Twilight Struggle PBF, public thread

Right, let’s go for it then.

i think posting the names with the respective ops should be enough. If someone is not sure about the event of the card, you could always scroll back. It’s not perfect, but for experienced players it should be enough to follow your moves.

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I’ll edit my last reply to you.


Agree with Chris. If youte approaching Pakistan or Thailand, put more than 2. Youre gonna get a coup whether you like it or not.


Let’s see if this works


If you need technical advice, ask a 12 year old


A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.

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Nasser coup is smart, but unfortunately you rolled a 1.

I can easily send you hand images. I will email a zip file after I write this.

I coup Panama with COMECON, roll a 6(!)

Map and cards to come

There’s no coup target, so I think CIA for influence, played into Pakistan (that or Thailand).

I’ll have two more ops from Vietnam Revolts in a future round.

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I say Thailand, so you can put all the Vietnam Revolts influence there too, and overcontrol it - else it can be taken by the China Card without a coup.


Good thoughts

Anyone else got thoughts?

For newer players,

Twilight Strategy

This is an excellent website that gives a lot of background on the cards. It’s a bit of a rabbit hole


Chris is spot on. Vietnam Revolts will give Thailand to USSR, if you leave it open.

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Ok. I’ll send it over.


Space US/Japan roll 4, no advance

Map to follow

We’ve used Warsaw Pact

The consensus last night was Vietnam Revolts for ops. Place 2 IP in Malaysia to over control it. I’d rather play this in AR 6 so Benkyo had no counter, but an AR6 Blockade would screw me in Europe if I don’t hold Socialist Government for the last turn.

He’s having computer problems so there is plenty of time for comments.

Sorry last night seemed to fly through, the cards are playing themselves at this point.

I’m copy and pasting Benkyo’s moves. I’m trying to separate them from now on so they’re clearer.

You still have de-stalinization.
But the space race move now makes sense.

I hope you mean 2 IP to Thailand, but yeah, that’s the play here with Blockade still out there.

Although is there a case to space Socialist governments now and play Vietnam Revolts on AR 6. If he blockades you, you can still discard Destal. Someone help me out here: the card you discard for Blockade, is that considered as your own AR or does it fall under the Sovjet-AR?

If the latter, space Soc gov now. Because in that case, it doesn’t matter if you hold soc gov or not. If you have to discard a card to blockade and after that play your own AR6, you don’t have a hold card this turn and have to space Destal anyway.
So then spacing soc gov now and making Vietnam Revolts a non-painful AR6 is the best option.

A discard isn’t a play of a card (it just reduces your hand, and in some circumstances you end up being forced to pass), so it’s the latter.

Thanks, that’s what I thought. Then spacing socialist governments now is the logical thing to do. And play Vietnam revolts on AR6. :slight_smile:

That’s the one

As for having De Stalinization to guard against Blockade I’d rather hold on to that until after the turn 3 reshuffle, especially as I’m making a play for Asia.

Right now, if Socialist Government came back before Europe scoring it would be bad, but not as bad as De Stal. IMO anyway.

A question - if he used the China Card exclusively in South Asia after Vietnam Revolts, does he get 6 ops?

Jep he gets 6 ops.
And the point about keeping destal is that you don’t have that option if he plays blockade next turn, regardless of the cards in your hand.
If your hand in that scenario is socialist governments/destal, you discard soc gov, but still have to space destal on your last AR, as you can’t skip an AR.
If your hand is vietnam/destal, you discard destal and play vietnam after that.

In each scenario, if he plays blockade, there’s no way to hold destal. So therefore the logical thing to do is play your hand optimally and hope he doesn’t have blockade. Cause if he does, there’s nothing you can do anyway.

Excellent point