Last game you bought?

Games Lore’s newsletter enticed me with a couple of things. Grabbed damaged copies of Quest (mainly because of the Weberson Santiago art) and the Black Market expansion for Bargain Quest.

Pre-ordered (by a few days) Marvel Mayhem as I’ve enjoyed Dungeon Mayhem and have a few friends who like it, but the Marvel re-theme appeals to me more.

Threw in a couple of games I’ve been considering for a while: Mouse Cheese Cat Cucumber (because it’s small and looks weird and silly) and The Dragon Prince: Battlecharged (because I love the series).


Everdell didn’t appeal to me as a game, but I’ll give Brownie points to anything with a platypus pirate.

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I picked up Cairn on account of a good discount, and after another watch of the SUSD review to confirm my thoughts about that (which were essentially “seems rather like Onitama with some some extra complexity, and a gameplay arc which gets progressively more chaotic, but hopefully in a fun way”).

I hesitated on the purchase when I learned that there’s a reprint on the way with a (presumably better) new graphic design, and what sounds like a small optional addition to the game. I’m not in love with the current look so it was tempting to see how the new version looks; but in the end it was “essentially the same” game, and an inexpensive option. If it turns out to be something I absolutely love then I’d be happy to spend more money on an upgrade, if the new design appeals to me more.


I don’t love the look of it either, but availability and/or a good price have never been seen from any sources worth using (import fees, etc.). Glad to hear it’s coming back!


I finally got the Tiki edition of Tichu from Philibert. It’s beautiful!!

Also bought Carcassonne: the Princess & the Dragon and Lyttle Wood along with it


Oh lord it’s here.
My pledge for the Massive Darkness 2 Kickstarter.
Here it is with a Railroad Ink for scale.

This is… a lot. I’m excited to play it but I have a couple other bigger Kickstarters and I didn’t realize how big they are. I may have to cancel/refund a couple of them just because of space considerations.
That being said I’m excited to dive into a big dumb (hopefully) fun dice chucker dungeon crawler.


So beautiful! But after a single shuffle and trying to deal I firmly landed in the Matt Lees “WHY ARE THESE CARDS SO BIG” camp. This one for looking, the old one for playing.


After many adventures on the high seas, Townsfolk Tussle made it to me today. Funny enough, I had requested to change the delivery address to my new home, but it came to work. Weird.


How kooky am I? I own four versions of the same thing! :laughing:


Can we nickname the sandworm “D-Rex” then?


looks at pillbox’s Roads & Boats collection

Sorry, just not all that impressive…



Continuing an apparent quest to render my collection palatable to nobody in particular, today I brought home Corto. I’ve got just a little nostalgia for the IP from when I was a weird teen reading European comics (these were very niche in Canada), but I’m under no real illusion about a big thematic hook here. I’m happy with a gorgeous paint job and what will hopefully turn out to be a snappy little 2P duel with my partner. We’ll see.

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“Long live the collectors!”
I collect Fremen sayings and I’m pretty sure that’s one.



I got the new azul In the post. There’s a brass rivet you need to unscrew to take it out of a thin cardboard sheet every game. I am apprehensive.

Ouch. Can you work round it?

I just took a look at images on BGG to get a better look. I might hit the hardware store today to see if I can trick out a few problematic dials in my collection. What’s the apprehension, are you expected to change the wheel every game or something?

You can’t fit it in the box and with the rivet attached to the board or wheel and if you want to play the second mode you have to swap sides.

It could be you can keep the rivet in the board but you still have to remove it from the wheel.

It might be okay but it seems like such a clunky solution - the normal point of those rivet things is a one and done.

it could be that the rivet part is redundant and you can “make do” but it’s not the best look for a game that’s so classically simple.


Thanks @yashima


Happy that it has found a new home where I am sure it will find more time on the table :slight_smile: