Nandi refuses to believe Burgess has been or will ever be nice. Obviously, they’ve had “issues” - or will have in the future…
If there are issues, it’s cos Nandi is getting paid for it, not Burgess …
Sounds like someone still ain’t done paying for it…
OK! We’re all set up and start with
Round 1
Normally I do a full status dump like this at the start of each round, but feel free to ask whenever you want one.
player | goal |
COMaestro | 0 |
Chewy77 | 0 |
DJCT | 0 |
Scribbs | 0 |
gmwhite999 | 0 |
deck: 10
Wanted: Helen [Immoral Bounty to Newhope, Georgia (Apprehend/Kill 1, Botch)] [$2600]
Wanted: Jesse [Bounty to Londinium, White Sun (Apprehend/Kill 1, Botch)] [$2600]
Wanted: The Fixer [Bounty to Ariel, White Sun (Apprehend/Kill 1, Botch)] [$3000]
Amnon Duul deck: 40
Amnon Duul discard:
Hot cargo for cold settlers [Smuggling from Silverhold, Heinlein (Misbehave 2/2 CO) to Newhope, Georgia (2 CO)] [$2500, Medic +400] [Needs ] [Remove Disrguntled from all Moral Crew.] (AD)
Feeding Alliance fat cats [Shipping from Harvest, Red Sun (2 CA) to Bellerophon, White Sun (2 CA)] [$1300, Companion +500] [Needs ] (AD)
Miner transport: Dragon’s Egg [Legal Transport from Space Bazaar, Red Sun (PA, no limit) to Dragon’s Egg, Blue Sun (PA, no limit)] [$200/P, Medic +400] [Needs ] (AD)
Contract jumper [Illegal Piracy on Any Rival (3 Inactive Jobs/Warrant)] [$800/J] [Boarding Test 6] (AD)
Badger deck: 40
Badger discard:
Gravy train’s a’comin’ [Crime at Deadwood, Blue Sun (Misbehave 3)] [$3600] [Needs ] [Needs: TRANSPORT] (B)
Pilfer, purloin and plunder [Illegal Piracy on Any Rival (6 Goods/Kill 1, Warrant)] [$200/G] [Boarding Test 6] (B)
Delaying the dive [Crime at Aphrodite, Murphy (Misbehave 2)] [$500, $500/Talk, Grifter +500] [Needs ] (B)
Harken deck: 40
Harken discard:
Lord Harrow deck: 25
Lord Harrow discard:
Magistrate Higgins deck: 25
Magistrate Higgins discard:
Mingo+Fanty deck: 25
Mingo+Fanty discard:
Mr Universe deck: 25
Mr Universe discard:
Niska deck: 40
Niska discard:
A message from Niska [Illegal Piracy on Rival not Solid with Niska (All Goods/Kill 1, Warrant)] [$200/G] [Boarding Test 6] (N)
Taking candy from babies [Immoral Crime at Brisingamen, Himinbjorg (Misbehave 3)] [$3500] [Needs ] (N)
Patience deck: 40
Patience discard:
Range war: Jiangyin [Crime at Jiangyin, Red Sun (Misbehave 2)] [$1000, $300/Fight, Soldier +300] [Needs: FIREARM, TRANSPORT] (P)
deck: 80
Alliance Space deck: 60
Border Space deck: 60
Rim Space deck: 60
Beaumonde deck: 22
Beaumonde discard:
Roberta ($300, , , Companion, Fake ID, Make Nice: You May Discard Roberta instead of losing Solid Rep with a Contact.) (C-B)
Jayne’s Holdout Pistol ($500, , Firearm, May be used in Kosherized fights. Does not count towards Gear Limit.) (G-B)
Labor Contract: Regina ($500, From any location, you may use a Buy Action to Hire 1 Crew from the Regina Discard Pile for free.) (G-B)
Meridian deck: 22
Meridian discard:
Love Bot ($1200, , Companion, You may use an Action on your turn to Remove Disgruntled from a Crew.) (G-M)
Fruity Oaty Bar ($100, Discard before rolling to add +1 to any test result. -OR- Discard to remove Disgruntled from the owner.) (G-M)
Cortland ($300, , , Mechanic, Soldier, Laws Are For the Poor: May pay Bribes before any Test. Bribes may not be used in [SHOWDOWNS].) (C-M)
Osiris deck: 38
Osiris discard:
Med Foam ($300, Discard to count as having made a successful Medic Check.) (G-O)
Expanded Crew Quarters ($600, +3 to Ship’s Max Crew.) (SU-O)
Hyper-Efficient Radion Accelerator Mark III ($800, Range 4. No fuel required to Initiate Full Burn.) (DC-O)
Persephone deck: 41
Persephone discard:
Gun Hand ($100, , Merc, Expendable: When Killed, discard instead of Removing from Play.) (C-P)
Dobson’s Vector Pistol ($600, , Firearm, May be used in Kosherized Fights. Does not count towards Gear Limit.) (G-P)
Bree ($200, , :shield, Mechanic, Black Market Ties: May sell Parts to any Solid Contact for $300.) (C-P)
Regina deck: 38
Regina discard:
The Specialist ($300, , , :shield, Soldier, Firearm, Sniper Rifle, Wet Work: May not Carry Gear.) (C-R)
Crow’s Knife ($200, Discard for ) (G-R)
Mag-Grappler Launchers ($800, +3 for Boarding Tests. After Salvage Ops, Roll: 8 1-7: Nothing Shiny. 8+ Take 1 Ship Upgrade from any discard pile.) (SU-R)
Silverhold deck: 39
Silverhold discard:
Glucklich Jia 642X ($800, , Firearm, Sniper Rifle) (G-S)
Jayne ($300, , :shield, Merc, Public Relations: May Carry 3 Gear.) (C-S)
Explosive Charge ($400, Discard for , Discard for Explosives) (G-S)
Space Bazaar deck: 41
Space Bazaar discard:
Hastily Forged Documents ($400, Discard for , Discard for Fake ID) (G-SB)
Xunsu Emergency Ram Jets ($600, Discard and use an Action to Initiate a Full Burn. May be used in addition to a standard Move Action.) (SU-SB)
Cry Baby ($400, When in a Sector with Alliance Cruiser, discard to ignore Alliance Cruiser’s effects and move the Cruiser 1 Sector within Alliance Space.) (SU-SB)
YCTtS deck: 21
Chewy77 hand: 3
Chewy77 status:
Marco and Esmeralda
(cargo 12 stash 6f crew 5 upgrades 2 special fugitives on board cannot be seized by the Alliance)
Graviton Accelerator V1 (Range: 5. 1 Fuel to initiate Full Burn. When initiating a Full Burn, Spend 1 additional Fuel to increase your Max Range by 2 this turn.) (DC-YT)
Caravan Pods ($400, Cargo 2. May only hold Passengers/Fugitives. +1 to Ship’s Max Crew.) (SU-YT)
Full Mess Deck ($400, During a Fly Action, you may discard a Cargo or Contraband to remove Disgruntled from all your Crew.) (SU-YT)
cash and reputation:
active jobs:
hold: (pp) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…)
pods: (…) (…)
stash: {f} {f} {f} {f} {f} {f}
crew and gear:
Marco (, , Transport, Gun Runner: You may Buy Gear with the “Explosives” or “Firearm” Keywords at half price.) (L-YT)
Scribbs hand: 3
Scribbs status:
Mal and Serenity
(cargo 8 stash 4 crew 6 upgrades 3)
Radion Accelerator Mark I (5)
Sky Hook ($600, Transport, Requires Pilot to use. After completing a Crime Job, Load 1 Contraband.) (SU-YT)
cash and reputation:
active jobs:
hold: (pp) (ff) (ff) (ff) (…) (…) (…) (…)
stash: (…) (…) (…) (…)
crew and gear:
Malcolm ($500, , , Moral, Pilot, Soldier, Brown Coat: When you complete a Crime Job, take $500.) (L-YT)
COMaestro hand: 3
COMaestro status:
Murphy and Yun Qi
(cargo 8 stash 4 crew 6 upgrades 3)
Radion Accelerator Mark I (5)
Fully Equipped Med Bay ($600, May re-roll Medic Checks.) (SU-YT)
cash and reputation:
active jobs:
hold: (pp) (ff) (ff) (ff) (…) (…) (…) (…)
stash: (…) (…) (…) (…)
crew and gear:
Murphy (, , Moral, Mechanic, Medic, Trade Baron: Whenever you sell Cargo or Contraband to a Contact, take an extra $100 each.) (L-YT)
DJCT hand: 3
DJCT status:
Burgess and Bonanza
(cargo 8 stash 4 crew 6 upgrades 3)
Radion Accelerator Mark I (5)
Exterior Cargo Pods ($600, 2 Additional Cargo Hold areas.) (SU-YT)
cash and reputation:
active jobs:
hold: (pp) (ff) (ff) (ff) (…) (…) (…) (…)
pods: (…) (…)
stash: (…) (…) (…) (…)
crew and gear:
Burgess (, , , Fancy Duds, Taker: When you complete a Shipping Job, Load 1 Cargo.) (L-YT)
gmwhite999 hand: 3
gmwhite999 status:
Nandi and Bonnie Mae
(cargo 8 stash 4 crew 6 upgrades 3)
Radion Accelerator Mark I (5)
Caravan Pods ($400, 2 Additional Cargo Hold areas. May only hold Passengers/Fugitives. +1 to Ship’s Max Crew.) (SU-YT)
cash and reputation:
active jobs:
hold: (pp) (ff) (ff) (ff) (…) (…) (…) (…)
pods: (…) (…)
stash: (…) (…) (…) (…)
crew and gear:
Nandi (, , Moral, Companion, Heart of Gold: May Hire Crew at no cost.) (L-YT)
And the first to play is
Turn 1.1 Marco and Esmeralda @Chewy77
so please let me know your two actions…
(Empty hold spaces normally have two slots in them, shown as dot dot; they’ve been expanded to an ellipsis. Will fix that next time.)
I may have missed it. What is the pp and ff in our holds?
Edit: oh, f is for fuel, right? And p passengers?
pp is two Parts; ff is two Fuel. Each of them takes up half a hold slot (and can be mixed); other things take up a whole slot. This example:
would be recorded as (ff) (ff) (..) (pp) (CA) (CA) (CA) (CA).
Got it, thanks. I was half right.
Ok, I am going to hop to the Priam/Ithaca sector and try to recruit some crew, perhaps?
Perhaps not in that order?
Where you are now, Regina, is a supply planet - so you can take a Buy action there. “Regina discard” shows the face-up things you can buy, and if you don’t fancy those you can consider cards off the top of the deck.
You can’t Buy if you aren’t at a supply planet.
With the discard piles, can we only take from them in top down order - and in Regina’s case is The Specialist the top card?
Ok, so I will check from the top of the deck, none of those are that useful to me now…
No, the entire discard pile is available to choose from. (This is why in the physical game Buying can get quite time-consuming.)
OK. This is public, because the cards will either be visible in your layout (if you buy them) or on the discard pile (if you don’t).
“Buy at Regina, three off the deck.”
Concealed Smuggling Compartments ($1000, 2 Additional Stash areas. Up to 2 Crew Onboard Ship may ignore Alliance Wanted Crew rolls.) (SU-R)
Onboard Chop Shop ($1600, After any Salvage Op, take $500 and Load 1 Contraband.) (SU-R)
Sheriff Bourne ($0, , Moral, Lawman, Jurisdiction: + while in Border Space. Bounty Bonus: +$500. Will not work Illegal Jobs.) (C-R)
So the first two are Ship Upgrades: you attach them to one of your 2 upgrade slots (though they are currently occupied by the Full Mess Deck and the Caravan Pods, so you’d have to discard them if you did that).
- Alliance Wanted Crew rolls are made when you encounter the Cruiser or the Operative’s Corvette; if things go badly, wanted crew members can be arrested and eliminated from the game. (Cruiser, 1 in 6 for each; Corvette, one is arrested automatically.)
- Salvage Op is a keyword that shows up on some Nav cards.
- Bounty Bonus: if the Sheriff is on your crew when you turn in a Bounty, you get $500 more.
So what, if anything, would you like to buy out of those three?
(And, once that is done, what would you like for your second action, which can’t be Buy again? One approach often used in the early game is Work/Makework, getting you $200 for future Buys.)
I will take Sheriff Bourne and discard the other 2. And I will hop to the Ithaca-Priam sector if that is ok. I believe the Sheriff does not cost any money to recruit?
Correct, the $0 is Bourne’s hiring cost (as well as what you pay him per job). The two Ship Upgrades go on the Regina discard pile and are available to the next player who shops there.
So in terms of game actions that’s “Buy at Regina; three off the top” followed by “Fly: Mosey to Ithaca”.
No offence intended to Chewy77, but this is clearly a game that can take a while. (Both PBF, with time zones and such, and in person.) Obviously things get faster as one learns the system. In the PBF games I’ve run on BGG, generally players try to put in some conditional orders, such as: “If I’m still alone at Persephone, makework for $200 then buy three off the top” and sometimes I can run two or three player-turns in a batch.
Turn 1.2 Mal and Serenity @Scribbs
Apologies on my delay, we’ve been out and about most of the weekend with my daughters as my partner was away in Hamilton for her studies(damned kiwi quarantines working to keep Covid at bay, we still have normal lives here ).
Buy at Osiris - three new cards please.
Then mosey one space towards Londinium.
1.2.1 Buy at Osiris
Osiris draw is:
Inara ($300, , Moral, Companion, Fancy Duds, Ambassador: May re-roll Tests.) (C-O)
Helmsman ($200, , Moral, Pilot, Alliance Training: Counts as Solid with Harken.) (C-O)
Med Foam ($300, Discard to count as having made a successful Medic Check.) (G-O)
1.2.2 Fly/Mosey
If your Fly were an uncertain action (e.g. you did a Full Burn which would call for potentially hazardous nav cards), or someone else were waiting to Buy at Osiris I’d hold until you had bought things, but in this case I’ll leave you to finish that while I continue on to
Turn 1.3 Murphy and Yun Qi @COMaestro
(with “Scribbs finishes the Buy” on the to-be-resolved-later stack.)
I’ll add both Inara and the Helmsman to my crew please, -$500.
I will take Roberta off the discard, then draw 2 from the top.
Then I will mosey towards Londonium