Anyone cravin' some Gloomhaven

Last night we played scenario #91 Wild Melee

It was an interesting scenario, but in the end not that challenging and my Angry Face just hoovered up some pennies in the final room.

After the scenario our Cthulhu retired to become a Music Note and our Moon retired to become a Three Spears. It’ll be interesting to see how this affects our party composition going forwards.

Music note seems like the anti-Cthulhu which pleases me. Three spears seems more utility than Moon, but also seems a bit more tanky.

We also hit prosperity 6 so there are some more items in the shop!


After turning level 7 with Cthulu, I decided he had to go max level before I retire him. But it did take me all those levels to find the big “look at what I can do” thing.

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The Angry Face gets a bit mad at level 8 so I’m excited to get there and spend some time at level 9. I’m also eager to unlock Lightning and actually have some scenarios left to play them!

I’m trying to kill Vermlings but I’m fairly certain we’ve done all the scenarios that feature them. Fingers crossed for some side scenarios or maybe replaying some past ones.

May I suggest “The Lanista” as a title? :wink:

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Oh I like that one :smiley:

It is clever!

“The Lanista” would be a nice title @RossM

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:grinning: it shall be done…

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Thanks to you and to @Boydesian :slight_smile:


Meh, I do what I can. :innocent:

Not much to report from last night’s scenario other than I managed to kill 9 of the 15 monsters I need for my retirement. I don’t think I’ll be able to kill the remaining 6 without replaying a scenario, but at least it’s in my control.


After some time doing side quests we’re now back on our way with the campaign. Last night was #37 Doom Trench.

Having just hit level 8 my Angry Face really shifts into a higher gear. In fact I was able to earn as much XP in the scenario as the Music Note who basically gets free XP :joy:

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Last night was #38 Slave Pens and it was horrific.

This scenario is an escort quest where the character you’re escorting just runs towards the final room, opening doors and springing traps. He doesn’t attack enemies when he gets there, nor on the way. At one point he got down to 1hp and was miles ahead of us with 4 enemies around him.

About halfway through we thought it was all over. I managed to help turn it around by burning some of my good loss cards and just taking hits with my Angry Face. It’s not what he’s meant to do, I have no defensive items but I do have a large hand size. I was prepared to exhaust just to keep everyone else in the fight. Fairly low XP as a result but at least we don’t have to do the scenario again. I’ve almost got enough gold to re-enhance a card.

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We played some scenarios during the last weeks, mostly side scenarios.

In scenario #78 Sacrifice Pit we had to rescue a kidnapped civilian. Sounded easy but some unlucky draws made it really close in the end. But that was another interesting twist on the standard “kill all enemies” scenario.

Scenario #73 Rockslide Ridge we did for the town record guy. That was pretty difficult. with all the rocks. Ancient Artillery in a good position can really screw you over. It was close that we lost that one, 3 of our 4 characters were just hanging in there with some few hitpoints.

Then we did scenario #94 Vermling Nest because one of us needs to kill a lot of Vermlings. Was one of the easier scenarios we did during the last months. Since we increased the difficulty to 6 some enemies with high retaliate & high shield really cause problems in certain situations. But that’s mainly because of Two Minis to be fair. Going back to Vermlings felt nice there, they just die so easily :smiley:

Now we have in most story lines only boss battles left. We go for one of them next because for another character we have to do scenarios in different regions. That will be a fun battle I guess!


We’ve managed to play another scenario yester-noon. In #33 we decided to help the dragon get his treasure back. We managed pretty well using “lots” of stuns to prevent the Savvas from summoning too many demons.

One question regarding #33: there is like no clue where to go with the treasure, is there? Have we overlooked something? No new scenario opens up…

As my Cthulu Face is level 8 now, I can now do everything–it seems: poison, curse, heal, confuse, stun, ignore shields, fly. It took a few levels to get there but it’s going to be really hard to start over…

Experience-wise, I have only 2 or 3 more scenarios to go until level 9. Since I retired my Spellweaver at level 6 or 7 this will be my first ever max level character. My retirement quest is also ready to be finished whenever I feel like it :slight_smile: I am waiting for level 9 and prosperity 4 (only 2 more checkmarks on that)

My partner’s Sun is also coming along nicely. I think he’s level 4 now and finally got a bit of equipment to help him out, except for that one thing: we’ve had a two “you need to get to the exit” scenarios recently and he’s so slooooow.


We played Scenario #47 Lair of the Unseeing Eye on Monday and for a 4-player, level 4 scenario actually completed it in under two hours!

It does help when you have two high damage dealers to do silly damage to the boss while a room fell on the other party members :joy:

I finally reached level 9 with my Angry Face, which I’ve not done before with any other characters (though I got close with the Cragheart). I’ll give it a few more scenarios before I think about pushing for retirement. Our Sun retires next scenario which may change the party composition but will at least mean we’re not doing level 5 scenarios for too long!

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We played Scenario #48 Shadow Weald with our full lvl9 group. We play on hard, so difficulty 6 right now.

This was a hard and pretty annoying scenario, especially because we had 1 summon. The boss always disappears after a melee attack and respawns just before their next turn. They also have a huge movement range, so we ended up moving in 1 corner and hoping the boss won’t hit us and then attack them next turn before they disappear again. But twice we got unlucky and they went super fast with initiative 11 and 14, so all our lined up attacks missed. Also it was very difficult to move the summon out of the way, so that needed some neat tricks to make our plan work. But in the end it worked out well, after we killed all the other enemies, survived the first rounds and understood what we needed to do to win.

Now 3 characters retired at once! Our group will be very different, only the Three Spears stays. But we didn’t have time to do the retiring and looking at new characters, so no idea what we will choose. The Cthulhu chose the Sun now, that’s for sure.

I either go with the Saw which I unlocked or with the Angry Face which looks really interesting too.


I really missed my Cragheart when we played that scenario!


Haha, so funny because our (ex-) Cragheart said exactly the same. I as the Eclipse had to serve as invisible obstacles twice :smiley:


We completed Scenario 85 Sun Temple last night. It had an interesting start and being the first level 5 scenario we’ve done in a while it got a little tricky by the end.

Our Sun class retired to start his second Two-Mini and he has plans to absolutely break the class with certain items, which I’m not sure I’m that keen on.

I got a free cloak from a City Event, so that’s nice. Not sure if I’ll choose it over my Invisibility Cloak tho :slightly_smiling_face:

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Did you get the Fleabitten Shawl?

It was the Sacrificial Robes.