Anyone cravin' some Gloomhaven

I didn’t do anything… maybe it’s a new version?

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Had a go last night at scenario #64 The Underwater Lagoon. Very much in the need of having another part of the map out of the way for my Summoner to retire, and to find lurkers for my tinkerer to retire… but there were no lurkers. Never mind, played it, struggled, cleared it on the very last turn of my summoner (helped by the tinkerer summoned bot to take all the damage from the last elite fairy). It is interesting that knowing how many of her cards have to be lost once used, I am being more conservative playing her, and the last two scenarios she has been the one to last to the very end.
Got everything but the treasure chest (I keep thinking extra movement is something I need to invest on), and heaps of XPs. So much so that now my summoner is level 4 and my tinkerer is just on the verge of turning level 8. The next scenario is going to be a slaughter…

Original thread now linked above.


So last night we did scenario #31. We’re back to level 4 scenarios now that we’re all level 6+. This one proved to be a little challenging but we managed it in the end thanks to some invisibility and high damage output from Moon and Angry Face. This seems to be a theme for most scenarios :joy:

My battle goal was to make sure there was a monster on the map at the start of every round. That wasn’t a problem in the first and second room as our Sun had the battle goal to open a door. As we worked through the enemies in the second room I got a bit nervous and went and stood by the door to the third room, waiting for a good time to open it and find out what was inside.

Fortunately there was a monster that just wouldn’t die (we called him a ‘Legendary’ monster) which let everyone shuffle a bit closer to the door to the final room and then I opened it. I find it’s sometimes a tricky balance between battlegoal and helping the team.

Our Cthulhu for example had the battlegoal to not go below half HP, so just stood outside the final room and let us all die :thinking:

I levelled up to 7 at the end of this scenario and with the two checks from the battle goal earned another perk. The Sun and Moon also both levelled so the entire party is level 7. I can definitely feel the enemies getting more challenging!


I find that I usually want to win the scenario more than I want to get my battle goal. Especially at level 7 with a previously retired character and 9 checkmarks (aka 3 improvements) but that was also true when my deck was still bad. I just don’t like repeating scenarios… I tend to go all in on the “don’t loot anything” as it gives 2 checkmarks and not looting endears me to my partner. Of course then I have to be twice as “looty” at other times so it balances out.

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I’ve been lucky recently with the “only take short/long rests”, “be the first to kill a monster”, “kill an elite monster” and “use all your items X times” battle goals as they largely don’t affect the rest of the team.

I wouldn’t ordinarily take the “ensure there are always monsters on the board” card but my other option was “loot the treasure tile” and while I was close, the Moon just waltzed in and took it in the end :laughing:

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We tried with the list of additional battle goals and rolling a d100 last game and it was a disaster. I got 2 things that were basically impossible to do. I don’t even remember. I do try and choose something that gets me a checkmark but we had a few unlucky road and city events that cost us checkmarks and at some point I just stopped caring as much. While I like the idea of how it would sow a bit of chaos and disrupt the purely cooperative gameplay, in practice it doesn’t work for us that way–not for me anyway.

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The worst one is that one where you should just take long rests all scenario. WTF?? Who was the genius that thought that would be fun?? After I level up decently, I hardly ever do a long break.

As the owner of a Minor and Major Stamina potion, it normally takes a while for me to rest at all. It is nice to get your items refreshed however with a long rest.

I have a certain ear ring that kind of fixes that problem, too.

My partner likes to take that one and then comes up with weird excuses why he has to do that. Funny are also the people who take the one for only short rests and when they are short on hitpoints refuse to use the round to heal…

As I said, I like the idea of the battle goals just the reality of them is often frustrating.

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I don’t think I have seen that one yet… I’d be happy with that, given to a character with plenty of cards, that is…

We played our first digital 4 player Gloomhaven last night and it went well all things considered.
We had a bit of trouble with the hitpoints on the player character standees not matching our levels and it was a bit fiddly and while I liked the idea of using flat hex tiles for the monsters the additional information on the standees was worth more than the hassle the standees cause when you place them and they fall over…

I particularly like the opening of doors and discovering new rooms…

Here’s a screenshot of us fighting

Map Spoilers for Scenario #24 & Cthulu + Sun Standee

We didn’t get the treasure but Cthulu single-handedly ended the scenario with the 6 hex loss jump and boots and then opening the last 2 doors in one giant leap. Reminder: winning condition was opening a lot of doors… it was close because he needed to move exactly 8 hexes and there were monsters all around… he had put himself in position in the previous round by opening another 2 doors and then turning invisible facing of a horde of slimes–that we ignored completely.

Thanks @RogerBW for the spoiler tags :slight_smile:


Do you use Gloomhaven Helper parallel to TTS? That helps a lot to cut down on additional down time.

Did you figure out how to put your standee’s max hp to your current level? If not I could explain.


No, we didn’t yet because last night I had to play Wingspan :smiley: (also TTS)
I’d be grateful to figure out that part…

We have used the scripting from the module for initiative and everything. Normally we use the helper app on the tablet. Is there a way to connect the helper to the TTS? Because most of the time is lost calculating what exactly the monsters do (combining their base values with their attack card while my co-players talk on teamspeak and break my concentration)

Glad to see you made it over @Boronian! Let me know if you want a title!

You can’t connect the app to TTS but you can set up the scenario and just draw the attack cards in the app and not in TTS. Therefore you don’t have to do the calulcating you mentioned.

You can keep track of health in TTS because you just click on the standees to adapt it. The scenario level is adjusted on the party group sheet on the left side of the table.

For your character’s max hp:

@RossM Thanks for welcoming me :slight_smile: I have no idea for a title right now to be honest :thinking:


Also something I only found out after some hours: If you set a monster’s hp to 0 and then click on defeat it transforms itself into a coin. Super neat!


I saw that in the Frosthaven stream that Matt did, I’ve never seen it in our TTS Gloomhaven mod. I will have to have a look on Monday.

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It was complicated to do it before.

You had to delete the monster, create a coin (I saved one in objects to have it go faster) and put the coin where the monster was.

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We usually have a stack of coins next to the play area (along with a stack of my Angry Face tokens for reasons) so it’s not normally too bad, but the new mechanism looks a lot nicer.

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