Last game you bought?

@Benkyo curious minds want to know what you did with the big box of wooden disks…

@Boydesian hope you enjoy Fenris, there’s some fun stuff in the box :grin:


I’ll probably enjoy it more than Caylus 1303, which I bought for some of my friends, but I have an open mind.


This is how I play Dominion:


That’s glorious!


That must have taken ages! Have you replaced all of the cards? How does it play?

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Everything up to Guilds. Bags, player mats, and tokens are in the base of the “core” box. Wording of all discs is changed to use more icons and less space, and, for example, “on top of your deck” becomes “on your bag”. It’s great, I really like not having to shuffle a small deck of cards, and clacking discs.


So yesterday my FLGS announced they were having a “there’s-no-comic-con-happening-so-let’s-do-something-special-and-clear-out-stuff-for-fall” (paraphrased) sale this week, so since the kids were driving us batty, my wife and I escaped for a bit to stop and browse.

So we came home with Bruxelles 1897, based on the strength of Quinn’s card games review, Spicy, which is essentially a variant of BS with pretty and humourous cards, and the Echo Base Troopers pack for Imperial Assault. All for $35, which is pretty good.

Was tempted by March of the Ants for $30, but trying to keep my spending in check (and generally failing). Unfortunately for my wallet, they are discounting new items daily, so I know I am going to want to check in every day.




Deep Sea Adventure has arrived. I ordered it from Zatu in April (as a special offer), and added some sets of Genesys RPG dice… which have just come back into stock.


So I decided to pick up a few small items I’ve been watching for awhile, to bring me up to free shipping on some orders I’ve had on hold for a few months.

Well…that changed when I found out they had Empyreal Spells and Steam in stock. I had planned to wait, but another OGS sold out in 2-3 days, and the one I was using sold 2 of their 9 copies in maybe 3-4 hours? As I’m not sure when (if?) more stock was coming, I decided to dive in now. It was far cheaper than ordering direct from Level99.

I’ve heard pretty positive things about it, and I’m trying to broaden our collection, and not focus on as many miniatures skirmish/coop games (though more is not off the table entirely).

TL;DR I caved an ordered a magic train game! I am the excited!


So sometime last week, I may have gone a little overboard… with the hunt.

  • Skull is hard to get here. Why? I don’t know. So when it cropped up for a decent price… FOMO made me buy it.
  • Bios: Genesis is the game that I was about to buy at SPIEL last year and then I tried Pax Transhumanity and being the SF fan that I am I opted for the future instead of the past. But I kept going back to this one in my mind and I’ve been wanting some kind of evolution game and this one was already hard to get because SPIEL is basically the only place where Sierra Madre games are easy to obtain. (Our previous attempt was an older game given away quickly after I scored two runaway victories exposing that game’s major weakness.) I am still waffling about getting Oceans… so so blue and so many fish and my partner loves fish
  • Black Secret: I am a completionist and there were several recent mentions of Ghost Stories on the forums that reminded me how good the game is and I decided to get the last expansion before the dreaded Ghost of OOP got it.
  • Outer Planets and Stations… I bought Leaving Earth during a work related stay in Portland in 2019 as I was looking for something I wouldn’t be able to get back home. And then it immediately went to the “meh” pile when my partner suggested he would rather “solve” the game in excel than play. However, half a year later when he finally played a game he got really excited about how much he loved “Kerbal the Boardgame” and how it could only be better with “more stuff” so I went hunting for the expansions and it took me nearly a year to find a shop that had them for a price I was willing to pay
  • not pictured: I also ordered the Nachtschwärmer game that was on this week’s Boardgame news. I had heard about it somewhere else before but I cannot figure out where… when I saw that it is the second game of a new female designer from Cologne and decided I had to support her–also the game just looks cute.

And so now I am going to go downstairs and set up a game of Leaving Earth. See you all on Jupiter edit: Ganymede is probably the better option… :slight_smile:


I still haven’t actually played Stations. And I was the unofficial importer of Leaving Earth into the UK for four rounds of publication. :slight_smile:


Haha, this bit speaks to me. It’s far too easy to judge a game by its cover/concept rather than how it plays. I do quite like the GCSE science textbook look of the expansion boxes there, but it seems like a strange choice if you want people to get exciting about playing…

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After reading about John Bohrer, I decided that I couldn’t have a game from him or any of his pseudonym’s in my collection so I sold Ride the Rails unplayed.

Used the funds to purchase Rallyman GT, on the hunt for some expansions now

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Join ussssss…

As I understand it: the reprint should be coming back into stock in the next month or two, so you shouldn’t pay a premium. But I may be misinformed.

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Having managed to sell some games recently, I used my newly-acquired funds to buy a copy of Gaia Project for under 50 quid new, courtesy of a big dink in the box.

My husband spotted it on the shelf and asked me what it was, and his face actually lit up when I told him that it was “Terra Mystica, but better”, so I have high hopes for this one :smiley:


Controversy!!! Totally agree. :sunglasses:


My rate of playing means I’m not rushing to get them. Signed up to stock alerts for at my ‘local’ FLGS so will pick them up then.

Is there any value in extra dice? Thinking a few discs and a sharpie might do the trick to save placing dice and picking them up to roll them. Or fancy plastic squares and a sticker sheet…

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If/when you’re playing with multiple players it’s nice for everyone to have their own dice. (But not essential of course.)

When I’m playing solo I usually have one set to roll and one set to plot out my move.

And if you have, or know someone with, a 3d printer, there are these:

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My idea is a lo-fi version of that

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