The Crowdfunding Thread

I’ve been trying to get a copy of Inis in the UK for about 2 years. The UK is not far away from France. From what I can see Matagot is the MOST disorganised company that has somehow managed to stay open. (They really do seem to operate on “Oh, and we also did this”. And then releasing it in a box that is double the size it needs to be)

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Oh is THAT what happened?

Their debacle on Seasons of Inis frustrated the retailer from whom I bought my copy.

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That’s what I heard. Basically it got hyped and the US is a bigger market, so they decided the UK could wait.


With everyone agreeing with my assessment of Matagot… I felt compelled to check how it’s possible that they are still in business and when you just search for games they publish on BGG… I think mostly they translate stuff into French. They seem to be the equivalent of Feuerland f.e. they have all the Stonemaier games in their catalog. And Race for the Galaxy (which Pegasus is bungling in Germany :sob:) and Parks, Orleans and Concordia. It seems, they do a couple of games on their own each year and that is the part that’s pure chaos it seems and yet the Cyclades, Inis, Kemet trilogy is so well-regarded. (We also like Treasure island in this household) Maybe Kickstarter is going to be better for them: just one set of boxes to send out.

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I’m sure there’s one on the shelves in my flgs. I will have a look next time I’m in.

It seems to be in stock at various places online according to BGP: Inis - Bestes Angebot für Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele -

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Yes, it’s finally started showing as in stock in the last month or so, albeit still very pricey. I’ll wait and see if I can get it reduced - lockdown means there’s no rush for non-solo right now.

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My sister talked me into backing A mending, and I put a quid on So you’ve been eaten to delay my impulsivity until later :laughing:


I was waffling until Radho’s review convinced me not to back it.
He’s convinced me not to back quite a few things that I later regretted not backing… usually that is because he’s too enthusiastic. This time he said the two player was a bit mean. Although, now that I think about it… I would probably be playing it solo anyway…

After reading several r/boardgames threads about it, I was also reconsidering my Everdell Collection pledge. I would probably have canceled it but the recently arrived German base game is already sold out EVERYWHERE! 75% of the printing was apparently pre-ordered by people and the next printing is only due in May. So no instant gratification in exchange for the big pledge… I have a few more days to convince myself of something.

Maybe I should unback it and wait for John Company 2nd. I saw pictures. It looks pretty.


Honestly, the only reason I was able to NOT pledge for the all-in Everdell is that it’ll take a year to arrive. So my instant gratification got bored.


Are you me?

That’s Kickstarter for me in a nutshell.


Or zero player!


I feel like so you’ve been eaten has to be mean. It’s baked into the theme!

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Rahdo is the boy who cried “this game is mean”. It’s lost all meaning.


Yes and yes. I know. It is like him saying a game is sharp. But then two player is hard on this table for similar reasons :slight_smile:


I just bought in on the late pledge for Rallyman Dirt through Gamefound. One game of GT has me in a bit of an “OMG I can’t even” fluster. So good.


I have been wondering about it for a while. It is incoming on some of my OGS… I have been meaning to check it out on BGA to see if I should preorder

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It’s a quick ruleset, beautifully written, and I’d guess the online implementation wouldn’t be too much of a bear to wrangle (hope there are track presets!). It’s certainly wouldn’t be too much work to take a look first if you’re considering plunking down the cash.

[EDIT] I think it’s worth a particular mention, @yashima, that while I’m thrilled that my partner got along with it nicely (seriously, huge win), it’s absolutely a game I’ll be soloing a lot. You could 6-hand this thing no problem and that’s not even getting into the comprehensive (but simple!) solo/time trial rules and community.

[Double EDIT]

Just saw this elsewhere and wanted to put on the brakes. This is a big ol’ push your luck fest.


This is a bit wild:

Not entirely sure what to make of it, the business model seems to be the most interesting thing about it.