I love games that are bursting with theme! Does that sound right? I like a good solid theme? Well, hopefully you get the idea. Fury of Dracula, Wiz-War and Legendary are particular favourites.
Also if a game is just hilarious fun (I’m looking a you and winking, Galaxy Trucker, oh yes).
Still, I’ll play a good Euro if its offered and doesn’t take several hours/days to play. As long it doesn’t feel like work. Space Base and Quacks are both top notch fun and miles away from hardcore Euros. I don’t have the inclination (read: sagacity) for the heavy Euro’s.
Anyway, if you’ve read this far…blimey! What a witterer! I’ll close now with a summary:
I simply want to enjoy board games with friends and have a laugh! if that’s on offer, sign me up!