Last game you DIDN'T buy?

I’ve heard Yokohama is a bit of a beast on BGA. Not because it’s bad, just that there is a lot going on so it doesn’t translate well

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It’s definitely easier to read the board on a table!

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Oh, and reminded because it came up on a different thread: the game I most frequently Nearly Buy is Crokinole.

Once this pandemic finishes and I can play it with people, I won’t be able to stop that purchase happening.


Also reminded that I keep Martin Wallace’s London 2nd ed on my wishlist, and never quite buy it. Is this a huge mistake and I should own it?

Same, I see it in stock sometimes. But… haven’t jumped. I see it mentioned here sometimes but that just is not enough right now.

I think Martin Wallace’s output is, at best, uneven. I think the most polished games he has his name on have all been developed by a 3rd party (Age of Steam et al, Brass).

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There were approximately 47 copies of London available in the UK Maths Trade.

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Some people seem to love it, though!

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I don’t think the number in maths trade is a reflection of quality. If a game is cheap, lots of people who aren’t particularly interested will buy it, not like it and then sell on. The barrier to entry is massively lowered.

If Gloomhaven was £20, it’d be the same.

And people love trade bait. Buy a game cheap, try to trade it for a similar game that isn’t available as cheaply for a trade up.


There’s also a teeny minority that buy the games with a view to making some money when supply runs short.

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London 2nd edition is Osprey and Osprey games have a tendency to occasionally get massive discounts.


To the point that some stores refuse to stock their games :grimacing:


Completely understandable. I often check bookstores like Books Etc for Osprey Games rather than boardgameprices


Back to London (also discussed on the Last Game Played thread) - London is correctly in that middle space. I can’t think of anyone who NEEDS it. But it’s also really rather good and I think most gamers would enjoy it. My copy is certainly going nowhere.

It’s really transportable, but plays like a real 90 minute game, which is a rarity. It’s flexible, in that we’ve found a lot of different ways to approach the game, all of which can be successful. It’s well designed, in that there are several mechanics all in well-balanced tension with each other.

I’d say it is an extremely intelligent game, but not an exciting one. It feeds the brain a good meal, but not necessarily the heart.


I have been kind of interested in London for some time. I got it once in a math trade then the person who was trading it couldn’t find it to give it to me so offered to give me a reasonable amount of cash to make it up that I could use to acquire a copy elsewhere. I did not use that cash to acquire a copy of London and am still kind of interested in it.


London 2nd Ed has been on my wish list since I played it nearly a year ago. But I haven’t got round to buy it, I have never seen it very cheap here in NZ.

But for last game I didn’t buy I have to list Spirit Island. I saw it second hand for 100 bucks (new is 130 normally) on a Facebook trade group, and I resisted the urge to buy it. Please forgive me, SI lovers. I have had my two daughters birthday parties to front this month. Plus The Witcher: OW KS (seeing now how shipping is melting down the game industry, I am kind of regretting it a bit). I could not really afford it.

Hopefully, it will come up again soon in a couple of months.


Speaking of Wallace, A Few Acres of Snow / Hands in the Sea

Was playing on Yucata, and found the first half of the game quite interesting. Looking into it, discovered that he actually tried three times to perfect the model and then someone else tried to perfect the same model.

While I was waffling about the second-hand market, the game progressed and I found it less interesting.

I think I could like it, given a few plays, but I was trying to get talked out of it not into it so I went with that.


I’m finding sites like Yucata and BGA much more useful than reviews these days.


Their inventory is exploding. In a lot of good directions.

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Well I nearly bought the player upgrade for lords of Vegas only to realise they don’t ship to the UK. It’s overpriced but I regretted not getting it with the original KS.