Firefly PBF game 1

burgess and the bonanza please if it is me next

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@gmwhite999 to make the last pick – and then to pick a starting location.

(Since many games start with a bit of shopping, a supply planet is a traditional starting point. You can’t start in the same sector as another ship.)

I shall take Nandi to captain the Bonnie Mae, please - and she will start in Persephone. May not be the best place to start but nice and central, can buy/supply and lots of options to travel. Is Badger a separate planet in the same sector, or are they both on the same world - and thus do not require any movement between them?

Badger is a contact for work, located on Persephone, so no movement would be required.

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Yup. The other “dual” planets are Amnon Duul / Space Bazaar and Fanty+Mingo / Beaumonde. (And the resolution of movement is no finer than the sector level.)

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So next is @DJCT to place Bonanza.

I’m a big fan of bazaars, so can I start at the space bazaar. No idea if that makes sense!

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And Murphy and Yun Qi go to Beaumonde.

@Scribbs to place, then Chewy77.

While the turn sequence is rigid, there are occasional out-of-turn calls - generally to the previous player. (E.g. if you draw a Nav Card that moves the Cruiser, Corvette or Reavers, the “player to your right” decides just how they move.) I’m entirely happy to keep track of conditional orders for these situations.

Similarly, if you’re a long way from other players and you don’t think there’ll be much interaction, I can store a conditional order for you in order to keep things moving.

Ways you interact with other players in this game:

  • buying things and taking jobs they want
  • doing Piracy jobs on them
  • hiring away their Disgruntled crew
  • bounty-hunting their Wanted crew
  • moving the NPC ships (I visualise this as sharing rumours - “they’ve been seen over Harvest way, better stay clear”)

I’ll start on Osiris please.

And @Chewy77:

No idea where it would be good, but I remember Mr Universe and Patience from the movie/series. Red Zone seems risky, so maybe Athens?

Athens gets you jobs (from Patience) but not the chance to buy Gear and hire Crew. Regina’s not a bad choice in that area. And the edge planets (Beaumonde, Meridian) have better supply decks but of course are further from places you might want to go.

Regina has a nice ring to it. Please can you put my ship there?

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Right! Added nametags to the ships too.

I am, with moderate arbitrariness, choosing the King of All Londinium story card. (I’ll put this at the top of the thread too, for reference.)

The goals need to be completed in order; to do goal #1, you need to pass two Misbehave cards (the red-and-white icons), then pass a Negotiate check, getting at least 6 and preferably 9 on d6 plus your total Negotiate. First player to do goal #3 wins the game!

The next step is starting jobs. You get one job from each of the five core contacts (Harken, Amnon Duul, Patience, Badger, Niska; I list them in that order because that’s generally increasing difficulty and danger). You need to discard down to your three-unstarted-job limit. Since your un-started jobs are secret from other players, I’ll send those out shortly in direct messages; you can tell me your discards either in that message or in this thread, as they’ll become public.


I should talk about the anatomy of a Job card. Here’s one chosen at random.

Salisbury Steaks [Smuggling from Athens, Georgia (4 CO) to Salisbury, Kalidasa (Misbehave 2/4 CO)] [$2800, Medic +400] [Good Deeds] (P)

It’s a smuggling job from Patience (the P at the end). You need to go to Athens and use a Work action to load 4 contraband; then you go to Salisbury, Misbehave twice, and unload 4 contraband. (You can do other things in between; it’s often good to have multiple jobs if you’re crossing the map. And it doesn’t have to be the same contraband. But beware - if you lose the goods you need to finish a job, you’re stuck with that job until you get them from somewhere, and you can’t just casually buy them.)

When you complete this, you’ll be paid $2,800, out of which you should pay your crew shares. If you have a Medic, you’ll get another $400. “Good Deeds” is a tag that expands to: do not pay moral crew for this job, do not disgruntle unpaid moral crew. (Feel free to ask me about tags.)

Some jobs also have Needs, as:

Takes my breath away [Immoral Crime at Hera, Murphy (Misbehave 3)] [$3500, Mechanic +1 Part] [Needs: TRANSPORT] (B)

At the moment you Work the Job, you must have a Transport keyword. (It’s OK to use a “discard for Transport” card such as “Fast Horses” to satisfy a Need, but you don’t get to use it for the Misbehaves too.) Note that this is a one-part job: you go to the place, you do the thing, you get the money.

(Well, you attempt 3 Misbehave cards, and the first 2 go really well, then the last one is… eh, we’ll come to that.)


I am discarding these two:

Miner transport: Dragon’s Egg [Legal Transport from Space Bazaar, Red Sun (PA, no limit) to Dragon’s Egg, Blue Sun (PA, no limit)] [$200/P, Medic +400] [Needs :gun::gun::gun:] (AD)

Taking candy from babies [Immoral Crime at Brisingamen, Himinbjorg (Misbehave 3)] [$3500] [Needs :gun::wrench::speech_balloon:]] (N)

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Nandi discards these two jobs:

  • Gravy train’s a’comin’ [Crime at Deadwood, Blue Sun (Misbehave 3)] [$3600] [Needs :wrench::wrench::wrench:] [Needs: TRANSPORT] (B)
  • A message from Niska [Illegal Piracy on Rival not Solid with Niska (All Goods/Kill 1, Warrant)] [$200/G] [Boarding Test 6] (N)

Since it came up elsewhere: CArgo, COntraband, PAssengers, FUgitives; on your ship card I’ll also use f for fuel and p for parts (since they each fit in just half a cargo slot). Odd combinations may turn into markup, as (P) turned into § in the job cards; I’ll fix those when I spot them.

Piracy jobs require you to do a Work action in the space where the target (player) ship is – a boarding test is Tech or Negotiate, boarder’s choice, followed by a Showdown (each side picks their best skill and adds a d6). Win = get first result (“All Goods” in the example above, i.e. you take all fuel, parts, cargo and contraband not in their stash); lose or tie = second result (in that example, kill 1 of your crew and get a warrant). Showdowns are also how you capture wanted characters out of someone else’s crew. The morality of Piracy jobs is “subjective” – if the target leader is Moral, the job is Immoral, and vice versa.

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Burgess discards these cos he’s nice

Delaying the dive [Crime at Aphrodite, Murphy (Misbehave 2)] [$500, $500/Talk, Grifter +500] [Needs :speech_balloon::speech_balloon:] (B)

Contract jumper [Illegal Piracy on Any Rival (3 Inactive Jobs/Warrant)] [$800/J] [Boarding Test 6] (AD)