The Crowdfunding Thread

Ah. I rarely sleeve but I’m jealous of that box. Tuck boxes and I don’t get along and they end up torn after light use around here. Maybe I just don’t know the trick.

These will likely go into a promold like my other one deck games. Hopefully the lovely art is on the card back!


Has anyone seen this controversy around river valley glassworks?

Basically they got an order into a big shop in America before backers - I guess they got half the order done ready for gencon and prioritised the shop over the backers. Whatever.

Normally this stuff doesn’t bother me you don’t get into a kickstarter without expecting some shenanigans such as late/different/basic robbery.

But somehow everyone’s whinging about the thing has infected me and it has mutated into an irritation. I seem to have gained a sourness to the company through this collective meme like annoyance. It’s very odd.

They sent an update yesterday which tried to explain their decision and it made me more annoyed. It felt so mealy mouthed and lame.

I’m less annoyed, for example, with CMON who are basically adding a month delay every month to the Metal Gear Solid game (and this perpetual nonsense thing is my expected relationship with crowdfunding).

I think whenever a company keeps explaining things I get more annoyed but if they vanish and send me something I somehow would prefer that. I wonder if it’s also problematic if a company presents themselves as friendly and/or competent/advertises all the time on dice tower.


I, on the other hand, read the emailed explanation and thought, “This is the best job of self-exculpation I’ve seen from a board game publisher.” But I haven’t been listening to anyone complain. And I ignore the Dice Tower entirely.


We had a big order that we had to fill or lose the order entirely and marketing forced us to get some in for GenCon.

Seems resaonable, maybe they put in a disclaimer on the KS “We strive to get these copies before retailers/cons. However there are variables we have little control on, so this may not be the case”


Once you have your game the annoyance will probably fade.
I was super-annoyed with Greater than Games about their EU Import Fuckup to the point where I didn‘t want to play my favorite game anymore. It was immediately better when the game finally arrived. I still complain about it a bit—like right now—but it‘s faded a lot.

This whole „backers get theirs first“—„oops no we somehow got the game to someone else first, sooooory“ happened a few times now. I don‘t really believe all that anymore.


Yeah I completely agree about the early sales. Like if was a business my first priority has to be my mortgages and employees and if a giant shop wheelbarrows a load of cash it would be ridiculous to turn it down. I don’t like that there’s a half apology in there because I think they’d (possibly rightly) do everything the same again.

Like I said I think it was more concerning that I got swept up in the negativity but I wonder if that’s part of the bargain with anticipation and the game of crowdfunding. This bypass of rationality.


So far Allplay has done a fantastic job every time I’ve touched them. I have no exposure or context on this fumble.

I agree that every time someone explains themselves it makes it worse. I’ve been having that experience with lone shark games and Lords of Vegas and their constant explanations and self defense for what is just jv operations.

Allplay always gives backers free upgrades for the kickstarter. They don’t promise early games. But I guess people will expect what they expect and a business has to live in that reality.


These are the ones I’m interested in:

cyberpunk: the board game
(I’m delighted the game cards and game itself contain almost no text but less delighted about the number of unique actions -imo a real time game here could be thrilling but things being easily forgotten is a likely hinderance).

Spooktacular which looks like friedeman Friese fearsome floors but with the roles reversed (also I think it looks like cyberpunk the boardgame and may be suffering as a result and one feels generous and the other feels less so. An economy of scale is probably really helping cyberpunk)


:scream: It’s arrived!


Aember Skies is here! :man_dancing:t2:

You back them months/years apart and then they all arrive at once :laughing:


And another one! :clap:

It really is crowdfunding delivery season at mine.


Has your cat set course to the wondrous beyond?!


Being a cat, Nigella is naturally curious about the new House Skyborn pirates and what they are up to in the wondrous beyond of the Aember Skies.


A new version of Puerto Rico in Gamefound? Pass…


Ah, I just backed. $59 seems reasonable. Maybe a year ago I held this one to the fire hoping to cull it, but it sparkled instead and I gained a new respect for it.

I’m definitely on an “older game” jag and appreciating those sensibilities. Since it’s staying in my collection, I’m going to get the base pledge.

Some of the Deluxe stuff looks nice, but a) price and b) board state readability I’m sticking with cardboard and discs. The new expansions and modules definitely look nice.

I am, however, boggled that they still haven’t applied the known balance fixes (University/Factory and starting resources).


Considering the price hike the game will get to be sent to NZ, and even though I think it is a classic worth its salt, I know way too many people that have it close by, and I admit I still think it might hurt feelings, so I am still passing on it.


Yeah, you get people saying that the Spanish colonial period and slavery were at least better than being a US protectorate. People going to have opinions.

It’s funny, yes slavery was abolished in PR before 1897 and no, no outside regimes were laying claim on the island in that year, but a reskin is a reskin and it can still feel the same as it ever did.


I had a look because I was curious. Damn. Oh my days. :zipper_mouth_face: :zipper_mouth_face:


It seems all my Christmases must come at once!

Game Backed Delivery
KeyForge: Æmber Skies June 2024 September 2024
Forks March 2024 September 2024
Lords of Vegas March 2023 September 2024
Andromeda’s Edge February 2023 You guessed it… September 2024

Now, where to store this behemoth? :thinking:


Nature: a standalone board game in the Evolution series by North Star Games — Kickstarter

Some fans of Evolution / Oceans here. This is the reimplementation of Evolution / Evolution: Climate