Oh boy, do I feel a bit called out by this topic.
According to the geekgroup.app, I have 98 games on my Shelf of Shame (SOS…somehow appropriate…). I am not necessarily ashamed of my unplayed games, but it does make me a bit sad or disappointed. The games are scattered around, so there’s not a dedicated space for them or anything.
Some were gifts that I did not ask for, some are prizes from contests, but most are things I actively did purchase or ask for and received as gifts. Also note that I am not counting BGA plays, as I want my copy to be played, so I’m having to add a few games to this list since those games have BGA plays logged on BGG.
Complete list
Purchased or requested (72):
The Resistance
Exploding Kittens: NSFW Deck (Came with the standard game through the Kickstarter)
Five Tribes
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures
Battle Line
Catacombs & Castles
Survive: Space Attack!
Masque of the Red Death
Shadows: Amsterdam
Star Wars: X-Wing (Second Edition)
Shadows Over Camelot: The Card Game
Disney Villainous: Evil Comes Prepared
Bruxelles 1897
Risk: Star Wars Edition
Small World
Dungeon Lords
The Crew
Star Wars: Rebellion
Il Vecchio
Cutthroat Caverns
Once Upon a Time
Black Fleet
Maharaja: the Game of Palace Building in India
Tournament at Camelot
Dutch Blitz
Undaunted: Normandy
The Mind
Space Alert
Kemet: Blood and Sand
Stronghold: Undead
Brian Boru: High King of Scotland
The King is Dead: Second Edition
Night of the Ninja
Vast: The Mysterious Manor
Betrayal at House on the Hill: 3rd Edition
Horizons of Spirit Island (to be fair, I count this more as an expansion, but it is technically a standalone game)
Deep Sea Adventure
Mage Knight: Ultimate Edition
Knight Fall
War of the Ring: the Card Game
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood of Venice
Fall of Rome
Star Wars: Episode 1 - Clash of the LIghtsabers
Cthulhu: Death May Die
Floating Floors
War of the Ring: Second Edition
Deal with the Devil
Stephenson’s Rocket
Fief: France 1429
Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends
Android: Netrunner
Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn
Age of War
Raiders of Scythia
Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game
Batman: Everybody Lies
A Game of Thrones: B’Twixt
The Wolves
Non-requested Gifts (14):
Pairs in Pears
Codenames: Marvel
World Monuments
Exit - The Secret Lab
Evolution: the Beginning
Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion
ALIEN: Fate of the Nostromo
Godzilla: Tokyo Clash
Pandemic Legacy: Season 2
Pandemic Legacy: Season 0
Tokaido Duo
Disney: The Haunted Mansion - Call of the Spirits
Prizes or Giveaways (11):
Exploding Kittens: Recipes for Disaster
The Few and Cursed
A Game of Cat and Mouth
Lawyer Up
A Little Wordy
Maximum Apocalypse
Tacocat Spelled Backwards
Throw Throw Avocado
That’s a Question
Tusk!: Surviving the Ice Age
Math Trade (3):
Majesty: For the Realm
Detective Club
echoes: The Microchip
So the oldest game on here, according to the app, is The Resistance, though I think it is actually Once Upon a Time, which was purchased by my wife at a random game store we looked at when we were in a different section of town. Either way, both have gone unplayed for probably close to a decade. Why? Well, for the Resistance, I think it is because of player count. You need at least five players, and I don’t often have that many, and when I do, the fifth is usually my brother-in-law and I don’t think this type of game would appeal to him. Once Upon a Time, on the other hand, is just a bit too unstructured and requires a lot of creativity to play, which not everyone is comfortable with, including me from time to time.
What’s really hard to see is the average number of days on the SOS is 1,038 days. So almost three years! I should really get those older games played, that should help this statistic a lot!
I had a bad habit during the pandemic of indulging in retail therapy. I ordered a number of games online, and once our FLGS opened up again, I started purchasing a used game every couple of weeks. That definitely did not help my SOS. I used to also purchase games just because they were on a good sale, as long as I had the slightest interest in it. I have gotten a lot better at resisting this urge, but still fall victim to it occasionally, as some of my latest purchases can attest (Raiders of Scythia, Batman: Everybody Lies, A Game of Thrones: B’Twixt).
Overall, I find myself purchasing games that really interest me, even if there is doubt that I really have a group that will get it to the table. I have gotten somewhat better at this as well, recognizing that a given game will, for instance, not interest my wife, or requires too much time investment to be realistically feasible considering my kids, etc. If these issues change further down the road, I’ll either be able to pick up those games of interest then, or ones that have been released in the intervening time that are similar.
EDIT: And now I see @pillbox’s post and feel better about myself