The resurrected miniatures painting and showing off thread

Yeah, it’s a silly design for a cockpit (I mean, the pilot has to be looking out of the nose!), but it’s iconic and I get why they stick with it.

Of course, windows in any modern or sci-fi military vehicle is idiotic, but as an artifact of the time Battletech was originally written, again, whatever. I don’t make pee&pew sounds with skyscraper sized robots because it makes logical sense. :slight_smile:


Have you looked at things like mircoset and microsol? There are tons of equivalents and they’re really useful when it comes to applying decals. Makes it easier once you get through learning how to use them


Sure, I agree with you on the windows thing, but what I meant to suggest is that in other illustrations the whole idea of the “menacing skull face” hasn’t really convinced me that it would work, that it would be intimidating on the battlefield - but I can believe in these paint jobs having something of that effect. (Even if it does also carry a slight Mexican wrestling feel.)

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I just want to briefly say that with the conclusion of those last 15 models I was fully painted for less than a day.

While attaching decals to my Clan Wolf models (around 100 models, now with 1-2 decals each), a box of Kell Hounds arrived. It’s just 4 more mechs (Wolfhound, Nightsky, Crusader, and Griffin), but gosh, I really wanted to be fully painted.

Ah well. These will take a day to crunch out, and then I’ll be fully painted again and onto my Star Wars Legion backlog (a unit of Mandalorians, a Din and Grogu, and… oh, a limited edition Grogu with Tea, I believe). And then I’ll be fully painted in that until Commander Cody drops.


Sekban done apart from the base which will be done when the other 2 in this set of 3 get done. Happy enough with this, the older sculpts aren’t anywhere near as nice to paint as the ones from the computer sculpting switch on. Next is an Al Hawwa which is an awfully old sculpt but as a regular infiltrator hacker it’s necessary to do for an efficient mid field specialist.


Painting frenzy continues. As it’s an older sculpt less nice to paint but it’s done and dusted so very pleased with that.

Next up is a Zhayedan with breaker rifle


A new project for this year is working through a bunch of models from a recent Kickstarter- the Baron’s War: Outremer. I’ve started with some Knights Hospitaller, Islamic forces will follow later.

There’s also a few armed pilgrims as well.

I also got a few more Retreat from Moscow Duchy of Warsaw painted in the cold snap.


Finished the last of the Battletech minis (until the Kickstarter finishes and starts shipping, but that won’t be for months) and so I’m diving back into finishing up my Legion.

Battletech first…

I’ll be honest, I really like how these turned out. I’m getting to be almost proud of my work!

The Legion stuff will be harder… a unit of Clan Wren that I’m going to try and paint “properly” (grey and yellow, ugh), a Din and Grogu and I’m going to try and use Sorastro’s “Non-metallic Metal” tutorial for Din, and a crashed X-Wing and pilot (the X-Wing is a wreck, so that should be pretty easy to paint, but the pilot, of course, is orange, and that’s always a bit of a beast).


The smoke looks really cool :rocket:


Cool and dark. That robot needs to check its oil filter :stuck_out_tongue:


Checking through the thread, it looks like I haven’t posted my completed MARPACE platoon, the figures are Clear Horizon 15mm Epsilon Squad infantry (MARPACE stands for Marine Power Armor Combat Enhancement suit – from my Gate Walker trilogy).


Those are great. I really like the sheen and how you got the glow effects down.

I finished up my Zhayedan and as it was the last of the set I did the bases. A whole bunch if stuff in the colour scheme feels like it’s coming together on this one. Although from the photos I think I might need to do something to make the backpack pop a little more.

Next is a Jannissarie HMG


I painted some resin benches and glued them to some adds and a bus stop which had been built. Makes me really sad that Antenocitties Workshop is no more. They had the perfect balance in their terrain design between usability, looks and ease of build.


Awww, I didn’t know they went under! I loved their stuff! Curses.

Lovely work on that terrain, though!

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Finished up my squad of Clan Wren (technically, my 2nd squad… my first squad I painted like Arc Troopers during the Great Arc Trooper Shortage of '19). I’m pretty content with how they turned out…

Black primer, zenithal white primer, both with rattle cans. Simple, but effective…

Ratling Grime contrast for the legs and the darker parts of the under armour and gloves.

Steel Legion Drab for the leather belts and holsters.

Ursa Wren with her yellow undertone (Averland Sunset, I think). A few preliminary highlights on the armour.

Ursa and Tristan about 85% done here. Yellow and grey highlights are mostly done, just some touchups and white highlights to go… oh, and Tristan’s shoulderpad, which has a small, impossible to freehand creature on it because f&^k you, that’s why…

The two Wrens actually done now… aside from basing, of course.

And then all the colourful friends of Wren…

And there we go. 7 more Mandalorians ready for whenever I get my Rebel army started!


Decided… “Hey, my life is way too stressful and hard right now. Why not try something nearly impossible to add more frustration to my life!”

Din Djarin with Non-Metallic Metal. Because reasons.

All things considered, I am pretty content with the final result. Not perfect, but not bad.


Finished up the Janissary HMG and in addition the Ayyar got done. The Ayyar was a tough paint to start with due to the large amount of the lighter sand colour but I’ve ended up quite happy with the paint job. Sometimes a little dedication pays off


A quick (relatively) bit of paint to finish the Crashed Xwing terrain.

Gonna try and finish the pilot after my exam today.


[sucks teeth] “Gonna need more duct tape.”


I hope the pilot is in better shape than the astromech.