The Crowdfunding Thread

Around $150 in the US. The $200 is low stock price. It does seem suspect that their retail price didn’t rise up after 4 years I’ve bought it.

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So this is the third dance with Marrakesh, each one subsequently dedeluxified. And yet, it’s still near enough 90+ euro. (91 euro including Postage, which is 80 in English).

Marrakesh Essential Edition by Queen Games — Kickstarter

I actually really want this but kind of hoping for the middle version to come in shops at this point.


As a lover of big stompy robots, I have already thrown $375 at this KS…

Battletech Mercenaries

“But Marc, you’ve sworn off Kickstarters!”

  • Yes, but big stompy robots.

“But won’t all these be available at retail, and probably for more-or-less the same price?”

  • Yes, but I may not still be working at the game store when that happens, and that means the price will be way more.

“But you already have way too much Battletech for a game you’ve only played 4 or 5 times!”

  • Shush you.

Saw the latest voidfall update. The game looks pretty but I’m now concerned that my pledge is a full Kallax cube.


I have suspected this since i saw it filled about 2m^2 of demo table in Essen easily.


Backed Unmatched Adventures: Tales to Amaze. I am digging the idea of Unmatched being a co-op, and with luck, my wife will be more interested in playing this when the goal is not to kill the other person.

Very tempted by Galactic Renaissance, as it is by Christian Martinez, designer of Inis, which I love! However, that never gets played, so I have little hope this would either, so I am passing for now.


I’m not currently planning to back UA:TTA – but if the reviews love it then I strongly suspect I’ll be picking it up at retail. I’ve been mulling over selling my Unmatched boxes, but I’m hoping that this proves itself a good reason to hang onto them. Waiting and seeing…


:scream: The horror! :scream:


the Unmatched campaign is US/Canada only I think. Iello is doing the version for the rest of the world. I will be checking that out when it arrives.

As for Galactic Renaissance… I am interested but my copy of Inis is also languishing on the unplayed side and the KS is really on the more expensive side of things. Defo waiting for retail.

The one that looks most interesting to me at the moment is this Trip to Japan thing. But I also think that AEG will bring it to Spiel at some point and I will get it then.


I have now read the actual update and see what you meant.
Should I be glad they considered the Kallax cube? I have gripes with games that don‘t fit by like 1cm.
Or should I be mad that it seems someone said „Kallax Cube“ and they answered with „challenge accepted“ ?

Aaaahhha :rofl: :crazy_face:


Yeah I feel like so many times the requirement is “must fit in a Kallax cube” as opposed to must fit in a x cm by x cm space, which is set at a smaller size. So we end up with loads of gametrayz when the whole thing could have fit in the one box with a more conservative space constraint.

I have not got infinite kallax cubes, in fact I am at negative kallax cubes.

I hate this trend. I also hate the: core box and add on trend, I now have lots of little boxes taking up more space than 1 medium size box. Looking at you final girl and unsettled.


I am still waiting for my order of unsettled from the last campaign.

but yes. I am sick of bigger and bigger. I hope I can stop myself from backing these in the future. I have enough giant boxes to last me a while. And the ones with lots of little boxes? I’ll be avoiding those, too.

My favorites are those that come in standard sizes that I’ve known all my life: the TTR, the Carcassonne and 6 Nimmt Box

Those monstrosities seem like they have Main Character Syndrome…

Mostly a reprint of the base game, with some new fribbles which as a long-time supporter I get free.


I surely asked this before. How is Project L different from Ubongo? Both seem to be „fill shape with tetris tiles“?


I haven’t played Ubongo, but going by the BGG description: in Project L you’re working with your own stock of pieces. It’s not a real-time game. You have multiple puzzles at once. When you finish one you get points and/or another piece.


They have superficial similarities, but are extremely different games. Ubongo is more a speed-based puzzle game, whereas Project L is an engine-building game, something like a cross between Tetris and Splendor. You draft puzzle tiles from a central market and use your set of tiles to fill them in; once a shape is filled, you get points for that puzzle, and usually another Tetris piece you can use. Your early game will see you snagging easier, low-point puzzles which provide better Tetris piece rewards, but you’ll slowly work your way up to the larger puzzles, which are much harder to fill but provide more points.

It’s really good! I don’t know if it’s 100 dollars + shipping good, but it’s a lot of fun. I think I even prefer it to Wingspan as my “intro engine builder” of choice, largely because slotting those plastic Tetris pieces into the thick cardboard tiles is so satisfying.


Project L does look pretty good, from a family-weight gaming productive. And the prices seem reasonable, really. But I didn’t buy the base game when it was on deep discount in retail… And perhaps that is why I’m not rushing to hold an emergency budget meeting with my partner to talk about adding it to our expected monthly expenditures.

I think, in part, it may be because it’s themeless and theme, often, is how I lure trick coerce ??? people into family-weight games.


Entice is the word you are looking for, methinks.


I’m not questioning people’s tastes, because that’s none of my goddang business, but there’s a lot of polyomino family games in the market


Did Tetris have a theme?

I mean, other than…