BGB and SU&SD Draft the BGG Top 100 | AwSHUX 2021

Yes, but mainly as I already had Lisboa on the list. Gallerist always makes me think I’d rather play Lisboa. It’s not bad necessarily but not as good to me. Possibly because I played Lisboa first :man_shrugging: On Mars I need to play again. It might have suffered from a difficult second play under long covid conditions and then pandemic lag to a third play which still hasn’t happened 2 years later. Rebellion would also be out side in being a sort of asymmetric wargame inspired thing. I don’t know if it’d get old but it is interesting to me currently.


I admit I enjoy the destruction, for the tactical value:

My 6 would be:
Brass: Lancashire
Architects of the West Kingdom
Sleeping Gods
Star Wars: Imperial Assault.

And my destroyed games:
Puerto Rico
7 Wonders
Viticulture (tactical, get my 3rd favourite worker placement game out of the way)
Great Western Trail
Dune Imperium
Lost Ruins of Arnak


The destruction feels like it relies on understanding other people really well and a small group for it to be effective, part of its point is to be a troll. Also you end up with nonsense like Pandemic S2 staying ahead of Pandemic S1!

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Out of the remaining list, I have only played 9 (yet own 4 others). So my list of these would be:

Imperial Assault
Marvel Champions
Lost Ruins of Arnak
Lords of Waterdeep
7 Wonders Duel

Then, my destroy list (aka - how to be a d**k list)
Power Grid
Great Western Trail
Brass: Lancaster


Seeing the video, Ava proposes to get rid of all the other decent coops as they have taken Spirit Island, hence why the nonsensical Pandemic Season 2 was funny in a way. What I did not agree with was to get rid of Gloomhaven so they get left with JOTL, I think I would have eliminated JOTL for the fun of having to take the big box.

In my destroyed list there are games that I am not so keen on, or that I think suffer from a lot of cult of the new ( I didn’t include Wingspan because I haven’t played it, but I was close to include it. Same for Ark Nova, which out of nowher all the Terraforming Mars fans are catapulting it to 11 overall) plus a game that I love, Viticulture, and they are bringing a new crowdfunding on it, so not so terrible to get rid of.


My pick was Ava and Kellen mostly because Spirit Island carries the rest of the list :smiley: Burgundy and Quacks are solid. And I would absolutely like to try Mageknight. Patchwork is good. Not that I need a 2 playergame in my collection. I wouldn‘t find anyone to playTwilight Imperium I think… but I would try it… Tom and Mark‘s list is too heavy on the one side but would have been my second pick or maybe third. Quinns‘ destroyed list is pretty awesome.

Of the remaining Games my list would be:

  • Lost Ruins of Arnak
  • Blood Rage
  • Pax Pamir 2
  • The Crew Mission Deep Sea
  • Decrypto
  • Clank! Legacy (a really fun deck builder and such a good legacy game)

If expansions were allowed (the rules in the video said the game was „barebones“) I would pick Dune Imperium over Lost Ruins, but these days possibly due to more exposure I prefer the Arnak base game over Dune Imp-I think. It is a really hard pick and I am glad in reality I have both in my collection with expansions.

Pax Pamir 2 is my „event game“, another candidate is On Mars because I recently got to play and when I do not play On Mars I start convincing myself it is too complex and it doesn‘t work. But when I play it I am reminded how the the rules really come together to form a beautiful game that works better than it should.

I still have not played Ark Nova. But it might be a candidate.

I cannot fathom why Quinns would pick KDM when he was also thinking about Blood Rage. In that spot I had Architects of the West Kingdom first but I wanted some drafting and minis to round out the collection :stuck_out_tongue:

In that format „duplicates“ of games should be merged and then you wouldn‘t have 3rd and 4th edition of something or 2 different Panda Legs. There would only be 1 Crew etc. Just saying. But see above, I am glad they didn‘t so I can have the better Crew.


From the remainder, I would choose:

Fields of Arle
Aeon’s End
Architects of the West Kingdom
Lords of Waterdeep

I would destroy nothing, because that seems like a rude thing to do.