Recent Boardgames (Your Last Played Game Volume 2)

Played Anachrony and my impressions is that I defo like it more than Trickerion. The latter has that regimental step-by-step malarkey of A>B>C>D>E>VP. Anachrony is classic worker placement with tight choices. It seems to have the same flaws with other asymmetric Euros where you’re pretty much shackled into a certain strategy depending on your faction. Though, the asymmetry wasn’t a detriment on my pursuit of the end game scoring - which works on an area-control basis: do you have the most X? Awesome pts for you! Late game tends to be very calculable rather than fuzzy. (The latter is better because… confusion and suffering is good?). So, things are clear by late game and the fault of my choices at that point is due to me not being efficient enough and not mastering the system enough. Eh, whatever.

I liked my first game of it. But… I don’t know, man. It has some cool exo-suit minis, but there’s a noticeable lack of trains… I’ll just bring out Misery Farm if I want a WP Euro.


Kid snow days and grownup post vaccine booster sick days combined for the whole family getting the day off, so we got some gaming in.

Our A Quiet Year world got some love, with crazy seagulls and a friendly giant making appearances.

Story Master’s Tales: Dracodeep Dungeon made it’s debut. We battled an elf by throwing a rabbit at him, adopted a zombie barbarian and returned Excalibur to Arthur’s Tomb.

Gave The Adventure Zone:Bureau of Balance game a try. We failed to secure the hoard of a dragon on a train, but learned a lot about ourselves along the way.


As we all know, the best trains are actually cubes. Should be pretty straight-forward to bling out a copy of Anachrony by replacing the minis with cubes.


Just finished the app campaign of Imperial Assault. The last mission was awesome, with the appearance of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. Our ally took one for the team. My boy, Gideon Argus picked a fight with Vader and heroically sacrificed myself so the others could escape. Only Garkan (our Wookie) didn’t have their board flipped by the end.

We have the 1 v all campaign book to run now and my eldest is desperate to be the Imperials. I have a feeling there will be many arguments about line of sight and movement.

I don’t think this is as good a game as Gloomhaven as a pure co op, IMO it’s a bit more clunky. Really looking forward to the argument fest though, I think that is going to be awesome.


I played a quick game of Praga Caput Regni this morning using the solo “rules” as printed in the manual. There’s a proper bot ruleset available as a PnP file online, but really this was just intended to get a feel for the game ahead of a teach with my partner today.

It’s too early to comment much, but it has a remarkably simple ruleset that relies (almost) entirely on the board and tiles to create interest and opportunity for players. Even though the game has minimal direct interaction, each player has a huge amount of control over the board state, so I’m guessing a full 4P game is ideal here (for reasons that include the central wheel as well), but because of the area control element I think it will work out just fine at 2P with some experience.

Eager to play today, and it sounds like the kid might have just gone down for a nap! :grin:


Played game 1 of Aeon’s End Legacy. Loved it, but very obviously a tutorial game. Ready for game 2 on Tuesday :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


One day I will play AEL…


Ok so first game of viticulture tonight. Having got the game at a good price I upgraded it before even playing it (either Kickstarter has programmed me to think this way or I have a sickness). Anyway the results were a bit meh regardless of how nice the coins were. Longish post incoming…

After what I thought was a reasonable teach I lost my partner around the third year.

I feel like there are some nuances of the teach that I often miss. As a self imposed rule I try not to over read strategy about a game going in so that figuring out optimum moves (who am I kidding) and strategies get revealed to me over time. This it our first foray into worker placements so I reckoned more actions was gonna be pretty powerful and invested here in the first two years. My partner didn’t until year 5. I generally try to avoid winning the first game as much as possible (having understood the rules I reckon I’m at an advantage) but as the game drew on And my advantage grew I felt like finishing the game sooner was for everyone’s benefit.

I think the randomness of the card draw obfuscates the path to victory points although another session may make this smoother. Even figuring out the difference between summer and winter visitors perks is pretty key (and wrongly missed in the teach from me).

Long story short I think viticulture is a good game and may even be a great game but teaching it without having played it and understanding some of the routes to VP’s was a failing on my part. I’m curious how others balance teaching versus over comprehension of a game (if it needs a spin off thread I’ll start one).


Further to my earlier post, we got our 2P game of Praga Caput Regni in this afternoon. It’s a hit with my partner, it’s a hit with me, and just a wonderful surprise altogether. Praga and Arnak are both games I’ll shamelessly admit to (eventually) grabbing almost solely based on their sustained hotness factor on BGG (more than 2 months with a given Euro is a reason to give pause, in my estimation). Both games far exceeded my expectations.

With Praga, a huge part of the surprise came from the ruleset. I was under the impression this would be leaning on the heavier end of the scale, yet had things taught enough to get going in 10 minutes… and that felt verbose! Yes, there was a lot of mid-game explaining, but it was always small, obvious stuff and handily compartmentalized.

Anyway, I have an awful lot to say about this after two games but I’ll reserve much of it for now as rank speculation. This one’s special.


My wife and I played Lords of Vegas tonight, and for the first time used the Up expansion. As such, we had a higher scoring game than we otherwise would have had. I got pretty lucky early on with some lots located close together, letting me cheaply sprawl for a 3 tile casino. My wife was not too far behind, though, and it wasn’t long before both of us had a few casinos of different designs, nearly all touching the Strip.

A bunch of the Vega cards came out early, before either of us had built any, and which disincentivized us from ever doing so.

My wife pulled ahead, keeping one space ahead of me on the scoring track most of the time. We both had Albion and Pioneer casinos, and she had a Tivoli while I had a Sphinx. I managed to take over the Tivoli casino for a turn, getting the A6 lot (value of 6) and building into her casino, but she paid to reroll 3 dice to my 2, amd won it back. I tried rerolling once, but lost and abandoned my attempts at the casino.

The game was nearing its end. My Sphinx casino was worth 8 points when scoring, as was the Albion. My Pioneer was only worth 4 though, and I was at a 5-point threshold, so it was not scoring anymore and she had all the other Pioneer tiles in her casino.

Her Tivoli casino was worth 5, so it was not scoring for her either, she being at 6-point threshold. Her Albion was worth 8 and the Pioneer 10. I was one space behind her on the scoring track.

Enter Vega. I converted my Pioneer casino to Vega and then sprawled to another lot, making it a 5 tile casino. My wife then sprawled her Pioneer casino by one lot, using the newly available tiles, making it worth 12.

The game over card came next. We both thought my wife had it, but since I had made it so all three of my casinos would score, I moved 3 spaces on the scoring track. Her Albion moved her up by one, then the Pioneer moved her up another to a 7-point threshold, so she could not advance.

We tied. Money is the tie breaker, and she had spent everything on her last turn. After collecting income for the game over card, I had more money, giving me the win.

In hindsight, she should have done the same as me and sprawled her smaller casino, as it would have then been worth 6, gotten past the threshold, and then her other two would have scored and given her the win.

Up adds an interesting new dimension to the game, that will be even more noticeable with a higher player count. Can’t wait to try it out sometime.


you’re most welcome, I’m glad you’re putting it to good use!

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I’ve had an extremely ho-hum time in my two games of this, on account of not understanding it well enough in advance. There have been plenty of other games where I did very poorly on account of being new, and yet still had an enjoyable time. Viticulture was more along the lines of “well you’ve messed up in the early game, and now every turn for the remainder of the game is going to be utterly underwhelming”.

I know that plenty of people rate it highly, so I imagine it’s good once you know what you’re doing, but your comments struck a chord with me – I think the teach might be really crucial for this one.


Another impromptu chat and boardgames with my buddy today.

We thought we’d give Pandemic a go since we’ve both been enjoying the puzzles that Zman have been publishing. What we didn’t realise is that the Steam version doesn’t have online multiplayer, but we managed around it. The first game went well, curing the final disease on the last turn. The second game was going well, until a badly placed epidemic brought out nearly all the black cubes in one turn.

Then we moved onto one of our favourites Santorini on BGA. We had some really interesting combinations of powers this time around.

We finished off with Can’t Stop (again on BGA) which is a nice little push-your-luck dice-game.


My friends want to play a league of Blitz Ball S2, so had a preseason friendly tonight. I was Nurgel against Lizardmen. We forgot to cycle the cards so the beginning of the game was quite stale. Once we got the rule right it flew by. I was behind (partly because we realised the mistake at the beginning of my opponents turn so they could capitalise on the refreshed market!), but even with that big rules blunder it came down to a tense finale where I was trying to break through for a touch down. In the end my last ditch risk didn’t pay off, I rolled badly on defence and the lizards returned an easy touch down. Final score 8-13 to Lizardmen.

Gutted, but ready for more games. Really enjoyed it!

Edit: I got Elves in the draft. WOOO


We were able to get an early afternoon game of The Lost Ruins of Arnak under our belts today. It was a nice, snappy play with a tight finish (my loss, 67-63). I had 5 fear cards in a deck of 10 by the end of the first moon, so my second two phases were a mad dash into the island (and the market) in the hopes of opening up/earning some card culling options. This eventually worked out, but it tanked my resources and killed my initial goal of pushing hard into the level II ruins.

I was able to make some pretty savvy plays in the final two phases and got to the top of the research track. This, paired with a horrible catch-22 my partner was faced with in the final turns meant I was able to stay competitive.

Another close game, but I had to really work to make that true this time. Whew!


My wife and I got in a game of Patchwork while the kids were being somewhat chill this morning. As we played, I was not sure how the game was going ro go, as she was building a really clean quilt, but did not have a lot of buttons on it. In comparison, mine was patchy and erratic, but had lots of buttons.

Mine turned out to be the better way to go, as I won the game, 25 - 2. I just beat her out for the 7x7 bonus, she was only missing a single square before I got it.


Had a Saturday morning games session with my daughters, first Game of Life (or as the little one calls it, the Cars Game) and then Ticket to Ride: Europe. I did my utmost to lose, and I didn’t. Won the first by a mere 40K (which is like petty change in the game, really, and the TtR: E I won by a big margin, as my eldest did not finish the two contracts she picked up mid game. A lesson for greed, I guess. I obviously didn’t mention that at the time.


Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps , an epic game that went for 4+ hours. Which I really didn’t notice, the time just flew by. Unlike Gloomhaven, which always feels long for me. The mission was Mission 3 – Survive, the expanded mission from the Get Away From Her You Bitch expansion. Ripley and Newt start in a barricaded room with two facehuggers, and no weapons or equipment. The other marines have to unbarricade the room as soon as possible. It doesn’t seem possible to get thru the barricades before Newt and Ripley get attacked. There’s enough movement to reach the door, but then you have no actions left to attempt the unbarricade. And there are two doors you have to get through. The facehuggers don’t kill you, but if you fail your defense roll, you’re impregnated, and will die at the end of the mission. Faithful to the movie I guess, I don’t believe anyone managed to survive after being attacked by a hugger. Anyway, Ripley managed to defend against their attack, but Newt was not so lucky.

We got to play with the sentry guns, added them to the main corridor so they could blast any aliens that came across. Worked pretty well. Unfortunately sentry guns will shoot at anything, even player characters, so we couldn’t move out into the corridor ourselves until the guns ran out of ammo. I’ve seen a suggestion on bgg that you should be able to turn off the guns, just so you don’t have to waste turns waiting for them to run dry.

Turn five, the dropship came down and we knew which exit to take. Starting with turn four, you roll to see if the dropship arrives, and if it does, you roll for one of the two exits to be active.

So it was a run to the exit, with quite a few aliens blocking our route. We barricaded doors on the other exit, and the blips just piled up there. Would have been nasty if they had gotten out and came up behind us. We’ve been rolling pretty well for the barricades (aliens break thru on a dice roll of 4,5,6 from a D6). Dietrich was the star, clearing out almost every group of the aliens in front of us with her flamethrower. The flamer seems like a great weapon, it’s only weakness is that you can’t use it for defensive fire when the aliens attack.

The Crew , hadn’t played this for a while. Failed at first, then succeeded, needed a bit of luck.

Biblios , one of my favourite filler games, always a hit

Nova Luna , such a close game, we were all down to our last 2 tokens.

Byzanz , another great filler. If you like auctions, you’ll like this.

Canvas , finished the night with a relaxing game of creating paintings. And when I say relaxing, I mean compulsively shuffling your art cards around to achieve the objectives. I wouldn’t have thought this game was particularly AP prone, but we had some long turns. Still, a lot of fun.

More gaming on Sunday, just 2 player

Lost Ruins of Arnak . I was completely annihilated, as I was for my first game of this. I’m obviously doing something fundamentally wrong. Still enjoying it tho, its a pretty good game.

Canvas , played two more games of this. Very quick at 2p.

Biblios , again, pretty quick at 2p

Nova Luna , went ok at this, won. Had a bit of luck, two of the same coloured tiles next to each other, both 2s, so I could take and play both, completed about 4 objectives.


I have only played this a couple of times, but each time I had the feeling that it’s very hard to win, if you don’t go into purchasing button tiles early on in the game. Next time I play, I might just go all in on buttons and neglect proper tile placement as much as possible, just to see what happens.

So we have now played two games each of Space Base and Sub Terra.

  • Sub Terra: we won our first game with just two explorers making it out of the cave in the dark and lost our second game 5 danger cards before the end because we had each been exploring on our own and when a cave-in came… people were too far apart. In any case we are enjoying this, laying tiles building up the cave and running from the danger. It’s just so nice to have a “smallish” coop again that works at 2 players (we are so not trying the 2 player mode of The Crew).

  • Space Base: the first game went to me. I got ahead in all 3 gauges in the mid-game but since the game was new, I wasn’t quite sure how to finish off my partner and he got quite annoyed because the game dragged on for a couple of turns. The second game was quite close for some time and then we were both around 25 VP when my partner “suddenly” double scored 6 VP from sector 11 and then went for the kill by spending a ton of gold on a colony. He was missing 1 VP then and I rolled something that pushed him across the finish line. And that’s when he decided he liked the game :wink: Obviously I like it and I can see the comparisons with Machi Koro and yet this one is so much more satisfying and also: space based–yep I had to go there (although I personally do not want to go to space not in this day and age). I expect this game to play faster with more players because one gets more passive income turns and thus can probably get into the second and third row of the market quicker. But it’s still fun at 2.