The Crowdfunding Thread

I had a couple of Ace of Aces sets and still have a box of Lost Worlds books upstairs. There were some really interesting games in the series or licensed, such as the Star Wars, Battletech and wild west gunslinger games. Even a Dragon Riders of Pern set, although I never played it.

This looks like a worthwhile update, but these books have always been relatively expensive and I’m not going to buy another shelfwarmer.

It’s a shame nobody adapted Lost Worlds for a Ghostbusters set.


Ones I know about:

Ace of Aces (WWI)
Ace of Ages WIngleader (WWII)
Jet Aces (1980s)
Star Wars Starfighter Battle Book
Dragonriders of Pern The Book Game
Lost Worlds (fantasy melee) and its compatible spinoffs Runesword and Queen’s Blade
Battletech (mech vs mech)
Star Wars Lightsaber Duelling Pack

And the only one that wasn’t in some way under the ægis of Nova:

Combat Heroes


Lost Worlds also had a couple of boxed sets, including terrain and minis. Very expensive if you can actually find them for sale these days.


Just found out that my copy of Assault on Doomrock silently returned to the creator because apparently I did NOT change my address for 1 single campaign? I cannot find any communication because I didn’t think I’d need proof. So maybe I forgot them.

And while I can see the tracking on the number the creator sent me today, and that the package returned to Poland… I never got a notification from DHL / Post and I would have intercepted the package if I had got so much as a whiff of it going to the wrong address. That’s what these stupid things are for.

Has anyone but me backed Nature Incarnate? Has anyone received the game?

The f…ing Spirit Island desaster is still in limbo for EU backers as far as I know and Backerkit is showing my old address and I know I tried to update my address with them but they have have fumbled that and I am nervous now -.-



A hefty delivery!


Pinched from Mastodon:


I am trying to let my backlog of open packages run out… and it’s happening.

I am down to 16 packages (Thanks to All Play bundling up ~4 campaigns in one which I like) for campaigns and one preorder from a shop that is now on its way. Also Doomrock should be on its way to me after being on its way and returning to sender because I never got the notification it was coming and … so was unable to intercept it going to the old address.

Still waiting on delayed deliveries for:

  • SI:NI–oh how I wish I had thought to get this one through retail
  • Wonderland’s War the German Deluxe edition. All the localized versions had taken longer and so got bugfixes and remained in China until after the New Year… should be on its way soon.
  • Unsettled has been delaaaaaaaaayed? Reasons unknown. I backed this through Crowdfinder. My only one so far so I cannot speak to the experience. But I remembered to change my address there today -.-

Everything else is a while off. Although some of them wanted to deliver last year…

Haven’t backed anything new in a while.

I’ve been tempted a few times but there are always late pledges and retail …


Oh, are we doing updates now? :smiling_face:

Age of Rails got delayed to Summer

AAG preorders are nearly here: 18GB, 18SJ, 1817 expansions

Stuff from Bitewings and Allplay. I bought a board game bag from Allplay - first time getting one. I am hoping to use this for Cthulhu Wars

Huang nearly here now with this Yellow & Yangtze reprint

The Old King’s Crown - idk when…

Pax Illuminaten + Pax Maleficium - this is kinda close too

The Sackson Legacy Collection - a bit far

Railways of World Atlas - a bit far

AAG Wave 6 with Ur 1830 BC and 18Svea

Joined in for Votes for Women. Not sure when


They’re really good. The first one I got came with a shoulder strap which promptly broke the first time I used it. I emailed Allplay (well, it was at the time) and asked about a replacement; they sent me another bag… one that didn’t even have the hooks on the bag to attach the strap to – so I guess they gave up on that bit.

But the backpack mode is great. The duffle-style handles aren’t the most comfortable when the bag is fully loaded.


Argh. Another version of Dune. I really hope it’s just the same stuff in a single box 'cause I don’t want to buy Dune for a… fifth time.


If anyone is looking for a cheap, but good, bag for games can I recommend a Cajon Case?

I got something similar to this…

Padded, water resistant. Does the job for a fraction of the price.


Yeah, but… how am I going to carry my Cajon?

EDIT: I’ve actually seen this a number of places and many people use Cajon bags for boardgames. The caveat I’ve always seen is that Cajons are a lot lighter than board games, and so the bags may not handle being fully-loaded with games.


Get a boardgame bag for it, obviously


Mine has done really well, and I have rather abused it. But then again… it has been “normal” games. I didn’t throw a Gloomhaven in there…


Personally I have just gone with a $1 reusable bag from IKEA. They’re enormous and sturdy and you can’t beat the price. Not as secure or feature laden, of course, but I am just looking for transport that’s not “cradled in my arms”.

Recently received Agemonia, Dungeon Degenerates, wave 2 of both Chronicles of Drunagor and ISS Vanguard, Uprising: Curse of the Last Emperor, Witchcraft, and the long delayed Robinson Crusoe collector’s edition.

(Drunagor and Dungeon Degenerates just straight omitted character packs but will be shipping them soon.)

7th Citadel and Primal: The Awakening should be shipping soon. Also, astonishingly, my Reign 2nd edition collector slipcase set.


I’m quite jealous. I’m expecting mine in 2025.

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I haven’t actually gotten tracking numbers for either of those games yet, but I did back and I am seeing US folks receive them, so it should be soon.

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Well I backed the Stowii table on Gamefound using the stretch pay. Thanks again for scouting it out Roger. Just wonder if it will get delivered in time to double as a kids Christmas dinner table.