The Crowdfunding Thread

Borderlands :heart: has been our group computer game during the pandemic.
I am strangely not tempted by the boardgame. (I did send the link to the KS to my partner who plays a lot more Borderlands than me but he rarely decides which new boardgames are acquired and he already had no interest in several other computer game adaptations of his favorites)

him just now “you know you opened a can of worms?”
me :innocent: “what?”
he: “it’s cooperative”
me “you didn’t want the Assassin’s Creed or the Horizon Zero Dawn games.”
he “this is Borderlands.” :drooling_face:
me “I didn’t want you to find out from someone else” :stuck_out_tongue:

Apparently, I have to take a closer look :wink: But if I end up backing it for him, I am declaring it “nostalgic” from the get-go (those games don’t always count when I am counting my collection)

edit: clarifications. I shouldn’t post when half-asleep :slight_smile:


Easy to skip Borderlands, just too much. 120 AUD for the base game, and you don’t get any stretch goals. And you’ve still got shipping to worry about.


I’ve officially found my favorite Kickstarter of the past two years:

This feels like the kind of project Kickstarter was made for: a small-box tile-laying/card game effectively designed and produced by a single person in Poland. And the game itself looks good, too; I really like the aesthetics, the mechanics look solid (if not particularly innovative), and there are quite a few built-in expansions and variants that will hopefully be interesting. It’s so lovingly under-produced (in the sense that the designer is throwing every single idea they have into a box with no filtering whatsoever) but I’m way into that when it’s a simple game like this, as opposed to a 200-dollar plastic monstrosity.

And it’s so cheap! Even shipping across an ocean, it’ll cost less than 20 dollars. I’ve never backed a project with so much enthusiasm before.


9 December 2021: the day Kickstarter stopped being the least sketchy crowdfunding site. Yes, they’re getting into blockchains.
(Nothing they say they want to do will get any benefit from being “on the blockchain”.)


I think I’m not alone here that we still don’t understand how this is useful to KS. Blockchain is simply a decentralised bookkeeping system. The only thing I can think of is that they want to offload a lot of the data storage to its consumers.

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The best outcome is that it gets them a lot of money from stupid venture capitalists who still see “blockchain” as a good thing.

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I’m hardly the most enthusiastic games from the future purchaser but I do agree. For many Blockchain = Crypto = high risk/reward capitalism.

I can’t pretend to know (or care too much) about the underlying structure of the web, so meh,


Delivery! :clap:t2:

It really is a dark road if the box cover is anything to go by.


“We said it was your turn to bring the lamp oil.”
“No you didn’t.”
“What was that?”
“Another tree.”
“How far have we come?”
“About half a mile I think. I can still see the lights of town if I look back.”


“Merchants of the Dark Road”, and it’s sequel on the right, Merchants of the Dark Dark Road Road.




Same designer of Kemet


Something about that art I find really off putting. No idea why.


It reminds me of the old Rifts: Vampire Kingdoms (of Mexico) art. Iconic, but not in a way I like(d).



Somehow the crowdfunding countdown on BGG seems so empty… post-holiday syndrome?
Or does it have to do with KS announcement on the whole blockchain shenanigans?

In any case, I backed something which I was always going to back. I got the whole of the West Kingdom Trilogy, addons, promos and big boxes (some incoming still) and obviously I had to back the final one: Viscounts expansions and big box. One can be of the opinion that expansions are something to avoid or one can be a completionist.

I find that if I move games on quickly, the expansion does not add much resale value, but the older the games the more the expansions are worth. Not that I have any plans to get rid of the WK trilogy anytime soon. But in this case I am a completionist.

Update on some of my existing ones:

  • the package for my Petrichor CE is shipped–can’t wait to finally play that one
  • Planet Unknown is finally on a ship–I can’t quite believe it. When that gets here Frosthaven will be my oldest undelivered KS.
  • Tussie Mussie expansions actually arrived already.
  • Raid is showing signs that at some point the game will be done

(yes this is three separate posts in one)


I just got a parcel from Gamelyn Games, so I am assuming my copy of Tiny Epic Dungeons has been delivered. Look at me collecting KS left, right and centre like a pro… I can’t keep up! :smiley: :smiley:


Uh, oh. The parcel contained Tiny Epic Galaxies:thinking: :thinking: Did I include that with Dungeons??? I think I did and I forgot all about it… Nice surprise. To myself.


Final Girl kickstarter 2 is out.

Includes Alien / Ripley and The Thing scenarios.

Core box (required) and 1 film box is £30, which is a lot for just one board but not as terrible as I’d expected.


Yay, Petrichor arrived. I already unpacked and punched during lunchbreak.


  • Spirits of the Forest has a date for end of production
  • Factory Funner et al are on a boat and will ship in EU in February

Things are happening with a few of those much delayed games.

PS: I have a complaint as can be seen in the lower right of the picture: new game with nice insert and somehow the box doesn’t close. And they really might have considered adding a sheet on “how to sort everything into the insert” … ah well there’s probably something online somewhere.


Yucatan, the new game from the designer of Kemet is on KS. £60 plus postage is not crazy but still a bit rich for me.

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Considering how Inis, Cyclades, and Kemet were waaaay cheaper. Kemet 2 is expensive, but I feel the production and content is alright.

I’m happy to pass this. I’m even thinking of selling Kemet 2 (any UKers? :stuck_out_tongue: ) as I prefer to play Cthulhu Wars instead, which has very similar mechanisms.