Last game you bought?

Double game day! Gloomhaven and Cobble and Fog both arrived today. Time to mess up my shelves!


Gloomhaven is not small change, good luck lifting that :slight_smile:


A friend added it onto their Frosthaven pledge for me. He sent a message this morning with a pic of the shipping box to show me it was here. When I saw the weight stamped on the side (9.8 kilo). I had to do some quick math about shelf deflection specs. I was a bit worried until I saw the box dimensions (44.8cm on the long side) which will bridge two of the shelf supports, and split the load, but dang. I shouldn’t have to worry about shelf deflection for board games. What a time to be alive!


After you punch the standees it loses a bit of weight, but I don’t think it goes below 9.5. It is a biggie. That reminds me I have not played it for a while


Just bought Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders, and Fox in the Forest Duet. This is entirely the fault of everyone on this forum.

Also bought the Hulk hero pack for Marvel Champions, which is entirely my own fault.


I lost my copy of fox in the forest. Hoping one day it shows up :sob::sob::sob::sob:

Fortunately I put the reference cards in a pack of playing cards so I can always proxy.

It’s a great game!


Blokus - the abstract games thread reminded me on how much I love Blokus. Brilliant 4 or 2 player game with surprising amount of depth. Bought it for ÂŁ20 - which is hella cheaper than most hobbyist board games out there.

Inca Empire looks like a train game but without the trains.

GoldbrÀu a game about managing your German beer garden. IM IN!

Merchants of the Middle Age - got this for a decent price. It’s the same duo who made El Grande and Princes of the Renaissance: Wolfgang Kramer and Richard Ulrich.


WHAT?! :open_mouth:


Designed by Mr. Container.

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I’d never heard of this, so I looked it up and was delighted to see that it appears to be exactly the kind of fabulously beige euro-game that I expected from the title :laughing:


I tried to buy Paris: La Cite de la Lumiere before Tom’s review was even over, only to find that it’s not available locally. I did place a pre-order today, however : )

My most recent actual arrivals (today!) are Geometric Art and Spicy which I actually purchased on the strength of a podcast discussion (which I feel passes some kind of new SUSD threshold for me). Although the latter was more like collateral damage – it was in the new arrivals list for the store I was buying Geometric Art from, and I took a punt. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to try them both sometime soon.

Prior to that I bought Klask (excellent fun), and Muse (which is basically some more cards for Dixit along with some gameplay variants I might not ever try, but I’m fine with that).

And prior to that (but all still on backorder), Quinns’ favourite new card games video did some serious damage, to the tune of Tournament at Avalon, The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine, and Mandala, along with a side serving of 6 Nimmt and Elevenses for One (the latter of which I suspect SUSD doesn’t recommend, but I am such a sucker for that theme


Any UKers in Leeds and wants Anachrony? Someone is starting a bid at ÂŁ10 on eBay. Collection only.

You might get lucky if theres no competitor.


Snap! I’ve done the same. :see_no_evil:

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Carcassonne base game popped up on Amazon for £13, so bought it. For the box. I own the big box and it’s currently housed in the Winter box. This will give it it’s proper home.

Should also make some money back selling the tiles.

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Tiny Epic Dinosaurs, my very first Kickstarter, arrived yesterday! Well, technically it arrived several weeks ago, but I was in another state hiding from the pandemic, but I moved back home yesterday and opened it. It looks like a light, less complicated, and less table-hoggy Dinosaur Island/Dinogenics, which is what I’ve wanted ever since those games came out, so I’m excited to get this one to the table.


My kickstarter of ChamboulDĂ©! arrived - it’s not even really a game, it’s just 5x handmade wooden D4 from a guy in Canada. But I am super interested in wooden dice anytime, and these are easier to pick up than small pyramids.

And these two also turned up!


Nice dice! Thanks for the picture :slight_smile:

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Volko Ruhnke, being the evil genius that he is, informed me that he had written a block game rule set for Breakthrough: Cambrai and he would be happy to send me a copy if I had the game. At the time I told him that I didn’t. Now I do.


Ooh. What’s it like?

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It’s a map and counter game as is, but with irregular regions instead of common hexes, and uses “impulse movement” rules. Production quality on my new/used copy is quite good.