Table presence is a really big factor for me. If it makes someone walking past the table want to stop and see what’s going on, that’s a win. Everdell wouldn’t be the same if it was beige.
Table presence can be size, but also potency of intense artwork. Here are some quick categories:
Games that are designed to be as pretty as possible, like
Everdell, Wingspan, Parks, Tokaido, Sunset Over Water, Canvas.
For unusual or pleasing shapes, like
Crash Octopus, the Azuls, Santorini, Forests of Pangaia / Photosynthesis, Mandala.
A big story is clearly going on, like
Sleeping Gods, Eldritch Horror, Fortune and Glory, Inis, Star Wars Rebellion or Outer Rim, Pax Pamir 2nd.
It’s just BIG on the table, like
Lisboa, A Feast For Odin, Rococo Deluxe, War for the Ring 2nd ed. (This doesn’t work for me if the big thing is just a factory - I’m not drawn in by Brass or Kanban EV).
On Deluxe things I don’t like too much plastic, and there’s loads of examples of crowdfunded games that cost hundreds because of unnecessary miniatures. Wood instead is good. Metal coins always good, clinky-clacky components in the hand are an upgrade I’ll usually be interested in.