Last game you bought?

5-Minute Mystery, real-time, co-op, what’s not to love?

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Yeah that’s a fun one.

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With my girlfriend less likely to have the time to play board games over the next few months, I thought I better something up to solo. Picked up the Marvel Champions core box with the hope it would hit the spot. So far, very impressed with how it plays. A surprising amount of replayability in the initial set.


Brian Boru: High King of Ireland, saw it cheap (ish) on book depository, and it’s a game I was watching out for a bit.


Still true about the core set, but I feel like I’ve fallen down a Marvel Champions rabbit hole. Far too easy to spend money on this game. Is there a group round here for recovering LCG players?

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I’ve got all of it. It’s great. Does that help?


This pleasingly small box has arrived today


Not my bank balance, but I’m loving the game. Glad you’re still enjoying it after buying it all. Really hoping for some X-Men stuff soon.


Before my exercising on Saturday, I saw Long Shot: The Dice Game pop up on a shop almost in realtime (I had looked at it a bit earlier in the day and accidentally reloaded the page), and by the time I was done exercising an hour later all the copies were gone.

I was also looking at the new Terra Mystica Automa box that had just arrived at another one of my usual OLGS and put it in my cart to check later if they had anything else I wanted to get to “free shipping” and then I had dinner and by the time I got back… all the copies of the Automa box were gone.

So around midnight on Saturday I ordered the Automa box from another place that still had some–initially I thought to wait until I had time to go to FLGS… but Satuday was FOMO inducing…

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We don’t do that kind of thing here. We’re kinda more the opposite…


I’ve also got nearly all of it. It’s really good.

Every new hero pack seems to add something worthwhile.

Is this helping?


Ha, I guess? My girlfriend got me the Red Skull expansion, so far I’ve played as Hawkeye and Spider-Woman but not touched the scenarios yet. Got a handful of hero packs and the next expansion on the way now. Hopefully that’ll last me a bit!


@Deviates is tonight’s game of choice helping?


Well, not games per se, but I just ordered the three expansions for Everdell, Pearlbrook, Bellfaire and Spirecrest. My FLGS has all three in French.

I couldn’t help it. The base game is pure joy and the expansions look so well put together…


They are now here! All components punched out and bagged, and wow, there’s a lot of stuff in there, ranging from the insanely cool though unnecessary new critters to play as (bringing it up to 11) to new cards, mechanics and boards.

All of it is GORGEOUS (I am unreasonably excited about the fact that I can put a saddle on a large creature and put one of my small ones on it) and the storage solutions in the boxes are great.

Wonderful production, now all that’s left is to learn and play.


Spirecrest is definitely my favourite Everdell expansion. And not just because you can get a big critter for your small critter to ride :grin:



Today I learned that Spinal Tap is in the Everdell universe. Or vice-versa.


Just got my shipping notice from Restoration Games for the two Marvel Unmatched sets. Sadly, if I had ordered them separately, I would already have Redemption Row, as it arrived to their warehouse on time, whereas Hell’s Kitchen turned out to be in a container still at sea at the time. Finally got to their warehouse a little over a week ago, and I have been (im)patiently waiting ever since.


Just read through the Everdell: Pearlbrook manual. Some quick thoughts:

  1. For such a simple ruleset, this looks to add a lot of new possibilities and strategies.

  2. I could legit read some fiction in that world. Love the universe.

  3. They have a platypus pirate. :grin::grin: