Firefly PBF game 1

1.3.1 Buy at Beaumonde

Roberta ($300, :gun:, :speech_balloon::speech_balloon:, Companion, Fake ID, Make Nice: You May Discard Roberta instead of losing Solid Rep with a Contact.) (C-B)
Barkeep ($200, :gun:, :speech_balloon:, :shield:, Grifter, Good Times: Giving your Crew Shore Leave at Supply Planets is free.) (C-B)
Billiards Betting ($500, GAMBLING. When you Buy this card, roll two dice. Take $100 times the total of the dice and discard this card.) (G-B)

(That :shield: is what I’m using for the Alliance badge indicating a warrant, i.e. that person can be arrested if you come into contact with the Cruiser or Corvette.)

1.3.2 Fly/Mosey

Note that moseying all the way to Londinium will take you 7 turns, which might be about a third of the whole game.

Turn 1.4 Burgess and Bonanza @DJCT

I will hire Roberta and take Billiards Betting for a total of $800.

I assume the dice are d6?

@RogerBW asked for a die roll:
Correct (with the open-ended up on a 6). Billiards Betting activates immediately.
2d6: 2 + 1 = 3

Bad luck this time, roll up roll up everyone’s a winner. (You may in a future turn Buy that card again from the Beaumonde discard pile.)

Bah, damn loaded dice. Never gambling at that establishment again!

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So if I am getting this right, buy at space bazaar, three off the top, then fly towards sihnon

1.4.1 Buy at Space Bazaar

Scrapper ($200, :wrench:, Pilot, Dirty Leech: +2 Fuel from Salvage Ops.) (C-SB)
Enforcer ($200, :gun:, Merc, Intimidating: + :speech_balloon: When Carrying a Firearm.) (C-SB)
Tracey ($100, :gun:, :speech_balloon:, :shield:, Grifter, Unlucky: Whenever a Crew is Killed, Tracey must be Killed first.) (C-SB)

1.4.2 Fly

Is that a Mosey towards Sihnon (which would leave you in the empty space between Gonghe and Space Bazaar, or the one below it, with no risk or fuel use) or a Full Burn?

Can you remind me, how do I replenish fuel?

Also - can I buy all three of those cards?

As a result I may change my second action!

Sorry to be a pain!

No problem.

  • You buy fuel and parts as part of a Buy action at a Supply Planet - just say “X fuel and Y parts”. Fuel is $100 per, parts $300. Forgetting to do this as part of your Buy is entirely normal.
  • You may only buy at most two of the cards you Consider.
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Ok so then I shall buy enforcer and Tracy and 2 fuel if possible, then I want to take these contracts from Aamon Dul

Hot cargo for cold settlers [Smuggling from Silverhold, Heinlein (Misbehave 2/2 CO) to Newhope, Georgia (2 CO)] [$2500, Medic +400] [Needs :gun::gun:] [Remove Disrguntled from all Moral Crew.] (AD)
Feeding Alliance fat cats [Shipping from Harvest, Red Sun (2 CA) to Bellerophon, White Sun (2 CA)] [$1300, Companion +500] [Needs :speech_balloon::speech_balloon:] (AD)

Leaving the flying for next turn

OK. Scrapper and Tracey cost you $300, + 2 fuel is $500 total spent.

Your action 2 is thus a Deal with Amnon Duul - this works just like a Buy, consider 3 keep 2, so if you like you can turn over another card off the deck, then take a maximum of 2 of them into your hand. You will need to discard jobs to the hand limit of 3.

As I’m out for a few hours tonight and may not be able to check in often, here are Nandi’s plans for Round 1.

Action 1: Buy (Definite). Draw the top card from the Persephone Deck and consider that with Dobson’s Vector Pistol and Bree in that discard pile.

Action 2: Fly (Provisional, pending purchases). Since none of the boys want to take any risks, I shall. Full Burn Persephone to Londinium, which I believe is four spaces via Pelorum, then “SW” to the empty sector, then to Sihnon and then finally to Londinium.


Actually if I can I’ll attempt to full burn to Persephone

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OK, you haven’t yet turned over any new cards, so I’m happy for that to change.

1.4.2 Fly, Full Burn

Full Burn initiatied, one fuel used.

You have a choice of routes. NW into the blue space, then N and N to Persephone, is shorter and mostly safer, but risks losing your wanted crew to Alliance interference. N N N N W through Border space is longer and more dangerous. At this point I’d probably go for the inner route, so that’s what I’m assuming you’ll do.

(Note that you needn’t actually commit to a route except one space at a time, or you can do it privately to me as GM - because the player to your right, COMaestro in this case, may be able to put obstacles in your way if they know where you’re going.)

Enhanced Enforcement [–Place an Alliance Alert Token in every Sector occupied by an Outlaw Ship. --Keep Flying.] Right now you’re the only Outlaw Ship in the game. So the token goes in your current sector, NW of Space Bazaar. Next time someone moves into that sector, there’s a die roll – on a 1 they call down the Alliance Cruiser on them
The Big Black [Keep Flying!]
Cruiser Patrol [–Player to your right must move Alliance Cruiser 1 Sector within Alliance Space. --Keep Flying.]

@COMaestro, where would you like the Cruiser to move from its current spot at Londinium?

Wherever it is, that won’t affect Nandi, so

1.5.1 Buy at Persephone

Dobson’s Vector Pistol ($600, :gun:, Firearm, May be used in Kosherized Fights. Does not count towards Gear Limit.) (G-P)
Bree ($200, :wrench::wrench:, :shield:, Mechanic, Black Market Ties: May sell Parts to any Solid Contact for $300.) (C-P)
Scrapper ($200, :wrench:, Mechanic, Low Life Vulture: +1 Part from Salvage Ops.) (C-P)

@gmwhite999 to take action #2.

Nandi will recruit Bree (for free) and buy Dobson’s Vector Pistol for $600. Then plans to fly to Londonium full burn - but will wait to see what happens to Burgess first.

What happens if I move the cruiser onto Scribbs?

He would get a Cruiser Encounter, which right now would do him no harm - because he has nothing illegal on board.

@Lordof1 has expressed an interest in joining - if so I’ll drop him in as player 6.

Then it can just go up to Bernadette.

So we’re back to @gmwhite999 's action 2.

The Bonnie Mae will full burn to Londinium, via the above route.