Twilight Imperium 4th Edition: PBF GAME 1

I have passed (the Hope’s End and Mallice cards specify “end of turn” so I assume I do them after or immediately before passing).

It is @COMaestro’s turn.

I use my agent to copy the Xxcha’s agent and ready Ba’Kal.

Back to @Captbnut to both decide on his laws and take his turn.

I’ve picked my laws and I’m going to pass. Back to @COMaestro

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Yeah, but don’t you have to vote on who gets them? I mean, I’m assuming it’s you, but still you need to elect a player for both.

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For my turn, I will activate the Kraag system. I will exhaust Ba’Kal to build 4 destroyers (Saween Tools discount). I will also use the Scanlink Network to explore the planet.

Ah, yeah. I’ll elect myself for both

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Everyone else has passed, @COMaestro.

You can keep going until you decide you are done.

I’m tapped out. I pass. Barring whatever I get in exploring doesn’t have an ACTION involved with it.

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Okay, so that will take us to @Delwayne to put up the scoring conditions and to fire off the Yssaril exploration result, as well as give everyone their Action Cards.

The Titans will score the 2VPs for having 2 of each Tech colour… if @Captbnut, @COMaestro, @MIGHTYSploosh, @GabrielH, or @GeeBizzle know what you want to score for VPs already, you can post that (either now or after Delwayne puts the list up, no rush).

After that we’ll refresh our planets, allocate tokens, and move into the Agenda Phase!

(I’ll put one token each in Strategy and Tactics, thank you!)

I score 2 VP for Rule Distant Lands, as I control 2 planets adjacent to Winnu. And in my head canon, is where the Yssaril found their flagship. See, they WERE formerly Yssaril planets!

I will take my command tokens as 2 in tactics, 1 in strategy.

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I’ll have 2 tokens in tactics and one in strategy please

I don’t think I’ve scored anything - although I believe I spent 8 resources once this turn

Tragically, this doesn’t work…


It must be two different players who are not yourself (“other”).

(And yes, I do mean “tragically” because I sure-as-shootin’ know the next likely target for you to get a second planet adjacent to a different, other player…)

Just for clarity Captbnut, it doesn’t matter what you spend/do during the turn for the “Spend X”-style Objective cards: you must spend whatever it is on the objective card itself during the “Score Point” portion of the turn (which is right now).

If you wanted the “spend 8 resources” (“Build a Monument” I believe), you would need to spend 8 resources right now in order to score it.

Next turn I am going to try to score the “Spend 6 Resources, 6 Influence, and 6 Trade Goods” Objective: that means at the end of my turn I have to still have 6 unexhausted Resources, 6 unexhausted Influence (on different planets, because you can’t spend both Influence and Resource from the same planet unless you have a specific rule/card that says otherwise, and I don’t) and 6 Trade Goods by the end of the turn (or, if I take the Imperial Strategy card, which I probably won’t, but if I did, whenever I use the Primary of the Imperial which says “Score 1 Public Objective Immediately”, and I would have to spend those resources, influence, and Trade Goods at that moment precisely).

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I think I can do a 6, 6, 6.

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This card is poorly worded. Your interpretation should then read “Control a planet in or adjacent to two other players home systems.” That would mean two players and by default be two planets. I believe the intent is just to own two planets within or adjacent to another player’s home system.

@Delwayne, we are going to need a ruling on this.

EDIT - Found it on BGG, and Marx is correct. I wish I had understood the card correctly, as it would have likely changed my plays. Oh well.


Also, why in the latest map of the galaxy is there a random Ghost infantry in between their wormhole tile and the beta wormhole to the NW?

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I finally understand that now

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LoL, sorry about that… I was moving something and forgot to delete it.

Don’t think you want to pass yet.

while @COMaestro decides if he wants to turn in 3 fragments.
here is the final status of each player board and galaxy map.