Boardgame and collection stats

Straight on to BGG? I’d never fire up my laptop to log a play, but a couple of clicks on a phone seems much more reasonable.

Heh. My most common is also Knizia, but only because I own 23 games each by a different designer, and TWO Knizia games (Lost Cities and High Society).

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The doctor rules my collection too, daylight second. Ok, its actually Phil Walker-Harding second.

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I use the BGG rating categories as a metric of my enjoyment, rather than what I think of the objective quality of the game. I can totally see why people like The Mind, for example, and actually quite enjoy watching other people play. However, it relies so much on eye contact and reading non-verbal communication cues that I find it intensely stressful to play myself.

My biggest positive disparities are Mysterium (9 Vs 7.3) and Red November (8 Vs 6.3)


I use BG stats on Android


I dislike the way standalone expansions are listed. For me they expand the base game. Would also be solved with a Franchise field. El Dorado is 2 games in my collection one of which will forever remain listed as unplayed.

@Captbnut: like @Whistle_Pig I also use Bgstats on Android to track my plays. I used to sometimes enter plays on BGG directly but the Bgstats app is faster and syncs to BGG for you. I like the app.

I also do this. It really helps to remember that a 10 means: will always want to play this, propose playing this and expect this to remain that way forever. I also semi-regularly rerank my games. For me ratings help knowing what I am needing to list for trade or donation.

Right now I have a lot of games that I have not been able to experience with more than 2 players that I am reasonably sure will fall to rating 7 but since I will definitely propose playing them to get plays in to figure out where they go they are listed at 7.5.

Anything below 7 should reasonably leave the collection in my opinion unless a heavy dose of nostalgia is involved.


This part is why I never rank anything as a 10 :laughing:

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I currently have 6 games listed with a 10. I am unsure about one of them. I was recently unsure about another one of them but then had occasion to play a solo of its younger sibling and now I am sure that the Terra Mystica Franchise is still all the way up there. The one I am currently unsure is Gloomhaven (there are reasons we haven’t played in a while)

Ps the 0.96 before update is due to my downranking of Bios Genesis after I failed to learn it. Possibly I did this for another game at some point or one of my older games that never had a play logged despite being played.

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I find the difference between my average first and second ratings interesting. We do have quite a few games that have grown on me after repeated plays.

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I use the unofficial BGG app that you have to install by apk. You can read about it here:

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That’s the badger. It was a pain before the Great Redesign, but it’s not bad at all now.

(For various technical and personal reasons I don’t use paid apps or ones that require Google Services.)

Same here. I am not Quinns and I don’t need to worry about a games company going bust because I give a negative review; at the same time I accept that my tastes are only loosely correlated with those of the mass of BGG users. In other words, my ratings are for me, and perhaps for people who are deciding what games to bring to my house.


Agree with you guys. My ratings are for my benefit. I totally dont follow BGG recommended suggestions :sweat_smile:


My ratings are an accurate reflection of only one thing:

the number I typed when filling out the ratings section of that game.


I really should rank stuff in BGG. If only so I can get more stats …


I simply don’t track plays as I can’t think of anything useful I’d do with it.


I appreciate that it breaks out games from expansions, unlike BGG’s own stats (though I agree standalone expansions should still count as expansions - I think my own stats would probably be down around 100 games owned if that were the case. as it is, 135).

It thinks my most owned designer is Brad Talton of L99 because it counts like four or five separate BattleCON releases and six different Pixel Tactics releases as separate games when they are not. In actuality, it’s Vital Lacerda at seven distinct games. Next after that, Vlaada at 5. (He didn’t turn up because it turns out I forgot to add Mage Knight and Space Alert to my collection. Whoops.) Pretty much everyone else is 3 or less and not infrequently that’s still counting standalone sets of the same game. I follow Lacerda because I find his design style immediately distinctive and desirable. Most of the rest of the time I’m not tracking designers too heavily, I’m either into the collective output of the company to date (Level 99, Mindclash so far), or the particular design appeals.

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As far as I am aware BGG suggests rating games for how much you personally enjoy them. My ratings are absolutely subjective and I may even recognize that a game is objectively pretty good but if I don’t enjoy it… it won’t get a good rating.

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ah I see. Then yes, I rate them like so. GWT got a middle rating as there’s nothing wrong with it. But it’s just not my style of game.

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I find the BGG suggestion for what each rating means quite helpful to start with :slight_smile:

  • 10 - Outstanding. Always want to play and expect this will never change.
  • 9 - Excellent game. Always want to play it.
  • 8 - Very good game. I like to play. Probably I’ll suggest it and will never turn down a game.
  • 7 - Good game, usually willing to play.
  • 6 - Ok game, some fun or challenge at least, will play sporadically if in the right mood.
  • 5 - Average game, slightly boring, take it or leave it.
  • 4 - Not so good, it doesn’t get me but could be talked into it on occasion.
  • 3 - Likely won’t play this again although could be convinced. Bad.
  • 2 - Extremely annoying game, won’t play this ever again.
  • 1 - Defies description of a game. You won’t catch me dead playing this. Clearly broken.

My biggest disparity (a 4 for game with an average rating of 8.6) caused the designer to get in touch with me via BGG. To give him credit, it seemed he was looking for sincere feedback, and when we (well, me, but my partner would want credit for identifying it) pointed out a potentially game-breaking issue with one of the scenarios, he seemed to take it on board with good grace.