Top 10 Games ranking

The list starts at 2 and ends in 20. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Here’s my Top 10:

1 Antiquity
2 Innovation
3 Brass: Lancashire
4 Twilight Imperium: Vierte Edition
5 Pax Pamir: Second Edition
6 Gaia Project
7 1889: History of Shikoku Railways
8 Isle of Skye: Vom Häuptling zum König
9 Race for the Galaxy
10 Troyes

This is a slightly edited version of my PubMeeple Ranking. Brass Birmingham was right after Lancashire, because I’m still trying to figure out which version I prefer. I lean toward Lancashire and removed Birmingham because I don’t need both versions on the list. Troyes was my number 16 according to PubMeeple. I did the first half of the ranking process a few months ago and only finished it now because of this thread. In the meantime I played a lot of Troyes and I’m quite confident that it belongs in my Top 10.

Other caveat: I’ve only played TI4 once, but I had an absolute blast. I’ve played a couple of solo games of Pax Pamir 2 and a handful of games on VASSAL but no multiplayer games IRL which would obviously be the best way to play it. It speaks to the game that it still stands firmly in this list. I’ve not played 1889 on the table yet, only online, and it’s basically a stand-in for the entire genre which I started exploring only last year.


My top 10 has already changed from last time :laughing: @yashima I can send you the CSV file if you like.


Oops. Yes. Well next time…
Counting is not my strength apparently, I like winging it when playing games.


Mine looks only slightly different when using pubmeeple:

(not seen On Mars on #10)

As one can see two of my “filler” games made the top 10 above West Kingdom and Terra Mystica. And apparently I like Mars mor than I like worker placement games (Hallertau is out, On Mars is in). But this may represent me wanting to play On Mars and having had my fill of playing solo-worker placement for the past year. Also On Mars is a worker placement game. There. I thought I liked Gloomhaven more than Pax Pamir and Inis but again I have played Gloomhaven quite a bit and could do so every day if I could find the motivation to set it up while Pax Pamir and Inis are ranked highest among my “I need people for this” list. Dixit ranks so high because it includes my desire to play either this one or Detective Club or Obscurio… I love those image association games.

PS: still figuring out how to best import the CSV from pubmeeple.


Never used pub meeple but here’s what I’ve got

1- Brass (Birmingham but let’s not split hairs)
2- Concordia
3- condotierre
4- arboretum
5- dominion
6- Star Wars rebellion
7- air, land & sea
8- Pandemic (probably rising tide or fall of Rome)
9- 6 Nimmt
10- Five Tribes

Surprising myself at how many small box games are here. A lot of the bigger box games I have I’ve either bounced off of and moved along or not played enough to get into my top 10. The last year hasn’t helped as there are a lot of “New” games that my partner has no interest in that I just can’t play right now.


I’ve now stratified my ranking into heavy (above 3.0 BBG weight), medium (between 1.8 and 3.0, because TTR should be a medium weight) and below 1.8. going to do teh same for length and scatter plot!

EDIT: My top 10 weighted by time+game complexity. I’ve added them together after 6 separate rankings to take into account game length (so short games are ranked together) and game complexity (so long and short games are not ranked together)

Rank Game
1 Power Grid
2 Incan Gold
3 For Sale
4 Modern Art
5 Race for the Galaxy
6 Ra
7 El Grande Decennial Edition
8 Lords of Vegas
9 Keyflower

EDIT EDIT: ohhh fancy table


It feels a bit weird selecting a top ten, when so much of my gaming now is playing what other people choose. I have the most games of any of my friends, but I hate being boisterous with my choices for fear of that petulant 5 year old “I want to play with MY toys!” energy. I’m not even sure when I last played some of these. Oh well.

1. Brass - It’s solid, and I love the level of player interaction. The networking is so beautifully implemented.

2. Roll for the Galaxy - Adore it, the flow of the game is so much fun. It’s fallen a place, as I really dislike the production wins. Repeatedly rinsing dice is anti-climactic. Other than that, it’s brill. AND Rivalry is the craziest most nonsensical expansion around. What publisher agrees to an expansion that’s 50% more expensive than the base game, let alone with all the production complexity? Fair play to Rio Grande for allowing Lehman to do what he wants.

3. Arkham Horror LCG - It has all the card play action I love layered with so much theme and flavour. The emergent storytelling is great. I’d be happy if it stopped tomorrow, the content is getting a bit crazy. As such, I’d never recommend it to anyone. But it’s such a unique game to me.

4. Great Western Trail - It’s Monopoly done right. On paper it’s kinda bland, but it’s oddly satisfying. The tempo of the game is really fun at higher player counts.

5. Root - It’s more of a ride of how the ecosystem develops rather than heavy strategy for me. I love the nigh-on semi-coop element early on where everyone needs to be pruned back a little. It’s a lovely time. The assymetry makes each faction a nice time of playing in your little sandpit even if other players are being quite mean.

6. Ethnos Such a simple game, but it works brilliantly. If there was a re-theme I’d snatch it in a second.

7. Pandemic At this point Pandemic isn’t really a game to me. It fills the same space as a jigsaw puzzle or sudoku. It’s just pleasant to work through the motions and occasionally stumble upon a difficult decision. I almost hesitated to include it since it’s not glamorous, but in terms of games I play most often, Pandemic in all its versions is going to be #1 by a mile.

8. Inis - Its a unique balance of attack and defence for an area control game. Love the natural catch up element of the players behind making incremental progress while unchecked. It’s restricted everywhere it needs to be and you never quite have the cards to play your ideal turn.

9. A Study in Emerald It’s silly, it’s a hot mess, I don’t get to play it enough. Feels like a fever dream of a game that shouldn’t exist, but I’m glad that it does. I’m not even sure it’s a great game, but it feels like a game that was meant for me.

10. A Feast for Odin The perfect Sunday afternoon game. It’s so big and excessive, but the rules are relatively simple and it’s a tactile joy.


I bet nobody saw it coming that Inis seems to be our overall most liked game.


Not me, as I’ve never played it

1 Like

I’ve been wanting to play it for a long time, like Pax Pamir 2, another favourite of the forum, or Spirit Island. Hence why I was kind of putting a “conditional” on my list.


It’s a thing:

So… this is in the context of “games I haven’t gotten to play (enough) in the last year, things that don’t translate well to online play and things my partner won’t play with me… and also some games that are just great”

Top 20
Rank Game
1 Millennium Blades
2 Ra
3 Roads & Boats
4 Concordia
5 Cryptid
6 Alchemists
7 The Estates
8 British Rails
9 Coal Baron
10 Aeon’s End
11 1862: Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties
12 Istanbul
13 Broom Service
14 Obsession
15 Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King
16 Container: 10th Anniversary Jumbo Edition!
17 San Juan (Second Edition)
18 Iron Dragon
19 Snowdonia
20 Snow Tails

What Roads & Boats is not #1???


Maybe it would be if I could play it with my gaming group. There’s so much content in that box and I’ve only scratched the surface with solo and PBF

Pubmeeple gives me the following

“3”,“Food Chain Magnate”
“4”,“Too Many Bones”
“7”,“Spirit Island”
“8”,“1824: Austrian-Hungarian Railway (Second Edition)”

Top 3 hasn’t changed but steaming in to the top 10 are 2 18xx titles. As I play more I could see having a top 10 18xx and a top 10 other games as being maybe a thing. Too Many Bones had replaced Gloomhaven for me.

Gloomhaven is amazing, but after 200 games or so I’m burnt out. It should be in my top 10 in terms of games I’ve enjoyed most but won’t make my what do I want to play now lists again most likely.

Interested to see Lisboa be quite so high, it’s great. I think Lisboa is the reason I was kind of flat on The Gallerist. I felt Lisboa was more interesting and had more depth and sort of less fiddly with the interactions even if it was more fiddly with the pieces.

The answer to my favourite 18xx it transpires is 18Mex and I’m really glad I have a copy of Iki as the new art isn’t as interesting or unique.

Top thirty

“3”,“Food Chain Magnate”
“4”,“Too Many Bones”
“7”,“Spirit Island”
“8”,“1824: Austrian-Hungarian Railway (Second Edition)”
“12”,“Clans of Caledonia”
“14”,“The Colonists”
“16”,“The Quacks of Quedlinburg”
“17”,“1862: Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties”
“18”,“Teotihuacan: City of Gods”
“19”,“6 nimmt!”
“20”,“Expedition: Northwest Passage”
“22”,“La Granja”
“26”,“Love Letter”
“30”,“Santa Maria”


I think if I come up with a list looking at my last list it will be completely different to one I come up with off the cuff.

Additionally it’s kind of implicit in my list but I think my “top games of all time” is really a “top games of all time in part determined by what my partner also likes”. I have a partially formed theory that it’s impossible to like a game outside of having a good time of it with another person (solo games being the exception, natch).

  1. Azul - I think this is a stonecold classic design. In two player game reaches the exact edge between predictability and unknown chaos. You might think you’re playing on one side of that line but just often enough you cross over and it bites you in the arse.

  2. My City - I think as legacy fully non co-ops go I think this is perfect. For one it’s the kind of game you can legit easily get to the end of with a group of people. It’s also a game that most people can play well but also satisfactorily rewards people who see a mess and then see different ways to sort the mess and each way being equally rewarding.

  3. Ticket to Ride - I’m sure I won’t be able to say anything that hasn’t been said before.

  4. Ganz Shoen Clever - I think I’ve sucked everything I want from the original game but it still remains the one roll and write where the pad was finished.

  5. the mind - a unique object. Sure other games have tried to use its main idea - quirky circuits - but the first gets the prize. A mix of subtle language generation and a magic trick.

6)Pandemic Legacy season 1 - still the premier legacy game in my view. Essentially gets the balance right between a narrative, subtle specks of freedom and a good game. Zero is the consistent game, two is the wild ambitious one but some how the trilogy hit the happy medium first time round.

  1. it’s a wonderful world - I really like that in this game you create an engine but because of the way the engine plays out (slowly and with enforced pauses) you get to really luxuriate in the cleverness of your design. It’s drafting too which means a couple of things - if you are personal focussed both people can have a great time potentially.

  2. the resistance Avalon: I feel like this is the only social deduction game that I can feel confident enough to explain knowing that given the size required of players every single person will be able to get on with the game. You know your role, you know if you lie or not you know who might be lying. There’s no puzzling about switching all this and that. It’s just a solid plain lying game.

  3. Century golem - such an elegant system and a heart pounding race to to the end. I think this is ostensibly part of a trilogy but I didn’t get any feelings from those that bettered the first even if they technically offered more.

  4. 6 Nimmt. - this is a looser one as it’s quite new but I’ve managed to dip my to into online gaming with this with friends and it’s a pure hit. Everyone gets the tension and knows the risks they play making the successes and failures intense.


So I figured out that importing to sheets is easy from CSV but since I have marked the editions for my games I get a ton of German titles. Meh. But for the rest of you it should be very little work for me to import your lists. If you want send me csv files… just PM me an upload :slight_smile:

Updated List with 4 games tied on spot 19 and I tried my best to count correctly this time

PS: there are more ties … just ignore my numbers :stuck_out_tongue:


Never heard of Pubmeeple.

  1. Tigris & Euphrates
  2. Race for the Galaxy
  3. Tichu
  4. Innovation
  5. Isle of Skye
  6. Agricola
  7. Cyclades (have not yet played Inis)
  8. Memoir '44
  9. Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation
  10. El Grande

Scrabbling for spots 9 and 10 are also: Keyflower (too new), Air, Land, & Sea, Neuroshima Hex, and Skull

I don’t know what to think when I see lists that overlap half of mine and then the other half is from my 5’s, and 6’s. Clearly one of us is wrong!


I was going to give a shout out to London 2e in the “unreviewed by SUSD” thread. I don’t think it’s one of the all time greats, but it is really quite good. Best of all, the wife loves it so I can always get her to sit down and play. Perhaps not unrelatedly, until recently I had never won against her either!

It’s got some depth, I had to really sit down and think through the game mechanics in order to (eventually) win my first game, and in doing so started to see all the interconnections and different approaches to victory.


Late to the party

  1. Great Western Trail
  2. The King’s Dilemma
  3. The Resistance
  4. Innovation
  5. Times Up
  6. The Crew
  7. Race for the Galaxy
  8. Brass Birmingham
  9. Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion
  10. One Night Ultimate Werewolf

That was a pubmeeple ranking of the collection for playing in perfect circumstances, and then a bit of tweaking. Looks like I’m a fan of party games! I don’t think this is particularly set in stone and I could imagine it changing fairly easily. GWT sits at number 1 despite being one of the games I’ve played the least in the last 12 months, no decent online implementation and me not loving it with 2 players is the reason, I may find my tastes have changed when I can play with 3 or 4 again.

Games I suspect that will climb in - Spirit Island (loved it on TTS, my wife and I are getting it for our wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks), Troyes, proper Gloomhaven (if I get a chance to play it), Imperial Assault (once we play 1 v all properly!) and Decrypto, which is genius. I’ve loved my 2 plays of Inis but a guy in our group owns it so I don’t think I’ll ever buy it.