Last Game you sold! (Volume 2)

I very much preferred Winter Kingdom over Kingdom Builder. These days the only ones who want to play this though own both games themselves. I like it fine. But I have other games of similar weight to play with everyone else. And the same goes for El Grande and Istanbul. I like these games. But my copies will not see the table again. Kingdomino is going because I may replace it with another one from the family and also it‘s on BGA.

PS: I‘d be willing to own an Ian-O-Tooled version of El Grande… Anticipated games - #326 by raged_norm


I still haven’t played Winter Kingdom yet. It was on KS but Queen Games KS are often a rip off


Winter Kingdom sounds like one of those “gameified” versions of games that are already just right where they are. Like… King of New York was worse than King of Tokyo, Yellow & Yangtze was worse than Tigris & Euphrates, Sushi Go Party was worse than Sushi Go, Queen Domino was worse than King Domino.

Of course, I might be wrong, I’ve only read the rules, but that’s the impression I have.

I haven’t played Queendomino. I agree that the additional choices in Sushi Go Party did not convince me (I sold Party and bought Sushi Go). I usually play King of Tokyo without any additional content. It is so simple that I am unwilling to bother with any complications whatsoever.

In the case of Kingdom Builder I feel different. But it does fall a bit into the same pattern. And my friend who got Winter Kingdom for her birthday still prefers Kingdom Builder. I only have a single expansion for Kingdombuilder and find the game a bit boring in comparison. I found a bit of an additional challenge with the cards you play from your hand, the “twist” (or what it was called that changed a basic rule in some way) and the easier jumping across the map a welcome change, plus the special terrain (ice I believe) that can only be accessed with abilities. But then I have only played it once. But would love to play again as opposed to Kingdom Builder which I would play but wouldn’t request anymore.


You make some good points there.

I agree with King of New York making the game worse because it adds stuff nobody needs.

My biggest gripe with Sushi Go Party is the box though, cards are flying around in there all the time and then I have to reorganize it. Haven’t played that in a very long time…

Queen Domino I haven’t played, but King Domino was a nice surprise. Bought it for my students but we played it ourselves and enjoyed it :slight_smile:

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More of how do you store this thing but I did this to SG:P

I still own SG as there’s something magical about the shuffle once deal thrice setup in it, but I also like the variety of Party. Especially as I do it semi randomly


Steering back on topic

  • Senators - As with most games of this type it’s heavily group dependent. It didn’t help that my play had three ‘rich get richer’ events drawn in succession.

  • Wavelength - everyone knows how to play and, more importantly, gets Codenames. I only need one game of this ilk.


The Loop - I really liked the mechanics here, but in the end the game was just too easy. I played it 4 times, the last two on the hardest difficulty, and never felt like I was in any danger of losing.

My Farm Shop - This was a decent variation on the Space Base/Machi Koro formula. The design is very clean and it plays quickly, but it was just a little too simple of my tastes. I’m keep Space Base for now.


I’ve had a load of outs recently and as I’ve not got many ins I’m running out of boxes :scream:

Nations It’s good, maybe very good but I just didn’t reach for it often.

Santa Maria I really like this game. At points it would have reached my top 20 bit I’ve seen all I need to from this so it’s gone on.

Marvel United I enjoy painting the minis so I have many of the KS extras ones still bit the base game and a load of expansions have gone as the game is just too light to engage but maybe not light enough for silly joy moments to kick in.

The Bottle Imp it’s alright but Anansi and Stick ‘Em are so much more likely to get played.

Impulse I just don’t play enough Chudyk to justify 3 whole games in the brain space.

Starcadia Ques: Showdown meh, I’ll keep the base game but a variant is too much space.


So another three gone from my current “for sale” list:

  • Calico - ordered the KS version with Verdant and so no reason not to sell it right now. I love it but I can take a break from making blankets until Verdant arrives
  • Tapestry + Expansion - a recent play with a friend on BGA was a bit meh and while I liked my solos of it, I’d much rather spend the same amount of time playing Spirit Island and the multiplayer is just to unbalanced
  • Alubari - it was a lovely experience playing this at SPIEL 2019 and I have no idea why I insisted on also buying it after our friends bought it that year for Christmas (they had not played it). I think I wanted to have a tea themed game. But now I have Formosa Tea which also has worker placement and a more interesting mechanism over all. Plus I can play Alubari at the friends’ place.

I told the buyer that she had picked the best of the bunch and I had a bit of trouble letting go and hoped the games would find a good home. She sent me a picture of her Kallax. My games will have a good home. That’s worth a tear or two.

I must say my experience selling games on ebay Kleinanzeigen has always been good, and sometimes these beautiful little moments happen.


BGG marketplace rates are apparently going up from 3% to 8%, which I could live with, though it’ll damage maths trades; but it seems they’re also going to insist you use their preferred shipping partner, which for me is Right Out. The reason I like to send games by Royal Mail, even though it costs a bit more, is that they arrive intact, every single time, as opposed to ~10-15% package loss/damage rate with Hermes or DHL. (Thanks to @pillbox for commenting on the BGG thread, which I’d missed, but spotted via stalker mode.)

I’ve cancelled all my listings there and I guess I should start putting stuff on eBay.

What DHL did to a rackmount server, inside 2" of polystyrene padding

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I’m being dense, do you have a link to the announcement?

No formal on-BGG announcement yet, but a badly-secured “private” beta…

  • After inputting your package information, you’ll be asked to select the carrier of your choice for shipping your package. GeekMarket currently supports USPS, UPS, and FedEx.

If these bellends continue with this, I won’t be using it. I’m okay to resort to shudders Facebook.

Is GeekMarket available outside of the US?
GeekMarket is currently only available within the United States. To place an order you must have a US shipping address and a US payment method.
For international usage, please continue using the classic GeekMarket for now.
Please keep an eye on our roadmap for future availability.

We’re OK for now

Ultimately, I agree a choice of shipping method that suits myself and the buyer would push me to other platforms. eBay offers a choice through their own shipping program and Like Roger I prefer Royal Mail for the vast majority of transactions.


Over here DHL is the easiest and best option to use as a sender. For receiving DPD seems to be the most accurate in their predictions when it will arrive. Hermes is horrible and also seems to treat their drivers the worst. UPS has the worst website. No idea if FedEx even operates here. So I go with DHL. So glad, that ebay Kleinanzeigen is working great. I have never sold a thing on the BGG marketplace (I’ve done a couple of trades would that affect trading?) and I don’t have Facebook and I don’t like putting up stuff on ebay. Too lazy.

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At least in the UK maths trades, it’s quite common to offer “£x paypal transfer”, and the trader creates a “fake” GeekMarket sale so that BGG get their commission (they did after all provide the place for people to post the list of stuff they wanted to trade). At the least, this means a higher commission rate; if the new market requires an actual payment via a third party, that would probably stop it happening.

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Art Decko wouldn’t say no to a game but I’m not massively enamoured by it. Only purchased as I won an auction (or Pillboxed it.)

Modern Art (CMON) to make way for Modern Art (Oink) as it frees a space on the ‘big box’ shelf. Yes, I eventually came round to that idea

Pan Am Came round to it’s fine, but slightly too easy for the gamer crowd and slightly too obscure for the non-gamer crowd.

Also, not buying 18XX when I felt like it has given me time to reflect and I’m not happy spending around £100 on these games when a gamer buddy owns 20. So they’re off the list. Might get some full size poker chips instead.


Noting here, and possibly of particular note for @Phil, I sold my copy of A Touch of Evil (including The Coast and Hero Pack 1) to my friend today. He had been planning to buy it and I was feeling generous, so I let it go for a song.

Last weekend I tried to play the game with The Coast expansion and realized midway that I’d much rather be playing Fortune and Glory if I was going to be playing a jumbo one-off game of something. At least as a solo player I think the single board experience is plenty for A Touch of Evil and I’ll reinvest at a later time with the old version (and its modest box), and maybe the hero packs.

My comments about the 10th anniversary edition of the game haven’t changed any, but what I want from the game has, so that big cavern had to move out.


Sold Imperium: Legends in protest against the awful rulebook.