Set 1:
10, 15, 16, 12, 15 & 9
Set 2:
13, 12, 13, 14, 10 & 10
I’ll use set 1 please.
Set 1:
10, 15, 16, 12, 15 & 9
Set 2:
13, 12, 13, 14, 10 & 10
I’ll use set 1 please.
Alright, once you’ve got your numbers, there is the matter of:
Finalizing your race and class, and assigning ability scores.
Picking alignment, background/skills, starting equipment, spells (if you have them), languages.
Making a backstory, and a physical description of your character if you haven’t already.
Filling out the character sheet. (This I can do, and will do once we’ve all made our choices, but feel free to fill it out yourself - just let me know! Make sure you send it to me so I can check it and have a copy!)
You can find a fillable character sheet here:
You will be using the half-elf race, which means your Charisma score will be higher by 2, and two other ability scores of your choice will increase by 1 (we’ll talk about where is the best to spend those in a second).
You are medium sized, your speed is 30 (feet per move), and you have Darkvision (can see in dim light and the dark, though only up to 60 feet). You also have Fey Ancestry (advantage on saving throws vs. Charm, and cannot be magic’d to sleep) and Skill Versitility (you will choose two extra skills to be proficient in, we’ll do that in a second).
You will be able to speak Common, Elvish, and one extra language.
Here’s a list of choices:
The Etellu language is also an option.
Your chosen Class is Ranger, and we’ll be making a level 3 version.
This is a good time to think about ability score placement. The six being:
STRength - if you’re going to be melee focused, this is important
DEXterity - this should be your highest stat
CONstitution - this is important, but you have a high hit die so not as much as some others
WISdom - this will probably be your second highest, used for spell casting and scouting
INTelligence - ‘dump stat’ - your class doesn’t use it, but knowledge skills are useful in exploring the world
CHArisma - good for tipping the scales in your favour when talking, but considered a ‘dump stat’ for rangers
Make sure to add your half-elf charisma bonus, and pick two abilities to boost by one. Modifiers go up by 1 for every two ranks in an ability, so it is a good idea to put any bonuses into a number that will give you an immediate benefit. Example: by adding One of your half elf +1 abilities to a 10, it becomes an 11 - but that would still be a +0 modifier. Whereas, adding your bonus to a 15 would make it a 16, taking the modifier from a +2 to a +3.
Your proficiency bonus is +2 - you’ll add this to every roll that you are skilled in.
Your hit die (the dice you roll to generate your hitpoint total) is a d10, plus your CON modifier. We’ll be taking your character to level 3, so add additional HP equal to 2d10 plus your CON modifier twice. If you don’t like the odds of rolling, just add 12 HP plus twice your CON.
You are proficient in:
Light Armour, Medium Armour, Shields
Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Strength Saving Throws, Dexterity Saving Throws,
You may choose three Skills to be proficient in from this Ranger List, which you’ve already done.
Starting Equipment: I believe you’ve already chosen this. Those choices are good.
Favoured enemy choice is really up to what you think sound fun. Whatever you pick, the campaign will include it. What kind of enemies would Salazar be interested in? Perhaps he’s disgusted by oozes, or imagines that he’d be a true hero if he killed a giant.
As far as favoured terrain, there’s definitely an abundance of grassland in this part of the world. It’s probably your most consistent bet.
Fighting Style
This is up to Salazar’s preferences, but keep in mind you’ll be able to choose more later. There’s:
Archery (+2 ranged attack roll. Ranged attacks are great, and you start out with a longbow which has incredible range)
Defence (+1 to AC with armour. Having a higher AC makes your character much more survivable.)
Dueling (+2 damage with a lone one handed weapon - probably not this one as you picked the two shortswords)
Two weapon fighting (this would synergize with your weapon choice)
You’ll know 3 level 1 spells, and have 3 level 1 spell slots to use them. Basically, you have three spells to choose from, and you can cast spells 3 times in a day. Once your character takes a long rest, they can then cast spells again.
Ranger spell list here:
Primeval Awareness
Basically a special sensing power that you can treat as a spell. It lasts for a minute, and allows you to detect a bunch of special creatures:
Aberrations, Celestials, Dragons, Elementals, Fey, Fiends, and Undead. All and any of them that are within one mile, but it doesn’t tell you where or how many.
Ranger Archetype
This is a hard choice. It’s all in how you visualize Salazar, and also what you think will be more fun to play. Hunter makes you a serious battlefield force, Beast Master gives you a rad animal companion. Hunter has a more lonely feeling, Beast Master feels more social, but also wilder. In either case, you must make some choices.
Beast Master:
I can’t find a good online explanation of the Beast Master, but basically you pick an animal up to a ‘Challenge Rating’ (a measure of monster strength) of 1/4 to be your companion (it gets bonuses based on your abilities). I’d recommend picking a beast that is 1/4, any weaker and it becomes a severe handicap. It can be a bit annoying to play two characters in combat, rolling double attacks, etc. So don’t pick Beast Master is you mind busy work.
Here’s a list of all of 'em:
Googling ‘5e [beast name]’ should bring up the appropriate monster card.
Finally, Background
You can find a list of backgrounds here:
Judging by your backstory, I have these suggestions in alphabetical order (I’m only pulling from the player’s handbook, as it’s what I have in front of me):
Charlatan (based on current over-gambling/drinking)
Folk Hero (coming from a small farming community/destined for greatness)
Outlander (Shepherding)
Don’t think that you have to use the suggested characteristics from the backgrounds. In this case they represent more of your inclinations than your current state.
Add the skills and proficiencies that your background grants, and pick two bonus skills from this list (not one that you already have) from your Half Elf bonus:
And you’re done!
As a Gnome, your intelligence score goes up by 2. You are small size, and have Darkvision (see in the dark 60 feet) and Gnome Cunning (advantage on INT, WIS, CHA saves vs. Magic)
You may choose between being a Rock Gnome subrace, or Forest Gnome, as detailed here:
Personally, it sounds like Poot fits the ‘Rock Gnome’ type.
So, a wizard!
First abilities:
STR: Almost entirely unnecessary for a wizard, but helpful for jumping over holes and climbing ropes - things where wizards often die until they learn the fly spell. Otherwise, dump stat.
DEX: good for staying alive despite being squishy
CON: Nice to have a few more HP to not get one-shotted
WIS: Others will likely be leading the way - dump stat.
INT: Put the highest score here - it’s your spell ability
CHA: If you like to be talky this helps, otherwise it’s a dump
Make sure to add you racial bonuses to the scores.
Your HP is 6 + Con modifier - but we’re building a level 3 character, so either add 2d6 plus CON x 2, or 8 plus CON x 2 (if you don’t trust dice).
You basic proficiencies are:
Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Light Crossbows
Intelligence Saving Throws, Wisdom Saving Throws
Pick two skills from:
Arcana (knowledge of magic things),
Insight (determine someone’s intentions),
Investigation (examine something you can already see),
Medicine (Basic field healing, use of healing items, stabilizing the dying - you won’t be actually granting heals),
Pick: a quarterstaff or a dagger,
A component pouch or an arcane focus (these are flavour items)
A Scholar’s Pack, or an Explorer’s Pack
And you get a spellbook.
Additional equipment will be granted by your background
At level 3 you need to pick:
3 Cantrips (spells you can use at any time)
10 spells, two of which may be level 2, otherwise they must be level 1.
Here’s a spell list:
Cantrips you will want one basic combat one (like firebolt), one support combat one (Ideally related to your spell tradition, see below), and one utility one.
As far as the other spells, just pick what sounds useful and fun, but sticking to a single school (see arcane tradition below) does help in the long run. Keep in mind that if something does a similar thing to another spell, you only have a limited amount of slots to cast with per day (4 1st level spells, 2 2nd level spells), and a limited amount of spells you can memorize to use each day (3 plus your INT modifier - you can pick different spells every day).
Arcane Tradition
You can find a hyperlinked list of the traditions on this page:
These will have a big effect to the flavour of your character.
I’m fine with any of them except the ones that have (UA) attached to them.
Next is background. I’d suggest either Guild Artisan or Sage. There’s a list here:
Compile the skills and gear from your chosen background, and I think you’re done!
Another character creation tool that one can use is D&D beyond, though the options are limited unless you purchase the digital Player’s Handbook. However, if you don’t want to go through my super long instructions, and are fine with few background options (they don’t matter that much in practice - you can define your character however you want), please feel free to use it:
More step-by-step guides later, it took me super long to type up the ones I just posted so I’m kinda bushed. Though @RossM I assume you’ll have no problem making a character on your own.
Well, lets find out!
Just adding a character sheet I found online. It’s the same as the WOTC one (PDF, form fillable) but has a better font, font scaling so you don’t run over boxes.
To give the guy credit, here’s the Reddit post I found it on.
Thanks for the tips @Sagantine, this would have taken me much longer without them. I think I understood most of it, and unless you tell me they’re rubbish, I’m happy with my spell and cantrip choices.
I think I’ve done it correctly, but there’s some stuff I’m not sure of. My questions are bundled up below so people don’t have to scroll through a wall of text…
I’ve added my stats to the lower of the two places on each box, and any known modifiers in the bigger box, but I’m not sure if I’m just meant to bundle those up into my initial stats?
i’m not sure about what I put in the boxes next to each skill or saving throws, proficiency bonus, initiative. Do some of my spells go in the attacks and spellcasting box or not? What goes in the boxes next to equipment?
And finally (you’ll be glad to hear) On the third page, I don’t know what to put in my spellcasting ability, spell save dc, spell attack bonus, if anything?
My sheet so far is here -
@Sagantine So I don’t step on any toes, what races and classes are people playing please? Well, less so race, just don’t want to duplicate class.
Right, I’ve got this so far. I know there’s bits that are wrong (@IssiNoho77 is much clearer on proficiencies) , but its a start.
I’m not sure how to share a PDF file - the link above was from ‘share’
We have 2 rangers and a wizard at least…
Hmmm, cheers @RossM.
So, stealth well and truly covered. Lock picking you guys could manage okay with Dex. Spells covered with a full caster and 2 rangers.
We’re lacking a bit more healing, and tankiness I think. I know rangers can cover both but, maybe a bit more might be prudent.
Thinking maybe a paladin. Not a fan of clerics. Perhaps even a fighter, but I really worry for healing in DND!
Mind you paly charisma will help with NPCs hopefully. I’ll go paladin. Probably human.
Mine and @Captbnut rangers are so different!
That means that you must be able to read my sheet at least.
As a more experienced player, are there bits I need to add or tweak on my character sheet?
I’ve taken entertainer as my background. I’m going to roll 3d10’s for my entertainer routines.
@Gungeon asked for a die roll:
Gungeon rolling:
3d10: 2 + 7 + 2 = 11
Played probably two games of 5e. Go with what feels right.
@Gungeon asked for a die roll:
Ha! Got a duplicate 2 - dancer. Just loves me some dancing!
Gonnna roll again
d10: 1
You’re really close to done, just looks like we need to work out the derived values, and add one spell!
In the boxes that have your ability scores (STR, DEX, etc.) the small boxes are for the total ability score (as you have done), and the big box is for the modifiers. With the numbers you’ve assigned, your modifiers are as follows:
STR: +1
DEX: +3
CON: +0
INT: +0
WIS: +3
CHA: +1
Then you can add these modifiers to your skill list and saving throw list, any skill or saving throw that you are also proficient in you also add your proficiency bonus to. For example, Animal Handling is a WIS skill, so you would put down +3 on the line, but you’re also proficient in it, so add your +2 proficiency bonus to make the total bonus +5. In contrast, your acrobatics gets your +3 DEX modifier, but no proficiency bonus, so just mark it down as +3.
Looks like you have a few too many saving throws checked off as proficient - should just be strength and dex.
Did you calculate your HP based off of the +0 modifier from your CON? It looks a touch high.
Your AC or Armour Class is 10 + your Dex modifier, and in your case, +1 if you’re wearing armour. However, leather armour makes that 11 + DEX mod, plus that +1 from your class defense feature. In this case, your AC would be 15 - a good score for a lightly armoured character! This is the roll that an enemy has to meet or beat to hit your character.
Your Initiative is your DEX modifier, so +3
You can fill in the ‘hit dice’ box with ‘d10’, and put the amount as ‘3’. These are used to heal your character during short rests (they replenish after a ‘long rest’, which is basically an 8 hour period of inactivity).
Your longbow and shortswords you are both proficient with, and both utilize DEX (the shortswords can use DEX or STR) to calculate attack bonus, and damage bonus. So your attack bonus with both of them is +5. You don’t add proficiency to damage bonuses, so the damage bonuses are both +3. Of note, when using both of your shortswords at once, you don’t apply the DEX bonus to the damage to the second, off-hand attack. So you would roll two attack rolls to hit, both at +5, but then if both hit, you’d roll 2d6 and add +3 to the damage, not +6.
Your Panther gets a number of benefits due to your beastmastery so some of its abilities are stronger than the base cat:
Its AC is 14 (you’ll want to note these down)
HP is 13
Perception is +6, Stealth is +8 (lol that’s high)
Also, both its attacks have a +6 to hit instead of the +4
Make sure to name him/her!
Finally, you can pick one more level 1 spell. That Primeval Awareness spell is basically a free bonus one, on top of the three that you get. Your ‘slots’ aren’t ‘how many spells I have’ but ‘How many I can cast a day’, btw. I find that is confusing.
Actor, dancer and poet. What a lovely multitalented routine eh? Real crowd pleaser… hmmm. Haha!
@IssiNoho77 writing up final instructions for you as well!
… he’s a gentleman, a scholar, and an acrobat