Last game you bought?

I haven’t had these expansions yet so I bought them retail:

Spirit Island: Feather & Flame
Summoner Wars: Eternal Council
Summoner Wars: Fungal Dwarves (there’s a joke here somewhere)


Mage Knight in Space


Old purchases, recent arrivals.

Cat in the Box I only heard about a few months ago. I was at a friend’s house, saw it on his shelf, and had never heard of it. I thought, oh, great, a game I won’t have to buy because he has it. Fast forward…

Anyway, I’m generally looking for good trick-takers because it is something my parents understand. The Crew didn’t hit because my Mom didn’t like the pressure of other people’s success depending on her own competence. Tournament at Avalon didn’t hit because the variable powers were too much to take in.

And Bezier just knocks it out of the park most days.

Planet Unknown I already wrote about, one of the most impulsive buys I’ve had on little more information than “@Yashima likes it.” I think it goes back to one day, I was sick, home from work, and I watched Serenity. I’d never seen Firefly, never seen a preview, just heard a few positive comments and knew I liked the genre. I was blown away, and it’s such a fun feeling to be blown away by something you know nothing about. C’mon Planet Unknown, you can do it.

Caesar! Don’t need it. At all. Want it. Six years of Latin does that to you.

Branch & Claw is doubling down on the first game to make me like the co-op model. Because I don’t have to add a line to my spreadsheet or a box to my shelf :slight_smile:


Damn it all this cat in a box talk, finally got to me. Ordered a copy.


It might be good. Or bad. Until you observe it.


Someone who owns it might be kind enough to run a PBF, if that’s a possible sort of thing. (He hinted.)


That sounds eminently doable…

The central board and player boards are essentially grids with numbers and colors that would take 5 minutes to emulate on a spreadsheet.

Has anyone thought through the best way to deal out cards from a deck? I could very easily create a randomizer macro and each person would have their own tab with a mutually exclusive hand of cards.

Honor system not to peek at other tabs, as I don’t want to figure out permissioning.


Curiously still not in the UK for a reasonable price


Where have you found it?


Also true for all other games : )


In the photo in this thread you can imagine that’s only a small box, until you remember just how big Mage Knight is.


Splurged on an import. I’ll call it retail therapy.


(I think there should be 3 units in the offer, not 6)


Oooo. Now I really hope you like it :slight_smile:


I corrected that later when I read a little further in the setup :slight_smile: Thanks! But still I made a lot more mistakes during play I am sure. Still, fun was had and I mostly bought this—after 2 years of waffling—because our PBF convinced me I needed to see more of this. Indeed I saw more of this on my table… it is a table hog up there with the best of hogs.


I remember back when my description of struggling to work with the moods of a wilful avatar first piqued your interest. I feel like a proper sales rep.


It is a good game. And the PBF proved it. I really like big games with good card play. Great card play. And unique card play mechanisms. My partner loves adventure games—this is the first time in ages he is excited to try one of my new acquisitions. Wish me luck on the teach :slight_smile:


For people expecting an adventure, I like to temper expectations by briefly explaining the all-or-nothing economy (no partial payments), mostly deterministic combat, and the deck representing the mood and whims of your avatar and magical forces. Oh, and mention the distances involved, that there’s a lot of ground to cover in 3 days.

This kind of thing can help people who might otherwise get frustrated with not being able to do whatever they want to do.


Yeah, movement. I had so much movement abilities and cards on the PBF. Totally messed that up this time and couldn‘t do anything on my last turn tonight because of it oO.

Thanks for the tips, I will keep those in mind for the teach. I think I need to play at least one more solo to fix my own grasp of the rules. While the intro scenario and rulebook for that are pretty good, I am generally having a hard time finding stuff in the main rules. So more playing is needed.


Paperback Adventures has arrived!

I still haven’t fully accepted the form factor (it’s one “core” box with shared components and then several “character” boxes, Final Girl style, which is probably the best way to go about it but also I hate having four boxes?), but it’s my most anticipated Kickstarter ever, and I am very excited to dive in. And look at these card sleeves!

They’re the best-looking playing card backs I own, and they aren’t even playing card backs.