What are you watching?

From what I’ve seen, it’s a pretty faithful adaptation but I didn’t have all the manga. It was harder to find back then in the US. Back then I saw like the first four episodes on YouTube in like 5 minute chunks. Enough to know it was good. Like really seriously good. And I forgot about it.

When I saw it was added to Netflix I was all like
“- retracted swear word-YEAH!”

I haven’t shouted at a video like this in ages. Like I’ve known this character 5 minutes but I am 100% invested in their survival. It hooks ya hard.

Trivia! The first episode of the American show “Royal Pains” actually starts the exact way this anime does. Minus the murder stuff.


I really don’t understand the US way of having a mid-seaon break. Season 5 of Yellowstone paused on 1st of Jan and wont return until at least the summer for the 2nd half.

Why dont you just call it another series!?


You have to forgive USans. We grew up on 24-26 episode seasons. This notion of a “series” that lasts for less than half that is still new and frightening. A television season was 1 calendar year, starting around September and going for 9 months with a break over summer. There were mid-season replacement show that started around February and went for 13 episodes. Things are changing, but even with streaming shows, we still break them into seasons (even if they are short).

Famously (and perhaps apocryphally), this mismatch between UKan series and USan seasons was a point of contention in the making of The Prisoner.


I want to know how the UK can create a show with just 3 episodes and call that a series? I mean, that is not enough to even be called a miniseries in the US! :stuck_out_tongue:


I dont really mind how many episodes a season/series has, its more the breaking for 6 months in the middle? Why wouldn’t you film it all in one go, either waiting to release it all once filmed or at least continuing to film as the earlier episodes come out.


I guess if you’ve told a complete story in three episodes, what else donyou call it?


Extraordinary is brilliant. Extremely funny and inventive.


I think there is an issue with the format, and with budgets. The BBC (and any other UK producers) are used now to that kind of budget, where you do a longer episode of 45-50 minutes instead of 2 of 20 minutes + breaks. Rarely three episodes, normally most of those are 5 or 6 episodes (I’m thinking things like Luther, Sherlock…) They can that way squeeze it into just one season (as in weather season, Autumn, Pre - Christmas, Spring or Summer).

The long run shots that are normally more like US series of 20+ episodes per season are way well covered with Soap Operas like Coronation Street, Emmerdale, Eastenders and the like (is Holly Oaks still going?) which have a daily episode of that length (that’s 5x52 episodes plus Christmas Specials, I guess?. Add Home and Away from Australia, and you got covered most channels (the main 5 in UK TV). But who wants to watch that? Not me… I prefer the short series.

Now with the big streamers in play plus HBO (which has turned into sort of a stream system, btw) the format has sort of merged into a 10-12 episode format, with larger budgets, of the 45 mins to an hour length, which is sort of like filming 3-4 Hollywood movies? Which makes me thing that given actors and producers busy agendas, having a break for editing and so on must be a blessing, so the break comes in. I found it very confusing the first time (was it Vikings, perhaps?)

I must admit I like the three formats, but as long as the story is good, I prefer the newer 10 or so episode format, or the British 3-6 episode format for more serious stuff, and the longer US format for lighter material like comedy and so.


Yes! Started watching it the other night and ended up not stopping until I ran out of episodes. Very surprised that it came from Disney …


I don’t have the stamina for the long US-style seasons. If skipping episodes doesn’t matter, it’s fine – I can dip or not as the fancy takes me – but I can’t remember the last time I was willing to even start watching a typical long-form story-driven show made in the US (the last thing that springs to mind is “House”, which I watched for several seasons before giving up… but that one was mostly episodic).

Generally I consign US shows to the “let’s wait until the whole thing has finished and then decide whether we’re interested” bin. (Which is often also the “oh, good, everyone says the final season was bad; that’s another 50 hours of my life back” bin.)

Something which I know will be 3-6 hours, I can cope with.

(I’ve also tended to prefer films over TV for the past decade or so. I’m not sure what’s the cause and what’s the effect, but I imagine it’s all related.)


It’s shifted over time too – one of the reasons old Doctor Who was cancelled was that foreign broadcasters mostly didn’t have a 24-minute slot any more so they were less inclined to buy it.

(New Who is made to fit the 42-minute US TV hour.)


I have no problem with a 20+ episode season - West Wing is one of my favourite ever shows.

But what I dont like is a 6mth pause in the middle!! That’ll teach me to get up to date with a series…


Watching the prequels 1883 and 1923. The first was excellent. Slow moving but loved the characters.

Episodes 4-6 of season 2 of the Vox Machina cartoon (just out on Prime this week) are freaking EPIC.

It’s gone from a fun project for the fans to a really good show that stands on its own.

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I am going through the actual Youtube episodes while I do stuff at night (play on the laptop or prepare my D&D campaign) how far have they gone?

I am at episode 76 (so only Thordax left out of the Chroma Conclave, and they are in the City of Brass after the last of the Vestiges)

I haven’t watched the original campaign, so I don’t know how much might have changed ( a quick skim of the wiki suggests a big chunk of stuff is getting skipped here).

Episode 6 ends with them teleporting to the feywild after meeting the second sphinx.

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I think I started watching the original webseries at around ep80, so just after the Chroma Conclave. And let me tell you, if the Season 3 of the cartoon (that they’re making right now) is “after CC and up to the end of Campaign 1”, then it’s going to blow the first two seasons away. The story is awesome in those final eps of campaign 1, better than everything before it, and would make incredible tv.

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Oh, safe to watch for me then, I am way ahead of that. Cool, thanks!

Happy day! The rest of Monster has been released on Netflix!

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My partner is presently watching a programme by the name of “Gossip Girl” which, in accordance with the recent Wodehouse discussions, my brain immediately conflated with Honoria Glossop. So that’s now Glossop Girl.