The Crowdfunding Thread

3 player = the two players who engage with each other lose to the player who was left alone.


Those two takes on 3 players can be correct. Depends on the design


and I got it some number of months before retail. And it’s very shiny. And the next expansion will be on Backerkit soon.


Yeah, there are still games like Donning the Purple, All Bridges Burning and Trieste


I am a bit unhappy how late Fryx Games remembered to communicate they were mailing Ares Expedition expansions to “pick up points”
 I understand the motivation
 but they should have communicated this earlier. Because
a) obviously I thought it was going to the wrong address and requested an address change from UPS
b) if that change didn’t work as the mails suggest it won’t, the pick up point forces me to get into a car or risk not being able to transport the package by bike
c) the Pickup point is open during my work hours and obviously closed during lunchbreak

Consider me miffed.
They could have at least used DHL instead of UPS because DHL pickup stations are everywhere.


I guess this is Crowdfunding. Could also be in “How are you feeling”.

Holy Grail Games have declared bankruptcy, largely because their fulfilment partners have caused them to be unable to sell anything for the last few months.

If you’re waiting for Rallyman Dirt, well, who knows? The North American copies are mostly stuck in Bolloré’s warehouse, and they went bust first. If you aren’t a backer but were planning to buy in retail, apparently a few copies have leaked out to big chain stores.

On a personal level I had been very much looking forward to demoing Rallyman GT and Dirt for them at Games Expo this year.


Agh, that was a heartbreaking read. :disappointed_relieved:


Oh noes, that sounds horrible.

Really bad luck with the distributor especially :frowning:

Seems like a chain reaction

Does anyone here know contract law? Could they have protected themselves from the distributor’s failings better? I am just asking out of curiosity, I am not a backer in any of their campaigns.


Only in England and Wales. :slight_smile:

I think the main problem is a power imbalance - there aren’t many distributors which can handle things on this sort of scale, and there’s plenty of work for all of them, so they don’t have any incentive to offer a better service than the next guy because they’ll get customers anyway.

(Also for clarity: I’ve not been privy to HGG internal discussions, and I know no more than what they’re saying in public.)


And the UPS mail said “Receiver declined the package saying they had not ordered it”

Thank you Fryx for going the idiot route and sending packages to addresses OTHER than what your backers told you they were.

PS: glad I decided to wait for retail for the dice game.
PPS: UPS is the very worst of delivery services over here. the pickup point thing does NOT work at all!


I’m kind of looking forward to terraforming dice mars whenever it gets to shops.


I’m feeling some emotions as a result of this.

I feel, mostly, betrayed that they have not been honest about the situation with Bolloré. Sure, I read between the lines and suspected they were struggling with cash flow, but they never outright said it.

And I feel vulnerable because I don’t know, exactly, what I’ll do if BollorĂ© reaches out to me and asks for money to fulfill the products for which I’ve already paid $184.


Having unexpectedly fallen in love with this at Essen, I do plan to buy it at retail - but the UK postage for KS was excessive.

Yeah, in my experience this is not the sort of thing that happens suddenly. On the one hand you don’t say “oh, I hope we can make our debt payments this month” out in public; on the other they’ve done a good job of blaming everyone but themselves, and while that might possibly be true those other parties don’t have a right of reply.


I understand why shipping companies like routing things to access points. It saves them a lot of time and money and employees to send things to central locations instead of individual addresses and they usually don’t even operate the access points themselves for further savings.

I understand why a company doing fulfillment to hundreds of customers might want to use them for similar reasons - they get charged less, the packages probably won’t get lost or stolen, they’re done with it sooner, etc.

But i don’t see how most customers benefit at all from it. And the handful that do could just make that request either with the shipping company or by giving that address to ship to. I am very glad they didn’t do that in the US because it is a logistical nightmare for me to retrieve things from access points.


Fryx just assumed that because access points seem to be the default in Scandinavia (or so the KS page comments to the update suggest) it would work the same in other places. But they are just a game company and not a logistics company and they have not done their research. Every country has unique addresses and shipping issues. That is why there are specialized companies for this.

If they had done their research they might have figured out that DHL has their Packstation everywhere or that DPD has a working pick up system in Germany (at least they do locally). Well, they are now getting a lot of information on how shipping is failing in different countries and hopefully this won’t happen again.

Locally, UPS lists a few pickup points–none really close–but my theory is that these are people maybe with a small business that use UPS themselves and who have just registered so they can profit but will never take packages for anyone else.

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Oh noes. Let me guess that is Rallyman Dirt you backed?


That is not a small amount of money. Having to consider spending more on top of that. I hope it resolves quickly and that you get your pledge.


I mean, there could be an access point on every corner and I still would want my packages delivered to my doorstep because some of this stuff is extremely heavy and/or unwieldy. (Sometimes it’s a pain just getting it downstairs. But the package service can’t be expected to help with that.) And they just aren’t that close most of the time in reality.

It’s absolutely a further problem if the shipping company doesn’t have a good network of those things locally but I can’t imagine it’s usually preferable regardless.


Add to that that here there is not such a problem with stolen packages because packages are not usually just left on a porch because
 nobody has a porch.

We take packages for neighbors, they take them for us. Someone is always here and in rare cases you have to go pick it up at the post office or the dpd pickup point or request another delivery attempt from UPS (they are really a pita here). Plus Packstation is working really well 99% of the time

But each country is different and that is why logistics firms have a business model. But with rising costs I get why game companies try
 Portal succeeded for me. Fryx failed for me. Other backers may have different experiences.


Correct, Rallyman DIRT with several addons on-top. I have, since posting above, seen a 3rd party account of a 3rd party account of someone talking directly to BollorĂ© who state that CAD180000 is owed before North American fulfillment can begin and they, BollorĂ©, do not intend to seek individual funds and will refuse to ship any product before the total fee is paid. It seems, perhaps then, that the monies owed to BollorĂ© exceeds that of the Rallyman DIRT campaign’s fulfillment fees and may speak more to past projects’ fulfillment fees never being fully paid.


They were fulfilling four different projects at once, that’s why they chose Bollore in the first place.