Last Game you sold! (Volume 2)

Not sold but these games left my collection today hopefully for good. My friends said something about „trying“ the games :wink:

Herbaceous, Mint Cooperative and Aerion were bought for my solo-ing endeavours and it turns out that one is a bit boring for solo, one is a bit fiddly and the third is pretty good but I got too many good games for soloing and this didn‘t make the cut after a few games.

Wildes Weltall was a game I bought for reasons that mostly included „I want to BUY A GAME“ and on trying it out as a two-hander it turns out the engine building is fine. But fine isn‘t good enough when I have Ares Expedition. Also, this is just over at a friends place. This wasn‘t on the sell list, just on the „if friends want it“ list.

Junk Art is lovely but my partner is not a fan of stacking games and I found the stacking nice but could never remember the rules for setup of the actual game between those rare plays. Also I like Menara better and am still considering Men At Work. Same as Wildes Weltall this was not on the sell list—yet. But it was not going to get played here.


I committed to selling my recently-acquired copy of Seal Team Flix this morning. I’ve seen enough of the first missions to know I’m going to want to back Elzra’s upcoming reimplementation which, from the look of things anyway, should make for a less obnoxious form-factor on the shelf. It’s going to a friend of mine who is more of a collector, so win+win!

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Not to mention the tragic missed opportunity that it’s not a game about covert anthropomorphic marine mammals?


After getting a couple games for Christmas the shelves were getting a bit full so I’ve sold some games.
Spirit Island
I know, I know, some people on here would call this blasphemy to get rid of. I can see why it’s good and people like it but I just found it the most AP inducing game for me. I would just lock up on all the variables and it made it not fun to play.
Railroad Ink: Challenge - Lush Green
I have the blue first game and I found the changes with the challenge one just made the game less zen and less enjoyable.
It’s a fine simple game but I have lots of good games that fine doesn’t quite cut it anymore
7th Continent Classic Edition
I perfectly fine choose your own adventure but I just got bored with it.
Vampire the Masquerade: Rivals
This one was actually still unpunched but I had to take a look at my collection and I already have Ashes: Reborn and Summoner Wars filling the card battler slots and most likely I would have never got to this.
It felt good to clear up some space so I kept going and consolidated some expansion boxes and made even more room on the shelves. Feels good to not have them rammed with games.


Moving out:

HeroQuest — too big to keep for occasional play with nephews, and the app left a lot to be desired as a solo, nostalgia-chasing adventure. Still holds up as a little playground for up and coming role players.

Cryo — this one stings as I’ve been loving it, but my partner remains cold on it. I’m making ruthless cuts to games I’m keeping for “game days with gamers”, and those spots are filled.

Thunderbirds — this is the best cooperative game (non-adventure) in my collection for solitaire play, but it’s not the kind of experience I reach for when I want to play solo, and my partner was cool on this one too. My friend has wanted this forever and the complete set is stupidly expensive, so I’m selling to him for what I paid (retail less boxing day discount).

There might be a few more coming but for now that represents a pretty decent cut in terms of my goal for the collection.

(For those curious, Container, Feudum and Eclipse are the 3 games I’m holding onto for gamer days. Side perk: my partner likes 2 of them, and hasn’t tried the 3rd).


I’ve sold

  • Ra (yay new version will be mine!)
  • Samurai (my partner disliked losing it, I am glad I got to play it. Hoping maybe for an eventual new verison, still got Babylonia which my partner enjoyed a bit more)
  • Under Falling Skies (I like my puzzles to have a spatial element…)

This goes to the same person who already bought a bunch of games from me the other day… :slight_smile:


This reminds me to try my best to lose when I teach my partner… not always easy when I already know a game…


So I sold Noch Mal (it’s fine, like comfort food), Arboretum (launched in favour of Photograph) and Fort: Cats and Dogs (Fort isn’t that great)


Sold City of Chaos. Can’t quite believe I actually put it up for sale—but now that I sold it… I am weirdly fine with it. Sold it for the price I saw it go for on the marketplace. Had a nice chat with the buyer.They are into rare and unusual games… so I guess the game will see some appreciation—more than it would have seen here. For those who don’t know it: it’s a 1996 game from Monocle Games that was more or less a mashup of Heroquest, an RPG and a choose your own adventure style book. I think it was ahead of its time. It had a bunch of metal minis for player figures and a board made from tiles randomly drawn. Character progression… and it took so many hours to finish a game we had to let it set up in my parents basement over several play sessions. Fond memories. But memories are fine. There’s talk about a remake. But that has been there for a while. So I’ll believe it when I see the box.

Oh and as a small bonus they’ll get Mouse Cheese Cat Cucumber with it which failed to grab me as a solo but which may yet be a quick filler for multiplayer that works?


Sold Quantum, for £70 minus postage. Whelp


There was a time where I would have paid that kind of money for the game. Then I played on TTS and none of my friends liked it and my partner really disliked it. I enjoyed a bit more than the rest but not enough to need to own it.

Cleared £60, I liked it but I like £60 more

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Mine went at Essen 2019. I’ve regretted it occasionally, but then I remember how rarely I actually got it to the table.

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Yeah, it’s just not a fit in any situation I play games.


Quantum was a game I was looking for for a long time too.

Didn’t find it for a good price and then forgot about it :slight_smile:

Glad you got good money for it!

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The small stuff purge continues

  • Marshmallow Test (I prefer a deck of cards for trick taking)

  • Durian (duplicate copy, I got impatient!)

  • Royal Visit (2 player game, so whilst it’s great when will I play it)

  • Fort (It’s OK)


Sold off Antike II and Navegador - the former is just too loose below 4 players and not enough entanglement at early game. Navegador got strong player synergy that I really love, but the late game is too scripted based on what path you choose - basically, an optimisation exercise until someone reaches Nagasaki or all the buildings run out. I got other games that has strong player interaction but doesn’t go flat at late game like Navegador. Really, this is me being incredibly picky as I am trying to hack down to 40 big box games.

Only Imperial/Imperial 2030 remains in my “collection” from Gerdts. I do have Antike I and Princes of Machu Picchu still in my shame pile.


I just sold my „everything must go“ Bundle of 14 games.
It included a bunch of „omg I am so glad this is going“ and a few slightly better ones as bait: Fort & Arboretum. My guess is these two are what sold the rest.

That‘s about half of the games I have on my sell list. The rest should be easier to move :slight_smile:

Next up my SdJ Bundle of Istanbul, Kingdom Builder, El Grande, Kingdomino because our friends have all these and I can play all of these online or as an app.



How could you!?


Blocked! :triumph::triumph::triumph::joy::joy: