Anyone cravin' some Gloomhaven

Ah yes, I remember that one. We just recently got it too. It seems like a good effect though it depends on the alternatives you have in that spot. If you are using a lot of AoE it may work out though the self harm adds up especially with fragile classes. We sold it for these reasons, Invisible on the cloak is just so good to have.

Yeah, the one-time invisibility in a scenario has saved my bacon more than once.

As a level 9 Angry Face I have more than enough HP to sacrifice some every now and then, but whether adding +1 attack to a single attack (which regularly are 5/6 base damage) is worth it, I’m not sure at this point. As you say it’s probably better for AOEs rather than single attacks.

Back to Gloomhaven tonight and Scenario #39 Treacherous Divide after a week off. One of the players started a new Two Mini, which exhausted in 3 rounds leaving the rest of the scenario to the other 3 of us. No problem for a level 9 Angry Face and his supporting cast :wink:

I did manage to draw an amazing combo of: draw attack modifier, add a target, kill an enemy, move a doom, draw attack modifier, add a target, kill an enemy, move a doom, draw attack modifier.

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After another week off, last night we completed Scenario #90 Demonic Rift.

It was a fairly straight-forward scenario as we managed to negate one of the main scenario effects by some tactical positioning on turn 1.

Our Music-Note “retired” at the end of the scenario. Well, truthfully he isn’t having fun playing the class and his retirement goal involves re-playing three scenarios and then starting another quest chain (to unlock a character which we’ve already unlocked) so we just hand-waved the whole retirement thing. I don’t think he gets on with “support” classes so he’s going back to his first love, the Scoundrel.

It’s at this point I think it’s finally time to retire my Angry Face. The class is still so much fun at level 9 but I long ago stopped caring about XP, battle-goals and gold. I’m also itching to unlock Lightning-Bolt and play something vastly different. So three of us are going back to Scenario #17 Lost Island to murder some Vermlings.

If all goes well, that will mean our Two-Mini also retires, which might finally mean we can try Scenario #72 Oozing Grove which we’ve been putting off due to the party composition. It’s going to be interesting starting a new character at level 7 though!

Edit (no more than 3 posts in a row): Last night we went back to Scenario #17 Lost Island to murder some Vermlings. I also happened to draw the battle goal requiring me to kill at least 5 enemies which was a nice coincidence!

Since both Angry Face and Two-Mini were retiring we weren’t particularly bothered about gold so we let our Spears hoover up as much as they could, which turned out to be 140!

So with that my Angry Face is retired and replaced by Lightning which looks very different to what I’m used to. Our Two-Mini has become a Spellweaver and our Music-Note has become a Scoundrel once more. The next scenario will be interesting for sure!


Music Note is one of the strongest classes though, so sick. And you can play it as a damage dealer because it has one of the best attack modifier decks in the game :slight_smile:

Our Music Note started as support with a ton of curses into a damage dealer which made enemies attack each other (and they drew from his deck) :smiley:

Ah these were the easy times :smiley:

I started Angry Face now. Was a close call between Angry Face and Saw. We have a Sun and a Three Spears, so Saw would have been excellent there but I really wanted to play a ranged damage dealer. I am trying to go for a build which utilizes the doom which allows my dooms to jump from one enemy to another after they die. For that I want to play the 2 doom at the same time card. But with the permanent advantage for attacks on doomed enemies it means that I have 2 setup turns at the beginning of every scenario. My team mates won’t be that happy I guess :smiley:

We played 1 scenario (#77 Vault of Secrets) and it was not too bad. I mean I almost died on turn 2 (having some bad luck) but afterwards it went smoothly. Our group looks very different now because 3 new characters: Sun, Elementalist, Angry Face. Only Three Spears stayed.

Our Elementalist isn’t super happy with the character right now, I hope she figures that character out. We already had another player abandon the Elementalist after 2-3 scenarios :man_shrugging:

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Our Scoundel hasn’t made the best choices when playing the Cthulhu and Music-note. When playing the Music-note he took a hand full of songs and never played a single attack in entire scenarios, just endlessly swapping songs, occasionally cursing and collecting XP. :thinking:

I think you’ll really enjoy that build of Angry Face, that’s the exact same build I played :slight_smile:

I played the Lightning-bolt solo scenario yesterday to get a feeling for the character before our next session. It’s interesting…

I’m now five scenarios into my solo campaign, and enjoying it a lot more than playing with other people :laughing:
This might be because I am not “keeper of the rules”, which I was finding quite stressful because everyone else kept interrupting my train of thought for clarifications. It might also be because I have co-opted the table in the conservatory so I don’t keep having to pack everything away and get it out again :+1:

I’m playing a tinkerer and a cragheart, both of which I’m enjoying more than the brute I was playing in our group campaign. Looking forward to lots more Gloomhaven!


When my husband and I first started, we were the tinkerer and cragheart and had a good time with them. Our first few characters, he would retire two for every one of mine it seemed, so I think I got the Tinkerer all the way from level 1 to 9 and played it alongside his sun after the cragheart.


Lightning Bolt is the only class we haven’t unlocked yet though it is one of the personal goals right now.

Our Music note rarely changed songs, the retaliate song was just so good. Usually I am not a big fan of that ability but ranged retaliate was crazy. That and cursing a lot was what they did all the time before they changed their playstyle. It was very effective. Very effective :smiley: Such a silly class.

@Whistle_Pig I felt let down by the Tinkerer to be honest and was glad to be the first to retire. In comparison to other characters the Tinkerer feels pretty weak. Healing is nice but killing stuff is a better way of healing :smiley: And that was my experience in a 4p group where you need more healing than in 2p. But I also have to say that starting with lvl5 the character began to be more fun. I just retired then :smiley: I just took a look at his cards again and they don’t feel that amazing but I remember why lvl5 was fun :slight_smile:

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I healed some with my Tinkerer but it wasn’t the focus of my build. Mine was all about my “pets” or my my little mechanical summonses that did most of the work. Items helped boost that build significantly, so it took a lot of planning. It also got better with a little luck when one random item we got helped some then a second helped some more, but it was good and lots of fun even without those.

I still kind of miss my Tinkerer with the pets and I’m on my third character since then.

It’s interesting seeing what people think are the most broken songs for Music Note. There’s a bunch of different opinions. I ended up rocking shield and perma-disadvantage or, at level 9, +1 damage to every attack + perma-disadvantage most of the time. Part of the benefit of the disadvantage song is that the vast majority of the songs don’t affect the Soothsinger, but giving the enemies disadvantage protects everyone, including you. I also was doing a lot of stabbing by the end, routinely rocking 7+ damage hits, although I had to be careful because still very squishy.

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Right, I had another go last night soloing scenario #23 with my level 7 Tinker and my level 4 Summoner.
At level 5, that scenario feel like a ride on Kevin Costner’s horse at the opening of Dances with Wolves. The difference is the bloody antique guns hardly ever miss. And they pack the hell of a punch.
Even with a cannon fodder shield with all the Summoners creatures, having to split to activate both switches at the end gave my Tinker no hope of making it past the final door, let alone getting in the final room on her side.
At least I got a good bunch of XPs for my Summoner, and my Tinker achieved her mission task of killing the first monster, but other than that, that’s all I got out of that walloping. Either I review their cards next time to get more running abilities (which I think neither of them really has that many, I think) or I will have to go other ways for a while and try later with different characters.


Aren’t we supposed to divide by four for the level? Taking just the average character level makes things a bit difficult we found…


Actually, you are right, I had not played for a while, at level 5 scenario is overkill, I forgot to divide by 2 the average level (5.5) :man_facepalming:


Last night was the first scenario for our new party #79 Lost Temple.

It looked a bit tricky at the start but with several high DPS classes it actually turned out to be easier than we thought.

I’m just about getting to grips with Lightning - it does really help having a stamina potion just in case I do mess up!

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We’re about two missions away from retiring the diviner, hopefully by the end of the month if everything goes smoothly. Just in time for a week or three break before (hopefully) jaws of the lion arrives.

Look forward to playing the diviner with the updated cards when they available but it’s been a bit of a grind out of the box. Maybe built badly, who knows.

I’d love to try lightening, but don’t think I’ll have time until Frosthaven comes out.

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Our group organiser told us that Frosthaven has been delayed which frankly I’m OK with. We’ve still got a lot of Gloomhaven to get through and that’s before we even start on Forgotten Circles. It’d be nice to have a bit of a break :laughing:

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I believe it has, although I live in New Zealand, so am likely to get my copy before youuuu! =P.

But yes, we’re all looking forward to a break / something different at the moment. We’ve largely finished with gloomhaven, and are just trying to finish Forgotten Circles for the sake of completeness. It’s definitely worth a go if your groups not tied of gloomhaven though.

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I’m enjoying it while we’re in lockdown as it means I don’t have to do a 50 mile round trip to a friend’s house after work and we can play on TTS instead :wink:


I found keeping track on TTS and in the game copy to be a lot of hassle… and we only played on TTS once before our friends’ son couldn’t help himself and bought his own copy :slight_smile: If I were running a TTS only campaign that would be different, the TTS mod is really so good.

As for playing the paper copy. We’re having a heat wave and even thinking of carrying that box over to our dining table is making me tired…

I do want to get my Cthuluface to level 9 though…

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