The Crowdfunding Thread

Yokai Septet

Same components, pocket edition box. $18 or $31 for 2 (in the US).


Already backed!


Also backed!


Any UK people up for a group pledge? (May not be possible or worth it.)


I think you can buddy up for shipping, or go 12. You’d have to message them about anything in between.

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I totally thought I backed Gloomhaven: the Miniature Edition… I totally did not?! It’s not on my backerkit. And while I have been getting the update mails… there was nothing on my credit card on the date I had put into BGG… so… yeah… I’ll have to wait until it hits retail. Oh well… that’s okay.

I’ve generally been good with backing less. But I could not resist the Oath expansion.


Greg Porter, known for RPGs such as Macho Women with Guns and EABA, and card games including Killing Lee Garvin and The Donner Party, has announced a much bigger project coming to Kickstarter:

Iceland: Settlement to Independence

“I am doing a more ambitious Kickstarter this time, a worker-placement economic board game on the history of Iceland, with the interesting twist that it is both cooperative and competitive. That is, only one player can win, but everyone has to work together (enough) to reach a victory threshold first . Rather than belabor you with details here, I will just point you at the Backerkit page for early interest in it (the Kickstarter is supposed to launch around July 1).”

Not being much of a boardgamer I can’t really judge it from this first look, but thought it might appeal to some of you.


My biggest regret when I lived near Forbidden Planet in central London was that I didn’t ask them for a sign there were no longer using. Paranormal Romance had got big around 2010 and they were giving it more shelves, and so they took down the brushed metal sign for the shelf of “MACK BOLAN” and other Lone-Army-Man-Kills-Bad-Guys books.

The sign for this genre shelf just said “Macho Dudes With Guns”.


One for any old Flying Buffalo fans: Mr. B. Games is into the last 11 days of a Kickstarter for Nuclear Destruction - A Nuclear War Card Game, the last game that Rick Loomis was working on before his death in 2019.


Most adorable components of the year?


Well it’s up at last.

I find the game really tempting but oh boy I hate the art style.


Apologies if this is old news.

Formosa Tea is getting a 2e/reprint. I missed the campaign. Late pledge/pre-order is now open.

It’s a really great euro by my estimation. Old fashioned with a small space and positive but critical interaction. Really requires you to plan and keep tabs on multiple mechanisms to keep your production flowing, but remains on the chill side of things.

And tea.


I noticed something similar in these two kickstarters which I find amusing.

They’re both 80 pounds games. But with an optional ridiculous toy element if you go double on the pledge.

The first looks almost stefan feld level game but you can pay 150 pounds or so for the version that comes with a proper tower and little woode elephants that move cars?

Similarly. If you stump for the 150 pounds version of the fafnir game you get a proper dragon toy. (The cheapo version comes with a lame cardboard dragon, both dragons fire out marbles like fireball island to impact what looks like a euro with a traitor mechanic).

It’s very weird.

For reference the BGG complexity are 2.5 for the elephant car game and 3 for the dragon marble game.


Do you want your game sessions to smell?

Well, have I got a KS for you!

OK, it seems to be aimed more at rpg players. And it’s smashing it, so I guess people want it?


I saw an advert for that was amused at
“ultra-realistic fantasy scents”
since they by definition can’t be ultra realistic. Accurate to a fantasy concept maybe, but not reality :slight_smile: Still, seems to be working for them.


I’ve seen stands at UK Games Expo selling fantasy-scented candles…

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Well, the environment scents can be ultra-realistic.

And really, who here hasn’t smelled a Manticore?


I was unable to resist the new 20 Strong offering with the 3 fairy tale decks. I managed to get around the first one by not being interested in any of the 3 decks on offer. But this time I couldn‘t help it. Yes, anything Chip Theory is WAY TOO EXPENSIVE. I know.

I am also waffling about the new Kemet stuff. It says solo-mode (and more players at the same time). But it also promises a giant super box I would hate. Kemet is already a not-small box. I like it fine. Even my partner enjoyed himself. But I don‘t think I love it enough to give it more shelf-space. Or it means I finally need to get rid of Ankh… (I only have the base game of that it was cheap at some point and SVWAG loved it and it‘s fine. And it has some nice mechanisms. But I think I like Kemet more.)—but getting rid of Ankh was always meant to make space for Blood Rage. So … I am making lots of waffles tomorrow for brunch.


Space 1999 RPG “coming soon”, no author credit, published by Modiphius.

Much as I feel nostalgic for the show, I think all the good bits are trivial to steal for other RPGs and indeed have already been stolen.