Most played games or How do you even count that?

Do we have/want a thread of most played games? I jaut discovered that I managed to get 128 (for me that is a high number) plays of Hardback. I only began tracking regularly around 4 years ago but still… I can make educated guesses about some older games…


Do you count digital plays as well?


Yeh, I don’t track solo or digital plays and I’m only on 20+ for my most played games.


if i didn’t count those I wouldn’t get far. hardback is almost exclusively with my friend on bga. i do track though if something was a digital or solo so i can’t separate the “real” plays from the others. I use the location field on bgstats for that

there are more locations but the next ones are friends name…

edit: there are app games i track and those i don’t. I only track the more involved ones like TM and SI where a play can easily take half an hour or more. i don’t track roll & write games. I sync BGA though…

For reasons I don’t track digital Gloomhaven. feels too much like a computer game instead of a boardgame


Same. I only started tracking all of my digital plays when BGstats added the option to sync with BGA. Before that I only used to record plays with “real” people (i.e., people I knew either IRL or here).


Since realizing that the majority of my gaming is and will be solo for the foreseeable future, I have finally started recording solo games. I do wish, however, that BGG had a function to provide different ratings based on player-count (instead of version instance?). I’m hesitant to provide ratings for games that I’ve only played solo, unless they are solo-only or primarily-solo, because, often, a game played solo feels nothing like the same game played multiplayer.

I’m still not recording my digital gaming because A) I don’t do much of it and B) I can’t be bothered


I track nearly all my plays. I tend not to log solo BGA games, which so far consists only of Hadrian’s Wall and Heat, and also don’t bother with party style games like Just One on BGA, but try to do everything else.

Not sure if we need a thread for it or not, as really each person would likely have one post for their most played game, but it’s not like one extra thread is going to break the forum. :slight_smile:

(Roger waits until the thread is made, then takes the forum offline for a day to mess with us.)


How do you link BGA? Can’t see the option

Edit: Ignore me, I’ve found it


I absolutely rank games I play solo only. how would sprawlopolis get any ratings? just add in your comment that this is from solo only. comments are far more important to me than rating when i check bgg for a game I’m interested in acquiring. which reminds me i need to write up all my recent first plays. (i swear autocorrect is evil today. it changes words after i saw the right one poop up)

edit: it’s impossible for me to change that last one


Yeah, I play a lot on BGA

Connect 4 was to get alpha access


I don’t keep count of games on Steam (Root or Lords of Waterdeep would be on that top), and I only started keeping tabs on bgg of my plays around April 2021, or maybe 2020?

Here is my top played games that are on double figures


My most frequently played games, excluding BGA:

59: Codenames;
29: Wingspan;
28: Flamme Rouge;
28: Just One;
27: Gloomhaven;
26: The Quacks of Quedlinburg;
23: Senshi;
22: Railroad Ink Challenge: Lush Green Edition;
21: Root;
20: Tsuro;
18: Brass: Lancashire;
18: Arboretum;
17: Condottiere;
17: Crokinole;
16: Pax Pamir (Second Edition);
16: Tiny Towns.

From BGA:
119: Kingdomino;
110: Santorini;
100: Potion explosion;
82: Terra Mystica;
55: Welcome to…

I’m still terrible at Terra Mystica!


I log games however played, but only since 2016. Here’s the 20+ list.

War of the Nine Realms, Ensemble, TM Dice and Grifters are “demo games” that I’ve played a bunch of times while showing off. I admit I expected more of them to be here. Aeon’s End probably would be if I hadn’t logged some of them by the set I was demonstrating. (Yes, 35.)

Rallyman GT, Letter Tycoon, VOLT, Lemminge, are largely on BGA. I suspect I may never play LT again, but I own the others.


So there. It looks like a thread. It behaves like a thread. I make a thread :wink:


All the games I have logged more than 10 plays (works out to a nice round 20 if you combine Hive and Hive Pocket):

Mostly party games or stuff that’s short so you end up playing multiple games in a row.


I started logging games at the first SHUX in October 2017. I don’t play much digitally and try to log those plays but there are probably some plays of things like Carcassonne on my phone vs AI that I’ve forgotten.

This is everything I have over 20 plays.

I’m not surprised at any of the top ones. They are co-ops I play with my husband (Legendary, Arkham Horror LCG and both Gloomhaven and Frosthaven), one of my classic favorites (Carcassonne), a couple of my husband’s favorites (Terraforming Mars and 7 Wonders), and my 11-year-old niece’s favorite last Christmas that we’d play 3-5 times somedays while I was there visiting (Skip-bo).


We used to play 7W almost every week


Wait, can we have a tool discussion as well? How are people logging their plays? I read BGstats and I saw some BGG but there’s like a dozen tools in the screenshots here.

I don’t log very well. I have ScorePal for android which is great but I often forget to use it. I have some notes on a spreadsheet as well but often forget to note it down the next day. So I’m not sure?

If we include app play, Race for the Galaxy has over 300 between app, bga, and table. Dominion well over 100, mostly on Androminion.

IRL Castles of Burgundy, London, and Star Realms are in the double digits as my wife likes them. Settlers of Catan got a ton of play back in the day but I have no idea what the count is. Yeah, I’m just not sure.


BGStats sends the play log to BGG, if you want to. I only log when I was doing my X by Y challenges

BGG for me; with the image I posted earlier I snipped out some of the huge white space in the middle of the table.