What are your weak spots?

I have yet to buy any VTM themed game but there are preorders on one of my online shops for some kickstarter something something heritage that are hard to resist… and whenever any VtM game comes up I drool over it but I am so scared of disappointment… I decide to wait and so far nothing ever popped up again after the Kickstarter.

I backed VTM Heritage, and to be fair it actually looks pretty good.


But I also got Prince’s Gambit, and that was exactly as terrible as it appears :slight_smile:



For board games, my weak spot is modularity. This is why I bought 504, even though I suspected it wouldn’t be that good.

For RPGs, I’m pretty good at resisting most things because I simply don’t have the time to read the ones I already have. But I am attracted to streamlined, smooth systems, especially if they are reasonably generic, and are not build upon pre-defined classes/archetypes/playbooks.

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Sorry, the next line should read “… but an island can be a component”.

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I believe that’s a dozen or so components…

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I’ll just add “Autumn leaves theme” to my weak spots.

(Sees “Indian Summer” and literally doesn’t care about the gameplay before putting it on a wishlist)


Definitely don’t check out Bosk then :laughing:


Ooooh. It’s got squirrels.


Unless his name is Madagascar

Sorry, old habit of making a bit of a niche reference

https://youtu.be/qRLl6Tm1QOY (context)

Went over my friends’ heads when I named my Seafall persona Madagascar Mackay too

Definite weak spot: the game is simply “memorise 7 symbols”, but the box and components, including a play cloth, make me want it even though I have no interest in playing it.

I was listening to the latest NPI podcast yesterday and that did a decent job of inoculating me against it.


As a history student, my main weak spot is definitely games with an historical theme. And the second one is card driven 2-player games (partly because getting more than one other person to play a game atm feels like a fever dream). So combine that and you’ll get games like Twilight Struggle, Watergate, Wir sind das Volk, 1960 Making of the President and 1989 Dawn of Freedom. The last two of that list I haven’t even played yet, but am very tempted to buy for this very reason.

And Wir sind das Volk (We are the People is the English name I believe) has a special place in my gaming heart, because the subject of my master thesis is one of the cards in the game. Annoyingly, it’s also the only card in the game where the in-game effect of the event doesn’t correspond to the real life event :sweat_smile:


I’m bifucated. One of the hand, I LOVE to get nice crunchy games that have complementary design and art. Pax Pamir, Brass Birmingham. Even less crunchy ones like War of Whispers.

But I can’t get a good set of players for those regularly, so my second weakness is games that are fast moving (in the 30-45 minute range) that can be taught easily. Quacks, Azul, Barenpark, Flamme Rouge (best race game ever). The only problem is that I feel that I have enough slots filled on this one.


I am so excited, a group from my gaming guild has started a monthly long games Saturday session. So excited to be able to join on the 30th! Eclipse, here we go (rubs hands)!


I know a few people with collections like that.