Last game you bought?

Thanks to Joel Eddy’s (Drive Thru Games) constant praise of Funkoverse Strategy Game I now own the DC starter, lol.

I expect this could be another rabbit hole we fall down, given the wide range of IP’s available combined with the quick and accessible game play.

Thanks Joel!!! :joy:

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Not a game per se, but 48 luxurious shades of thick acrylic just arrived after a double quarantine in Spain and Canada. I’ve been assembling things for weeks waiting for this to come in. Now, to wait for the weekend. :sob:


More Summoner Wars decks! Only 3 left remaining…

Klunker - another small box pre-Agricola Rosenberg game

Quartermaster General: Victory or Death - the Peloponnesian War - I really like QMG 1914, so I’m checking this one. There’s the original QMG, but 2nd edition just came out, hot from the press. So, I’ll be patient on this one.

Lord of the Rings: Confrontation - Knizia’s Stratego. This is me buying something because it’s a Knizia, rather than anything else.


We visited the FLGS and somehow on my way home I had a copy of the new German translation of Aon’s End.


Sometimes that happens to me too. How curious.


I haven’t actually bought them, but I have two different store pages for A War of Whispers open on my phone and I check them regularly. :frowning:


Normally this behaviour means i’m Going to cave.

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Found that in a shop this week. £58 meant there was no margin in flipping it

There’s already two bids, I’d be tempted otherwise (York)

EUGH. I would totally buy it for £60+pap. I just can’t find it anywhere.

I can see if it’s still there when I’m in the office next week (Thurs/Friday) if you want.

If you do then that would be real amazing, but obviously you don’t need to. :confounded:

It’s not likely I’ll be playing it any time soon.

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I’ll go check

I assembled a cart of nine used paperbacks from a used book dealer in the USA. Total price: about A$30. Shipping estimate by the USPS: A$202.


Keera and her dragons just showed up for Godtear so now I need to speed through the current painting project, get her painted up, and reteach the kiddo how to play.


Yeah, the US postal service thing is absolutely bonkers at the moment. I know a KS was hit badly by it, but it almost feels churlish to complain about increased boardgame delivery costs when that’s just the result of a fascist trying to subvert democratic elections to seize power.


Has US postal charges always been insane or is this a recent thing?

Quite a few years ago I ordered a $15 box of wooden discs, and paid $90 for the cheapest, slowest shipping possible. Even with the shipping it was far and away the cheapest option I could find, but that shipping…


They’ve been high for a while, but they’ve got higher lately. (Meanwhile China explicitly subsidises shipping for exports, so there’s an obvious contrast.)

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I bought these today.