Just was linked (from FB) to the podcast and was tooling around the forums. The setup is going to take some time to adjust to. But I wanted to make sure there wasn’t an intro thread, or something I should be posting “I’m here!” to.
I really like play by forum roleplaying, whether DMing or as a player - any system, though I’m most familiar with my homebrew D&D.
There’s a lot of ambiguity regarding where the SUSD crew is actually ending up, but it’s definitely encouraging seeing a forum with some posts already in it!
Hello, just following the SU&SD trend of visitors, hopefully will continue some good games discussions here, Thanks for the suggestion @RogerBW it feels like home.
Hello, I am sometimes called pillbox. I come from a far distant land- I’ll leave it to you to decide whether I’m referring to Kansas or the SUSD forums.