Boardgame and collection stats

Kings Dilemma designer also designed lost legacy. I don’t tend to follow designers, but I was slightly surprised more Knizia than the rest.


Knizia just has so many games…

Do we want a thread about collection stats? Now that so many have newly discovered geekgroup I am sure there is lots of fun to be had.


We have derailed our consumption thread.


Perhaps all those posts could be split into a new thread?


Putting this in this thread out of shame and not to derail Last Bought.

Sold 3 and 1 is El Dorado stand alone exp, so it should 50


TIL: lalunaverde owns more Knizia games everyone else… combined, included Reiner Knizia


So you have at least three copies of El Grande??


No. It shows that I rated three. But I dont own all three. Weird that they do that

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What are you using to get these stats?


BGG has a similar thing: Profile → Stats → Games Owned by Designer. It doesn’t give an actual count, though, and it includes expansions and things on the trade list, so e.g. Darwin Kastle is hugely overrepresented because I own a lot of Star Realms. In terms of actual different games I think it may be Steve Jackson (Chez *, Illuminati, Ogre, Zombie Dice) who’s the only designer by whom I have more than about two distinct games. Oh, no – Aaron Dill/Sean Sweigart/John Kovaleski, for Firefly, Star Trek Ascendancy and Homeland.

Bad enough that expansions are included by default. My standard metric for collection size in BGG is “board games, exclude board game expansions, owned, not for trade” which is 146 items, but in the summary it shows 398 owned plus 236 owned expansions…

I think Family gets used for some things but not very widely. Do most people think in terms of individual games? What about expandalones like Among the Stars: Revival or the various Villainous boxes?

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I don’t count them if the original game is included. e.g. Owning El Dorado and El Dorado: Golden Temples only counts as 1

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This is a fun one:


I flogged Fallout unplayed. Someone on here said it was the least enjoyable gaming experience they had ever had.


Was that me?

No, someone else wasn’t a fan either.

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I don’t log plays. What android apps do people use that would sync with BGG if it was something I decided to start doing?

I was going to do that, but I didn’t want to highlight my critical take on games people like. The biggest positive disparity is perhaps a nicer metric, but that also proved uninteresting. Mine was Innovation, of course.

This may be terribly dull, but a web browser. The new design is quite usable on mobile devices.

My higher ratings than the consensus are predictable if you know me: Red7, Leaving Earth, Flash Point, The Resistance. Though I’m now thinking about doing a podcast segment on “forgotten gems” – Xenon Profiteer, Senators, Pirate 21.

Apparently I really hated Space Base the first time I played it, though I don’t now remember why.

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