Last game you bought?

Unfortunately, ‘just avoid it’ seems the way out for a lot of these things.

I believe that the natives in 1st ed. GWT were supposed to represent trading with said natives. Unfortunately every saw the trope of Cowboys vs Indians and went that way instead.


I always found that the odd thing. I’ve seen The Colonists and Spirit Island posited as the solution to this issue, but the former involves colonists finding conveniently empty fertile land to build a settlement on without any issues, and the latter has a weird exoticism by creating a generalised pastiche amalgamating several cultures, with indigenous people who can’t help themselves unless their gods take a literal form to save them? Neither seems ideal to me from an offence perspective. Heck, a white guy coming along and deciding they’ve solved the theming is a bit ick in itself.

Ultimately, it’s all swings and roundabouts. I would always prefer games to face up to what that era involved, but I understand that others may view that as creating trivial entertainment out of atrocities. A boardgame can only ever offer a single perspective and it’s maybe too much to expect an ‘all sides’ approach without it being a hyper-specific asymmetric game (which by it’s very nature would be presenting a rhetoric too).


You read too much Spacebiff :stuck_out_tongue:
If I wasn’t sure that 2 player doesn’t fly here … do let us know how it works out :slight_smile:


“Too much Spacebiff?”
Does not compute.


Stole the words right out of my mouth


Sadly, life is been pretty hectic lately, so I haven’t had any time for gaming. And that also means I haven’t had time to even unbox the last game I posted about, Banish the Snakes.

To add insult to injury, I have additional things to post here! Still, what a lovely problem to have (I do love opening up new (or new-to-me) games and sorting, organizing and just generally experiencing the tactility of games)

A few days before Valentine’s Day, my 5 year old was complaining that we weren’t going to have time to go to Target so she could spend some of the money she had saved up (she really wants a big $45 dinosaur toy but she never manages to save more than $25 or so before she wants to buy something; so we drag our feet as much as we can). She tells my partner “but there are things at Target that I want!” and I respond with “Well, there are things at Target that I want, too, but I can wait.” My partner seems surprised and asks me what it is that I’m thinking of, and I mention that Target has exclusive rights for Horizons of Spirit Island, which is why it’s something that I want but is not currently on my wishlist (because my wishlist is hosted by Amazon… for now). I thought it was strange that she showed such interest as it is months before there is a reason to get me a gift (next will be Father’s day in June). Imagine my surprise, then, when I have a package to unwrap on Valentine’s Day and it is a pristine, fancy new copy of Horizontal Alcoholic Isles! It’s lucky that I had picked up a jigsaw puzzle that I thought my partner would enjoy a few days prior… just in case we surprised each other with a gift on the big V-Day.

And just yesterday, I was surprised to find my 51st State Ultimate Edition pledge sitting on my front-step, even though I really didn’t anticipate getting it until mid-march (I guess it’s just Canadians that have to wait for ocean freight? I honestly did not expect Portal Games to ship mine straight from Poland). So now I have a new Ultimate Edition along with the necessary upgrade kit and addons to convert my existing copy to an Ultimate Edition (@Acacia: I’ll be in touch soon after I sort through all of the stuff and make a decision on which one I’m going to keep)

And, for the first time since last August, I have placed a retail order! I had a $100 electronic gift card burning an electronic hole in my electronic pocket, so I pulled the trigger on a few items from one of my preferred online retailers – mostly expansions but also a couple of new games that fought hard into my shopping cart – unfortunately, it contains a preorder that will either release 4 days ago or 20 days from now (who knows? Retail release dates are weird), so the whole thing will wait around at the store until that product is available.


Got a copy of feast for Odin and the Norwegians.

Now to find a how to play.


Dont bother with the base game. Go straight to Norwegians. Tighter board and stuff


Grabbed Lancaster Big Box from FB, not a bad price. Going through it now, I think it’s all here - one of the player screen is missing a piece, but I think I can live with that. I have the retail box already. It’s a cool game, I don’t know another game quite like it.


Got a damaged copy of Pictomania from Kienda for cheaper price.

And after confirming the trade with a Tekelili user (I heard he is also very handsome) for their Root bundle, I bought the 3rd wave expansions: Marauder, Hirelings, Landmarks


Wears very interesting specs I hear!

Pictomania is really good fun


It’s all @Whistle_Pig’s fault.


Beautiful board. Looks like maybe cherry deck with a walnut base and rails.

It really reminds that I meant to look into drawing up my own plans for a boad (I bought a Mayday board and it’s… adequate)


Just that. A lovely thing.


Yesss! I will be doing this soon also, and from the same company. Can’t decide on the woods yet.


I think this calls for a change of title…


The guy who made my board sent my wife loads of photos of it being created if anyone is interested.


Last game I bought arrived yesterday so Solarius Mission is now in my possession. Glad I didn’t back the KS that went awol but I’ve been after this for years. Finally got one at a reasonable price. Fingers crossed I’m not too burnt out in euros to enjoy this one after all that.

Also yesterday a horde of extra stuff for Cthulhu Wars arrived. A friend who had collected everything for it is giving me all the stuff to have a complete collection at mine. In many ways this is really generous, however I have sooo many boxes to try and manage in to the space now, it’s overwhelming. There’s a box full of maps and another one with miniatures and rules cards for the maps. 2 boxes of independent monsters/great old ones and then a box for all the rules cards for said independents. The boxes are also not kallax efficient. I may have to try and procure some boxes that are kallax efficient for storing them. Or maybe I’ll get a cube draw and use labelled bags :man_shrugging:


Looking forward to playing the “disco inferno” map :laughing:


Well, all I can say right now is: maybe No Rolls Barred just “jumped the shark”. :laughing: