Last game you bought?

Bought Z-Man edition of Taj Mahal brand new in shrink for £25. What a bargain considering how hard it is to find this edition

Wyatt Earp - one of the small box Alea games

The Hobbit by Knizia


A few smaller games…

Castles of Tuscany, bought it because we enjoy Castles of Ron, but the setup is a bit much. Maybe we’ll get more play out of this.

Lawless Empire, because it was cheap

Marshmallow Test - because I found a funny video of Reiner Knizia advertising it

Super Skill Pinball 4 Cade,cos it looked like fun, and who doesn’t like a good roll n write?

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It’s kind of cool that I managed to trade my unplayed beige Teotihuacan for a pristine copy of a Bruno Cathala game. It has to be an improvement. Also: my trading partner sent it back in the same box I used using my packaging. So I am glad I packaged my side really really well (leftovers from whatever KS arrived lately).

I keep checking ebay Kleinanzeigen for Tigris & Euphrates which is named “Euphrat und Tigris” (why did they change the order of the rivers in English?) in German and I figured out it never was all that cheap. There is a card game variant that usually goes for 5€. So now I have to decide if I want the “in shrink” 1997 copy for 35€ or not?

I like that better than the old theme

Saw Fantasy Realms slip back into stock, purchased with the Expansion

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Hard consonant and 2 syllables at the start, vowel and 3 sylables after the ampersand. I can’t tell you exactly why, but in English there seems to be some word orders which sound better than others.


In Spanish we also always call them Tigris and Euphrates in that order. Well, we change the ‘ph’ for an 'f", but we keep that order, which is what matters.


My last two arrivals. I already tried two handing Yamatai last night and made such egregious mistakes in the handling of one specialist that I had to end the game without scoring. But it is lovely and I think I made a good deal on this one (really I feel bad about Teotihuacan but I remember I was warned that that one is not for everyone). It reminds me a tiny little bit of Polynesia btw.

The second one has a bit of damage on the box… I have only ever played this on an old Android app that I am not sure is available any more. But with the Knizia classics seemingly doomed, I thought it was time to get myself this one. (This is the German edition of Through the Desert)


I always read the German as Durch die Würtse, which makes no sense. Of course it’s Wüste but still


It might have been Würste as well… as Germans are pretty Wurst obsessed (the number of idioms involving Wurst is ridiculous)


Through the Sausage


(worried camel tries to look dry and stringy)


Kind of accidentally bought a slightly dented (and therefore quite cheap) copy of Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid last night :thinking:


Dammit, I watched the SUSD review of The Red Cathedral, and…well, you know what happened then


A few pre-orders arrived last night, and they somehow included no new games, just expansions!

The 2 most recent Godtear champions (I forget their names), Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm which I’ve wanted for ages (I’m so deep on this game, but I love it despite the flaws), and…the Ashes Reborn 1.5 Upgrade Kit.

We have all but 2 (3?) of the original Ashes packs all grabbed on clearance, so for $25 this was a great deal. The changes seem to fix most of not all of my issues with the game, so it should hopefully hit the table more often…once I replace the over 350 cards for various decks!!!

I do plan to grab the 2 were missing (I think Assassin’s was dropped for 1.5?) as well as the new one that adds another set of dice. Happy to see this game get so much support that they were able to go to retail, especially as the subscription model from Covenant, that while vital in bringing the game back was just too costly for me to justify since shipping basically doubled the cost of everything.


Got to admit, I’m almost glad the crazy discounts for Ashes didn’t hit the UK. Happy to pay the ‘no faff’ tax of buying everything in 1.5. :sweat_smile:


I have the same box. One of the few games I have in not-English, because last year sometime I was struggling to find an English copy of Camel Go.

Did you preorder through Plaid Hat/Covenant? Or get the upgrade kit through retail?

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Top tip: There’s no indication on the new cards to tell you they’re the new versions, so don’t get distracted while you’re sorting out the cards and lose track of which is which!

That’s one thing that disappointed me. I quite liked having a deck that was dice independent, so I could play with people and let them choose whatever decks/dice they wanted and I could use whatever dice were left over.

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As I understand it they are planning to have a new dice-independent deck, but as part of the new material rather than as an upgrade to the existing one. (Yes, it was The Path of Assassins.)

I got some fairly deep discounts on Ashes 1.0 and I’m irked that boardgameprices doesn’t have a listing for the Ashes upgrade pack. :slight_smile:

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