Anticipated games

Thanks for the heads-up, I should have backed it for 1€ just to get the updates -.-
I actually read KS update emails most of the time–while gamefound just sends a link which I never click on.

Fingers crossed for An Infamous Traffic 2E!


Longshot: The Dice Game looks like dumb fun.

Can anyone put me off?


Looks like legitimate fun.

The only thing holding me back from chasing down a copy is how fiddly it looks. The clunky pieces on the tight board, and tracking money with dry-erase.

I think it’ll also suffer from the “7 Wonders” problem. It’s simple, but not simple enough to put in front of a table of non-gamers.

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Nah, it’s just a small game. Get a hat go to the races…

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Yeah, I’m also looking at Longshot, just not in stock anywhere at the moment.

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Money tracking will immediately be outsourced to Poker Chips


I have it on pre order. Should be arriving soon

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Well, y’all made me buy it.

There’s a USA to UK group buy going on so I’ve asked for the Barnes and Noble version to be added to that.


The guy who designed Kitara and the publisher who made Res Arcana got together to make a game:

I first saw this mentioned on some Dice Tower thing… and it looked really sweet.

Now someone wrote a review about it: First Empires - A deLIGHTful experience | First Empires

Really hope this makes it to Essen, and hopefully so will I. As I would definitely want to play before I buy as it looks deceptively simple. Roll dice, move explorers on the worldmap and advance civ tracks…

I mean I sold Res Arcana recently and never actually managed to play/buy Kitara… but just look at the candy colors in this game…



It’s fun. My partner and I don’t get into fighting games and we had a good time with it. It’s quite simple and really tight and you can assign a lot of bad things to crap dice rolls so it never feels too bad if it goes wrong.

One thing that I will say is that for 2 players the colours you use are orange and yellow only. The other colours are only used in larger player count games.

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Wait. …Wait.

The Marvel Champions April Fool’s announcement… wasn’t an April Fools and they’re actually releasing it?

Next hero pack: Spider-Ham. Yes. From Into the Spider-Verse. That one. As a playable hero. Yes. With cartoon physics to absorb damage and a cartoon mallet. They’re actually doing it.


They learned their lesson from Barkham Horror: people are going to want the joke product, so just make it for real.


I gather games workshop announced the return of Squats as well…

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But they just look like short Space Marines rather than biker mechanic vibe they used to have!

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They do not look like Space Dwarves.

Which is weird.

Didn’t they nuke, virus bomb and do everything to erase the squats?

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40k Meme

I thought they were on the ‘accepted’ list with Ratlings and Ogryns?

They also got ravaged by one of the Tyranid Hive Fleets. Behemoth? Leviathan? I can’t remember.

The last time I paid attention to 40k the Emperor was still asleep.

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