Anticipated games

I saw this yesterday and my first thought was: just how deep will the monetization go here?

Cynical? Maybe. I hope I’m wrong.


I haven’t played Subnautica… so I have no idea what it is going to end up being like.

I haven’t listened to Writing Excuses recently, so I don’t feel like I “know” Sanderson like I used to these days. But back when I listened to ALL the episodes, he didn’t feel like the kind of person that would condone such a thing.

But then the company formerly (a long long time ago) making the coolest games ever (according to me) unleashed Diablo Immmortal upon the world…


I guess that’s my source of cynicism here. I don’t know much about either of the main creators but your thoughts on Sanderson ring consistent with other comments, and it seems like Subnautica was a proper, get-what-you-pay-for affair. High hopes from that perspective!

Still, things moved fast towards the pay-2-pay model across the entire VG space and I can’t avoid thinking about how many novel ways a horrible bloodsucker might bilk people for new paint shaders and alt “sculpts” and even whole new figures. [EDIT!: Which is to say I’m not sure how many hands are in this one with respect to publisher, etc.]

It sure doesn’t help my perception when they’re emulating what is already one of the most predatory game “formats” in the BG space.

Still, that trailer is pure fire. I’ll wait and see. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I used to listen to that podcast nigh-religiously. Sanderson was, in my opinion, the weakest part of it, but that’s not a bad thing: he’s still very good at his craft.

But I stopped listening years ago.

I’m with both of you on the “Yeah, no” sorta feel to this. But hey, I’ve been wrong before, and apparently The Reckoners is pretty good (perhaps not as good as it is expensive, but the friend I have who owns it really likes it).


So Knizia gets another reprint, this time Dream Factory becomes Nightmare Productions

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One for @yashima?


I intend to be at Essen, with a car. I’d be happy to bring back a copy or two for forumites.


I thought the Spanish edition Hollywood Golden Age was v cool, but not as good as the other Knizia auction titles to warrant the big-*** box. Would be keen if it’s smaller though


I think it’s a half depth TTR box from the looks of Dice Tower review

Yes please!!!


Speaking of which, it is to indulge Mary that the two of us are co-designing this year’s new train game, Dinosaur Gauge , which is a pick-up-and-devour game about dino shipping magnates and dino industrialists and dino railroad tycoons and dino airline operators adapting to the shrinking of the Western Interior Seaway while manipulating the stomp market.

So, yeah. I really like Amabel Holland’s train designs. And this has DINOSAURS.


Well, I’m sold!


I think I heard somewhere that at her partner’s request, Amabel agreed to do dinosaur rethemes of all of her games.


Incredibly based and dinosaur-pilled


I’m sure that could be a thing for more games generally. I’ll open with:

The Lord of the Rings: Dinosauron


Spirit Island: Unleash the Dinosaurs.

Every fear level you get unleashes more dinosaurs, that you move with the beasts tokens. You win the game when your T-Rex stamps out the last settlement


It’s like they’re reaching into my wallet.
Comics and a board game!


From Yellow & Yangtze to HUANG | BoardGameGeek News | BoardGameGeek

If you missed out on Yellow & Yangtze and want a copy, it seems that Phalanx will reprint it. I’m happy with my Grail Games edition so far


More of a wish than an anticipation, but after watching the No Rolls Barred gang play Wonderland’s War, I must say it looks like a TON of fun and I want a French language version so bad!

Pleaaaaaaaase! :pleading_face:


Just found out Knizia has done a dexterity game, and now I want it - Viking See-Saw | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

Available at Spiel and coming to KS later

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