The resurrected miniatures painting and showing off thread

That is what Yoda should have used to train Luke in Force lifts…

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Speaking of Luke…

My second Hoth Luke, and the pilot for the crashed X-Wing.


More knights, pilgrims and a Turcopole guide. Finished all the Knights Hospitaller, so no more need to paint black for a while.


You’ve done an excellent job on the black. It looks excellently weathered and emphasises the movements in the scuplts.


Thanks very much. I knew I had quite a few to paint, so it was key to use a relatively easy but repeatable method. Vallejo dark sea blue base mixed 4:1 with some black, black wash, then highlighted with dark sea green and a final highlight with dark sea green mixed with Citadel Deepkin Flesh.

Pretty pleased with the end result.


Went to Salute on the weekend and bought all sorts of random painting projects. First up is this genie from BadSquiddo. Had fun and was trying to paint in a slightly different way to usual. I don’t think the photo does it much justice colour wise. I tried not to blend or soften and just place stark colours. This didn’t follow on to the amphora/urn as I had fun stippling to make it look old and worn. Next up might be an evil snail or maybe a gladiator or maybe something else entirely


Finished up my three Grogu and sealed them (along with Din)

Also finished my K-2S0…

Next up: 2 Casian Andors. Mostly contrast paints, because I have an entire Rebel army to paint after him…


Figured some of you will get a kick out of this:

[Perfectly placed play button]


Finished up the Andor Twins today…


I drifted away from the Crusader States for the rest of April to paint up some other things. First up was a bunch of kitbashed models for a weird little indie game called Turnip28. Its a game set in a postapocalyptic world where the Napoleonic Wars never ended and everything has been infected witb root vegetables. The ascetics lean on grime and mud splattered soldiers that wear a mix of medieval armour and Napoleonic era uniforms. Anyway, a nice excuse to try painting in a different style and to practice a bit of kit bashing.

Finished the month with a great platypus warrior sculpt.


Finished two units of Rebel Troopers today. Pretty content with how they turned out.

I think I will probably use the blue camo as the default for the rest of the army… probably.

Anyway, T-47 Airspeeder is on the table next. No urban camo on it!


The blue camo looks great!


My gaming group has basically fallen apart for several different reasons, so this has resulted in a lot my Age of Sigmar going on since my best friend has gotten really into it and we can consistently play. Here’s a bunch of stuff I’ve been painting up, along with my ONE basing scheme. Chaos warriors, centaurion marshal (love this model), my candy corn chaos lord, and some warcry warbands.


Finished up a T-47 between writing chapters yesterday. End result isn’t perfect, but I am happy enough with it…


Great work. I really like the weathered blue stripes.

I’d been looking at the Star Wars minis here, while frequently nice they’re also incredibly expensive. Are they really expensive over in Canada? I’m pondering how much it’s UK weak currency vs inefficient production/greed/licence costs


I also want to comment on how good the weathering on the blue stripes is. Looks great!


I’ll third the weathering. The way you’ve done the cockpit is what keeps catching my eye. It’s a little thing overall, but for some reason it feels like it really adds character to the model and it makes me happy.


Aww, thanks everyone! I really appreciate that… I usually avoid doing weathering because you basically take a model that you’ve painted well and like, and then risk messing it up if you weather it badly.

Which I have done. Many times. I’m trying very hard to stick to the “less is more” approach to weathering now. Just a little bit here or there.

I like the cockpit too! On the next one I’m going to try the same effect with dark reds, rather than blues… the terrain the T-47s are flying over is red, after all (all my bases are Martian Iron-something, a combination of Ironearth and Ironcrust).

I work at a game store, so that helps… the discount fluctuates based on the mood of the boss, but usually it’s 15-20% off MSRP-ish. The T-47 is $34CAD (plus tax), which makes it dirt-cheap compared to GW stuff… an average unit will be around the same, and most of the solos are $20-ish. Big vehicles are more… the A-5 Speeder Truck is $70CAD, and I think that’s going to be the next purchase after Ahsoka. Do I need one? No. Do I want one? Also no. But the cards in the box are pretty neat, and I think the A-5 itself will paint up purty.


I painted a gladiator for Arena Rex. Was really good fun, I really like their minis for paintability and the game is good too. Would highly recommend for those on the States’ side of the atlantic


Now got an Al Fasid done. First big thing done for the Haqq.