Last game you bought?

Someone’s selling a KS pledge for Godtear on the UK Facebook group. And they’re local. Closing my eyes and standing firm :sweat_smile:


Not really a board game, but my partner got a jigsaw for her birthday. We tried it at the weekend and she gave up pretty early on (she’s a big fan of crosswords and such, but it seems her brain’s not wired for jigsaws) but I really enjoyed it, so I bought some more :smiley:

I also ordered a new table to do them on (and maybe some solo gaming) so I don’t ruin my back hunched over the coffee table :laughing:


I haven’t posted here in while, so what’s new?

  • Roads & Boats: While browsing for another game at an OGS, I stumbled upon a single left copy of the R&B 20th Anniversary Edition, which seems to be OOP everywhere else, so I snatched it. After all the fun I’m having with Antiquity, this was a no-brainer. Now I just need to find a reasonably priced copy of The Great Zimbabwe …

  • König von Siam: I’ve heard a lot of good things about this tight little area majority game by Peer Sylvester, so I entered the minimum asking price on an eBay auction and won!

  • Imperial 2030: I’m getting more and more into economic and stock holding games, so this was on my wishlist for a while.

  • Dale of Merchants: Cute little deckbuilder with a twist on weeding out your deck. Instead of returning those cards to the market or the box, you place stacks of cards in your market display with the restriction that the first stack needs a value 1 card, the second stack cards of a combined value of 2 and so on. First to 6 stacks wins. Also, all cards in each stack need to be of the same type, which adds to the puzzle.

  • Bora Bora: I heard people call this one of Feld’s best and probably his heaviest. I got a second hand copy which has been upgraded with real sea shells to replace the tokens.

  • Terrible Monster: BGB talked favourably about this microgame, so when the publisher who is located in my city had a sale, I dropped by and got it.

  • Star Wars LCG: Since being discontinued, an OGS is selling a bundle of almost all the expansions (except 2-3 OOP expansions) for €50. That was too tempting to resist. I got a copy of the base game off the second hand market and plan to play this as a lunch game with a colleague at work.


Bought some games after selling off loads. Aside from Indonesia, they’re all cheap :grin:

Trick of the Rails - a trick taking game but with stocks by Hisashi Hayashi

Indonesia - see above

Small Islands - very very pretty tile laying game. I seriously doubt that I will keep it, but I want to try and no one in my group has it.

Bison: Thunder of the Prairie - area control from Kramer & Kiesling. Hopefully, the portrayal of Native Americans isn’t tasteless.

Intrigue - pure screwage game. only played it once in one of the bg clubs. Need to try it again, but no one has it.


This is my favourite Feld. I haven’t played many, maybe 5, but this is the one I choose to keep. Although I might have aced the game a bit so it seems difficult to play after I crushed my regular opponents so thoroughly 4 games in a row :grimacing:


I picked up a copy around 2 years ago. It’s stayed heavily in rotation ever since. It’s odd for a trick taker bit that in itself gives it legs. I can’t really work it out if I’m honest and rarely win but really enjoy it still. The timing and the tempo of winning and loosing the lead is incomparable to anything else I’ve played.

On topic I ordered a copy of Bus I caved thinking I should round out my Splotter collection with the other big, well liked one.

I also preordered Cosmic Frogs because of the psychedelic art and the frog toys.


Is the pre-order up?? Hot tip!!


WTF is that game, I want it on theme alone


Shortly after posting about receiving Firefly The Board Game, I also received a hot little number called Legendary Encounters: a Firefly Deck Building Game which I will henceforth refer to as “Firefly The Other Card Game” (so as to not confuse it with our copy of Firefly Fluxx). For those of you keeping track at home, that brings the total “Firefly” franchise representation in my game collection to FIVE! (not including expansions)

Also, I recently received Circle the Wagons which I had ordered directly from ButtonShy back alongside Sprawlopolis and Hierarchy but those were shipped separately while awaiting the arrival of new stock for Circle the Wagons. I also picked up the 2 expansions which allow for solo-play.


Space frogs eating planets!


I pretty much ordered on theme alone. One of my main gaming buddies will hate it. SVWAG have talked about it on their podcast so I’m willing to try a game of such extreme levels of unfairness and arbitrary nonsense to go on a space trip to far out realms with big angry and selfish frogs. :exploding_head:


I think the arbitrariness would make it frustrating if it got played just once in a few months (as my games tend to). If you have a game group where it can be played repeatedly and everyone gets a chance to be on the sharp end of the arbitrariness, I think it’ll work better.

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I think that works.

The other way to deal with it is not be too invested in the outcome and hope that it’s at least funny. That and probably have some appropriate music playing along.

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oh no, I just read “crazy”, “frog” and “music” in close vicinity to each other and now I have terrible memories of why the mid 2000’s were not all about good times.

(alright maybe nobody said “crazy” but it certainly popped into my head and I wish it hadn’t)

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Glad it wasn’t just my head.

(sorry, pure stubborn principle is preventing me from clicking the :heart: button on that one.)


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I actually never noticed Axel F was responsible for that. Who’d have guessed that artist would appear in more than one decade?

[EDIT] Pre-order secured. Shipping was a beast, but it’s a proper boutique offering, so not really unexpected. We have a few buds in my group interested enough that we may end up with a few copies floating around, which actually just makes me more stoked for it.

Oh and I don’t need to make an excuse for this one, it was a known upcoming deviation from my new games freeze. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I was thinking things like these musics

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Finally picked up my own copy of Undaunted:Normandy. I’d played it months back and every time I’ve given in and decided to get it, it’s been out of stock. Not sure how often I’ll end up playing i as the other half isn’t one for this much conflict in games, but she does love deck builders so we’ll see.


I completed the set and got Roll for the Galaxy

Now to find the first expansion cheap.