“I didn’t sniff it! Please let me sniff it.”
Looking around the room fruitlessly
“Why are you going around in circles?”
“I need a… a… a measure stick.”
“A ruler?”
“Yes. Thank you.”
“At least those birds have gone. It was getting like that Arthur Hitchcock film, what was it called?”
Rear Window, obviously.
Strangers on train?
Oh, Khonshu, what happened to you!?
peering at ground
“Is that an ear?”
Heard here, just now; in fact I might even have said it myself: “This is not Blue Velvet, and by the way, Isabella Rosselini is pushing seventy. And that’s norran ear, it’s an(other) slug.”
Send slugivores. Please. And coolth.
“…and then I kinda got roped into launching nuclear weapons.”
Always a bad day when that happens.
Playing a CIV videogame?
“Remember, Agile is not an Italian dish; it’s not like a lasagna”
Pondering agile lasagne. [runs away screaming and blistering]
Can we just have the normal kind? Please. (but quite a big serving)
“Jonathan’s got his Velcro balls out.”
On the BGG@SEA cruise. My wife overheard the following in an elevator between a couple in their 60’s:
If I see her number on your phone this week, I’m throwing it and you overboard.
Make sure your wife stays in the cabin if there’s a man overboard reported.
Reading my eight-year-old’s glowing report from school and feeling proud until he called down, ‘Daddy, I just accidentally got in the bath with my socks on.’