Last game you bought?

Well, two boxes arrived today. One full of my last order that includes some gifts, and the other a couple of pre-orders.

Last order:
Seastead 2-player game in the same world as Flotilla… because?! :thinking:. Received a solid response from SVWAG, and I’ve been looking for more short 2 player games that are not direct conflict/duelling.

The Game - quick little game to play with the family when we can get together.

Infinity Gauntlet: a Love Letter game - again, heard good things and it’s a fun little package to play with the family. Will likely be a stocking stuffer for my son.

Also in the order; expansions for both Warhammer Underworlds and Warhammer AoS: WarCry (the latter will be a bday gift, just wanted to grab it now), and 2 more Exit games.

My son wanted to give his mom some escape room games for them to play together. We decided.on a 3 pack on Unlocked for her bday, and 3 Exit games for Christmas. Gives them a taste of both, to see which they prefer.

Pre-order box:
Rococo Deluxe+ - been getting more excited for this the more I hear. Really like the deck building/hand management idea, plus it’s absolutely gorgeous!!! Probably won’t hit the table until after the holidays though.

Fleet: the Dice Game - grabbed this at the same time. Picked this up mostly on reputation, and looking for more games that can hit the table on a weeknight.

That’s it for now, probably until after the holidays. Though I’m sure I’ll make up for it, lol.


I think it just depends on whether you’re counting duplicates. A store will sometimes have more copies of a game than @pillbox does. (Unless we’re talking about Roads and Boats, obviously.)


If a store ever has more copies of a game than Pillbox, they get absorbed into his house by osmosis. That’s entropy!


Well well, look what just arrived from the US via Germany…


Well, I have just about everything I could want, so for once I haven’t purchased anything!


Uh-oh. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Yep… I wasn’t expecting anything particular today… doorbell goes off… oops:

I show off the maps to my partner and he’s like “oh no, not another area control game, don’t you have enough of those?” :smiley: No, I don’t… I don’t have enough people to play them with.


I have to say: it’s a lot prettier than my copy of China!


Some of the maps are foiled. It is delightful!


My Kickstarter pledge for GPS, Mountain Goats, Sequoia, and the expansions for each arrived first thing this morning (it was fulfilled out of a warehouse about 15 miles away).

Unfortunately, instead of the add-on Bites that I ordered, I just got another set of the 3 games w/expansion

These boxes are way smaller than I expected!

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Such a gorgeous game!!

If I can ever get a copy of the KS edition for a decent price, I’m snapping it up! Or if they release some of the maps at retail as add-ons.


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

That looks awesome. Contemplating moving to Germany right now… I love area control :slight_smile: :grinning:


rather wait for us to move to NZ :wink:


I just can’t get over how small these boxes are. I really expected each to come in a their TtR:NY/London or Red November or Whitehall Mystery sized box…

Ticket to Ride: Europe for scale. One of my free-range copies of Roads & Boats photobombed


I was convinced for a second you had bought more. Stop teasing us!


I feel bad that I assumed the same thing.

I suppose one copy would just be road & boat.

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I will start making arrangements :slight_smile:


Managed to get a copy of the search for Planet X. Excited to play this with the other games over Christmas break.


I threw that on my Christmas list, but don’t know if it’ll happen or not. I’m really intrigued by the game as I love deductive puzzles, but I’m not sure anyone else I associate with really does, so even if I do get the game, it may be a solo only experience.


It’s preorder arrival day, plus recent order…
I finally got CloudAge!

and Hallertau, Renature and as debated elsewhere: Teotihuacan.

I musst confess… this brings me up to a horrifying average of ~1 game / week entering my collection for 2020. Well, I didn’t spend money on trips, clothing, restaurants, parties, going out, movies… and everything I saved turned into a boardgame this year. My way of dealing with the world I guess.


I decided to order popular recent pastoral-themed eurogame Gloomgrazin’: Joys of the Lawn.