuine.

Itā€™s from an overstock shop with absolutely no online presence, so Iā€™m pretty confident theyā€™re genuine

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Did your Mum buy that second (now-missing) copy of Azul when the first one went missing? And now the same thing has happened again? Is she sure she wants to give away the extra copies? It sounds like sheā€™s going to need them laterā€¦


Well, yeah that is the concern.

The other working theory is sheā€™s going to tile the bathroom/kitchen


I purchased my (probably?) last game of the yearā€¦ Sleeping Gods. The store I work at received 8 copies for the 12 people we had on the list waiting for one, but by good luck 5 of them had purchased it elsewhere (we received our stock on Monday but the store I work at is insanely busy so I could only find time to make the calls on Friday, at which point people had purchased from other retailers in Southern Ontario).

Iā€™m not complaining: means I came home with a copy!

Iā€™m really excited to get it on the table. My partner liked, but didnā€™t love, Destinies, and Iā€™m hoping the fully co-op nature of Sleeping Gods will mean that she loves this one.


It was my birthday Thursday, and my girls got some money from mum to buy me a present from The Warehouse. So they bought me Cluedo. Which means they bought me a game they wanted to play.

So I have Cluedo and Cluedo Game of Thrones now in my collection.


The Arnak expansion was in stock briefly today, but long enough to order a copy. Look forward to playing this over Xmas.


Iā€™ve traded for a copy of Space Worm, unsure if I want to keep it. So put it up for ā€˜if someone offers me this Iā€™ll sell priceā€™


The chips arrived :slight_smile:
This is only a third of themā€¦ I wish the 5 was blueā€¦ but overall these feel very nice. They have good (somewhat smaller) size and the design is good for a boardgame. Now all i need to do is convince my partner to play FCM with me :slight_smile: Or Iberian Gauge or 18DO ā€¦ hmm Leaving Earth doesnā€™t really have different denominationsā€¦ but ā€¦


Beautiful chips!


I was looking at those on my pokerchip quest. They are nice


I spotted a wild Seal Team Flix today, which had never happened before. Price wasnā€™t bad, either. I had some further good fortune as I brought this monster home on the same day I sold Fireball Island, so mostly a wash in terms of space.

[EDIT] Doubling back today, I hit the same shop and picked up a copy of the revised Shadows of Brimstone: Swamps of Death. I had waited what feels like an eternity to finally nab this (and hopefully the other revised core box soon), as I had heard about the update around the same time I decided one of the Brimstone games would be my entryway to Flying Frog.

I know we have a few FF fans in here, and Iā€™m wondering if they might have a little advice for someone looking to get his feet properly wet. Somewhere along the way I forgot they use proper hard plastic for their minis, which makes me far more likely to paint them and vastly more inclined to pimp out the game. I know Flying Frog likes money and SKUs. Any tips for a few good enhancements, either Swamp/Mine specific or just Brimstone generic?


I bought loads of games today :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: On Android and theyā€™re dirt cheap :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

  • Isle of Skye
  • Cottage Garden
  • Stockpile
  • Indian Summer
  • Love Letter
  • Zombicide: Tactics & Shotgun
  • Gaia Project
  • Game of Thrones

I think itā€™s Digidice and Asmodee Digital that are putting theirs on sale.


Itā€™s funny. I have purchased a number of digital board games, but it seems I will play them a few times and then almost never touch them again. Not sure why. I do enjoy them, but it just never seems worth the investment of time to play them.

Yet, I just bought Patchworkā€¦


Ooh, I might try Cottage Garden - the Indian Summer app is delightful!


From the angle of purely experiencing gameplay, I find them worth the investment with this sale Ā£2 to Ā£6 for a game Iā€™ll play for say 5 to 10 times is better than me getting the board game and try to fit it in on a games night and repeat that several times. Obviously, in the end, it differs significantly from person to person.


I buy the digital versions sometimes just to try out a game that would be more expensive to have on the shelf.

In the early days of digital boardgame implementations when there were far fewer I would play some of the better ones a few dozen times. Cottage Garden, Kingdom Builder, Ticket To Ride, Smallworld, Race for the Galaxyā€¦ these are all fantastic and those are still the ones I go back to. Among the newer offeringsā€¦ Railroad Ink I must have played a 100 times on the app. Finished (the game by Friedeman Friese) I have definitely played over a 100 times.

The Ticket to Ride and Kingdom Builder apps definitely ruined the actual physical games for me. Far too fiddly and I am far to impatient to wait for other players anymore.

But I have a lot of games I have only played a couple of times. But thanks to AI opponents sometimes that is more than I would get on the table except for multi-handing.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I think itā€™s marvelous that these digital versions exist! Heck, I probably would not own Spirit Island if I had not had the opportunity to try out the digital demo version (not paying $30 for the full version), and being able to try out a game for a low price is great. And again, Iā€™ve enjoyed the games Iā€™ve bought, for the most part, and if nothing else, sometimes an app has shown me that I have either no interest in the game (Terraforming Mars) or no interest in a physical copy (Twilight Struggle).

But, it seems every time I have some free time and my phone, I donā€™t load up one of these games I enjoy, but instead just check stuff on the internet or play a random puzzle game. I guess I feel like a game is a bigger investment of time than the random stuff I do otherwise, and donā€™t feel like committing to that.


I agree with that. Unless I can get regular multiplayer (rarely) I never play solo. Apart from Doppelt so Clever