Recent Boardgames (Your Last Played Game Volume 2)

Grokked King of Tokyo

Grandson less chuffed.

But we both loved Boss Monster


I played Boss Monster once and found it quite swingy and take-that-ish – which isn’t my usual taste, though I wouldn’t claim that makes it a bad game.

Nice tablecloth! Have you managed to find a globe-spanning game to play with that map yet?

I don’t mind swingy take that games.

It’s a great tablecloth, from Dunelm by the metre?

Last night, my eldest child and I played Princess Jing with the advanced rules, and had a great time. I spent a while trying to entice them to move their princess where she’d be paralyzed, and, when they did, used that information to collect information about the two animals I needed to match. I hadn’t realized that they already had all the information they needed, and identified their princess to take a second turn and win right before they would have won!


I’ve set up Antike II for a four player game in which I shall assume the mantle of leadership for all of the contesting peoples. I’m doing this in order to teach myself the game and devise cunning stratagems with which to best my friends. :smirk:


[Edit: this was a new thread I made in honour of the one from the old SUSD forums that was about to die, and at the time I didn’t spot that one already existed. So that’s why this reply’s preamble makes no sense.]

(nobody done it yet? can I do it? is that ok?)

An idea shamelessly stolen from the SUSD forum that was shamelessly stolen from somewhere else that became so massive that it will probably reach its 10,000 reply limit and get automatically closed in the few days left before the SUSD forum bites the dust.

Describe the last game (or session of games!) that you played!

I just finished a Tabletop Simulator game of Small World which could arguably be described as “one of those modules that’s just too cleverly scripted”. Every now and then a stack of chits would partially sink into the table and disappear, or the row of available races/abilities would inexplicably collapse in on itself when you tried to move everything down a notch to fill up the space. But, as with almost everything on TTS that I’ve seen so far, despite all of these hiccups, it was miles more fun than it had any right to be.

A five player game, with one who’d never played before, and we had two hours of good solid fun despite a bit of disparity in the scores. The top three were very close, I was a moderately distant fourth, and our first timer was a fairly distant fifth. But I always forget how much fun I have with this game before I start playing and it always brings joy once the crazy combinations start presenting themselves.

So what did you play last?


I can’t believe you didn’t choose one of the many titles suggested for the next thread! :rofl:

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Your Last Played Game (volume1)
You Won’t Believe What They Are Playing… CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT!
Game Publishers Can’t Stand When We Talk About…
Their Partner Asked For A Divorce After Playing This Game… AND SUED FOR CUSTODY

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Yeah sorry, I totally chickened out. I thought I was being ballsy enough simply through the act of unilaterally being the one to start it off again!

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I like the Volume 2 touch… very delicate

Opinions on folding this into the existing Recent Boardgames thread?

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(I’m generally in favour of combining them, but how do others feel?)

oh sorry I didn’t see it :frowning:

Been on here less than half a day and already committing my first faux pas.

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:woman_shrugging: It’s named differently. I only mention it because there’s a small history of posts there.

Sure, go ahead. Makes total sense. I might need to do a little bit of editing once it’s been folded in but otherwise no problems with that suggestion at all.

Agreed. Let’s just have one “last game played” thread. Can the thread name be removed to make it more obvious though? “Recent Boardgames” can mean purchased, played, released, etc.


[clicky clicky clicky]


Love the Apollo rocket!

Never heard of Antike II, but it looks very much like something I would like to play. I am such a sucker for good old maps…

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It’s by Mac Gerdts (Imperial, Imperial 2030) so it has his characteristic roundel mechanism. And the board is double-sided: Mediterranean on one side, Anatolia and Asia on the other.


I’m not sure if we’re going to separate out solo games from multiplayer games, but for the time being, I’ll talk about: Black Sonata

I did a print-and-play production for Black Sonata and it turned out… okay? I’m very happy with some aspects and very disappointed with other aspects. I may do another production of the game if/when I get some better tools (such as a guillotine/tracked roller paper cutter… or even better: the laser cutter my dad is talking about buying and sharing with me). Since printing the game, I’ve played 3 times now and won all but the 1st game. I actually got frustrated by a lack of sophisticated note-taking-instrumentation, so I designed and printed a visual guide to all of the possible combinations of clues, and then also a notebook to track the movement of the Dark Lady; then I laminated both (I’m really enjoying having a laminator!). The end result of my improved tooling: I broke the game- it’s trivial to track the dark lady and I will need to add in some of the expansion content in order to make the game challenging again.

2nd game:

3rd game:


I’m back, with an underscore.

Got beat at Silver and Gold by my 7 year old. the 3 year old did a fab job as chief card flipper.

Proceeded to get my own back later in Monster Baby Rescue