The Crowdfunding Thread

I joined a group pledge for Theurgy - suppose to be a mini-less “area control on a budget”, but not really. I’m happy to give it a shot.

Board Game Tables was solid with Bites and Q.E. Haven’t played Kabuto Sumo nor Loot of Lima yet. JacCCMF (train gamer and infamously won by bankrupting herself) loved Bear Raid, so I’ll give it a shot


Board Game Tables is a local company to me. I really want to support their Kickstarter… I’m just not sure about pledging. I have a copy of Factory Funner (2nd hand, missing some bits) but $34 + tax is too rich for a game I already have.

I’ll have to wait around to see how Bear Raid does.


Ryan Courtney piqued my interest. Also a simple(ish) stocks game where you can sell, I’m interested.

Not sure about Factory Funner and I’m unsure. Is it good?


Dont know yet. Need to look into the other two before I back it


I’ve been waiting for the new Factory Funner…
Bear Raid looks intriguing and seems to have brilliant timing with all the chaos surrounding GME.
Not sure about the third one…

I’ll need a night or two to sleep on this. (And I also need sleep)

PS: Zee Garcia is a fan of Factory Funner I am sure he made a review somewhere, it’s been in his Top 100 consistenly and the way he talks about it makes me want to play. It’s weird to see this with the guy who made Curious Cargo and Pipeline in the same kickstarter but he designed the stocks game instead.


Hopefully no-one’s Kickstarters are stuck!

(Railroad Ink made it safely through)


Ooh, I’ll be keeping an eye on the Admiralty Courts for that one…

(Admiralty Court writeups are often very funny. Both sides have agreed not to mention that both captains were evidently drunk out of their skulls, and they’re just trying to determine who made the greater mistake…)


I’m glad Captain Snuggles is still getting jobs.


When I started backing Kickstarters, I had no idea I was going to get this well informed about global logistics and supply chains.


I don’t understand why people care so much and want to track them. I rarely back kickstarters and l just leave them alone, rather than minute by minute boat updates


And then you find out how many countries China imports raw materials from to feed its factories!


I don’t go out of my way for tracking. I just read the updates they send by email… every once in a while I either get worried a package won’t arrive (Spirit Island) or I get really excited about something (Oath) and then I will check what is going on regularly.

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Railroad Ink was my first boardgame Kickstarter, I’ve found it fascinating to be able to peek into the world of shipping - especially as we approached and passed the original rough ETA. It’s like an Amazon parcel on steroids. Each to their own though.


I don’t understand it, but I ADORE those people. There’s a certain backer (let’s call them ‘Kyle’) who backs loads of projects, then calls the publishers frauds and explains at length how the company better be worried because they’ll never back a project from them again.

I think I’m in love with them.


And then backs their next project.

When I was a youngling and worked in a shop I had a stock response to “I’m never buying from here again”, which was “fine”. We had a whole shop full of other customers and quite frankly not dealing with attitude is helping us out.

On the other side, we had someone who asked if they could buy one shoe as he’d left the other in Dubai. He was perfectly OK with us saying no.


I saw a study some years ago suggesting that with banks about 10% of the customers caused 90% of the dealing-with-customers expense, so it wasn’t worth going to any trouble to keep their business.

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I am always amazed how many people seem ready to go nuclear over the slightest delay or other KS mishap. In a perfect world, everything would go smoothly, we’d get regular updates culminating in an on-time or early delivery. It’s not a perfect world, and my assumption is that KSes will see delay, lapses in communication, mixups, etc. It’s not a problem for me unless they actively disappear, fail to deliver, or fuck up in a way they refuse to make right. And that’s just not very common.


within Boardgames, yes


For me it depends on who’s doing it.

First-time company, sure, you don’t yet know what all the delays are.

Old hand, you claimed the game was ready to go to print and all that was needed was manufacturing and shipping time, and you just lied to make it look as if it would arrive before Christmas… I’m a bit less easy-going.


I back and forget. Madeira has been the most badly affected of all the KS campaigns I’ve ever backed, but it’ll come when it comes. I would only be concerned if the publisher was ducking out of ever finishing.